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why is sentinel such garbage??????


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well I read this about 10 levels before I got to the fight. Finally fought it at lev 33 watchman spec. Unbelievably easy, no stims used, class only buff.


If you interrupt his spells you hardly take damage. Send Kira in first, force leap to interrupt his first spell, kick the next. Dots are ticking on him and he has not done damage. force choke next spell, kick the next, load up zen and he is dead.


Just giving my experience with this fight to put on the side of actually sentinels are fine.

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I agree. I totally regret choosing sentinel over guardian because I can't stop dying. The whole Darth Angral area was horrible and took forever because I keep dying. I just started Balmorra at level 34 and am getting slaughtered by the bugs in the very first zone. I've gone to the galactic trade market and bought epic gear, and still die all the friggen time. Dont give me that BS that I have no skill; I'm a casual player who wants to enjoy a game instead of cursing and yelling at my computer every few minutes. I played WoW for 6 years as a fury warrior, i.e. melee dps, and can't believe how this game is. I take so much damage and can't stay alive worth two cents. Bioware forgive my anger and frustration, but please do something.
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I can't believe how divided opinion is of this class. At lev 33 watchman I only die if really careless or get too cocky. Doing well in pvp too. Can't imagine playing anything but my sentinel. All I can say is that I make sure that botj my and my companions gear is very up to date. Works a charm.
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I'm L39 now. It's not like I feel this class is so unbalanced as to be unplayable, but it's very, very unforgiving compared with the other classes.


In the end, the entire conversation about sentinal shouldn't be "is player x better than player y," but rather "is sentinal as a class balanced, compared with all the other classes out there." i.e. on average, how does sentinal fare compared to the others.


I think I went from 34 to 38 without dying once... and when I ran into trouble it was due to 1) gear not being 100% up to date, and 2) minor mistakes (getting cocky and forgetting to pacifiy or ward an elite).


The whole point though - sentinal shouldn't be that unforgiving. I like that it's not a cakewalk - but the balance compared with the other classes is definitely off somewhere.


Sentinal isn't intended to be some Uber class that only the best of the best can play right. Balance is about law of averages.

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Class is fine, get good.


Problems with pvp? Get healer and tank to guard you, you are meele, what you expect?

Other than being only class with no Hard CC that lets us dps at the same time there are no issues.


Problems in PVE? obvius l2p issue, read the stickies and hope the knowledge can outcarry your lack of skill.

Edited by Maddoxtor
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Set is one of the few classes you need to know how to play in order to get the most out of them. My Set is 45 and I DESTROY EVERYTHING! Elites What? They are cannon fauder for me. A little speed bump that I go "hmm what was that and move on to the next mob. Multiple mobs I easily destroy. Story boss mobs a cake. Here are a couple of reasons why.


1) Keep you gear current. Set is very gear dependent if you gear is to low then you will have a hard time. Get off your lazy butt and get some gear.


2)Choose the right companion. I can't stress this enough have the right companion makes all the difference. Why make things harder then they have to be.


3)Choose the right spec. A lot of people are rolling combating right out of the gate. I did the same thing but when I made the switch to Watchman the power of the set came shining through.


4) L2P! WoW in general has made the average player LAZY they want to face roll everything and beat their chest screaming I HAVE THE POWER!! or something along those lines. I don't hold to the line of thought that it is unfair that to make it where Set have to work so hard to get the most out of them. In fact the work involved with a Set is mostly on the keeping gear current. Mods make that really easy though so people have no excuse. You want faceroll then WoW is the game for you. But if you don't mind putting some effort into Set it is a very satisfying experience that is not for the LAZY gamer. Sorry to say people that if you aren't destroying stuff you are doing something wrong and need to play a different class.


Set is my favorite class and I can't wait for endgame to see it really shine. But I think Offhand damage could be increased though would help a bunch as well.

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I to have found quests harder to solo with my sent/mara as opposed to my BH,Jugg. But I remember the wow arms warrior being the same way. However when I had a healer id take 3-4 players down. I think the sent/mara is a top notch party DPs but solo hes 2 steps down....rouge with no stealth. :rolleyes:
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Bad Damage.... get destroyed in pvp, abilities dont work in pvp on "slowed" or "incapacitated" players like the ability states it should.


Pretty good at PvP if u have a healer.... but its pretty sad when u need a healer to even be decent, doing it without a healer its an absolute rapefest and makes u just want to run in circles instead of doing anything.


I am level 50 i know how bad this class is, they need help, the level 10 bounty hunter i have has more dmg in PvP then my sent....


Tried hardmode esless with a jedi guardian today could not do the first boss as you're suppose to "range" tank, the one tank i talked to who told me he did it was a vanguard who has far better stats and can range tank and by far better stats i remember him saying he had 4k more hp then our tank hand.


I perfer this class however if things dont change at some point i probably will stop playing him, as of right now i log on see if my healer friends on if he isnt i pretty much log off, if he is on i can PvP....


Doing the last class quest on my character was so rediculous it wasnt even funny, i had to get my healer friend to help who started laughing at how much easier his was compared to ours (i still died during the boss fight)

I did not have much trouble leveling i did notice it getting tougher as i leveled and figured meh its about time but it shouldnt be as bad as it was.

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This is from PVE not PvP perspective which imo is a very different thing, but from Alderaan on, I see where Sent gets so-called weaker, but I still find my DPS very good as Watchman and unless I get distracted or screw resource management I don't have much trouble, I take targets down quickly and I burn through the competition! (pun intended) though certainly it gets tougher compared to some other classes and sure, it's less forgiving overall and requires a bit more attention and management but certainly not garbage. I still enjoy and love it and granted I don't PvP as much with my Sent... I know that's a huge part of the discussion.
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I agree to this wholeheartedly.


I'm so shocked, and disheartened by others flaming those who complain about what tens, if not hundreds of other Sentinel players are experiencing.


I'm not well versed in DPS, but one thing I find amazingly unsettling, is that my character at level 38 (Strilat) has a Damage Pri. of 352 - 410. While my guildmate, who is level 29 has a Damage Pri. of 2600-3200.


It seriously baffle me that all my weapons, armor, and gear, are all up to date, with the level required for everything being level 35 and below (I am level 38), and yet I can't solo an elite NPC (not even a boss) without dying at least 10 times.


The last boss I beat was sheer luck.


This time, I'm on Hoth, and I watch other players blow through enemy groups.


I've watched a trooper get assaulted by 5 NPC's of about 2600 health each.


He destroyed them.




I let him leave, and tried the same thing, with buffs, call on the force, etc.


I killed 2 before I died...


It's frustrating at times, and I cannot wiat for a guide to come out.


I guess it's just a waiting game to see what will come along to alleviate our pain, lol.


(braces for flames)


Same hurts my eyes to see a tropper facing rolling all of them.. and then i try can't do it

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Two days ago I thought ppl complaining about Sentinels were wrong... But yesterday I died 6 (30 lvl) times fighting Quest Boss (Earth Deamon) or sth in quest about Czerka on Tatooine. Boss is 27 lvl. I tried all 3 companions I have. I go into fight fully buffed after party. I tried few combination of rotation and nothing.


Than I went lvl up to 31 and get better equipment and I tried kill this boss having 31 lvl. I died again... and finally I killed this boss at 8th try...


That was my hardest fight so far.


I dont know, maybe Its to hard for me to play this class, but honestly I think that problem is in second saber. Every other class have something exclusiv, doing the difference. And Sentinels have this crapy 2nd saber... with is nothing...

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Two days ago I thought ppl complaining about Sentinels were wrong... But yesterday I died 6 (30 lvl) times fighting Quest Boss (Earth Deamon) or sth in quest about Czerka on Tatooine. Boss is 27 lvl. I tried all 3 companions I have. I go into fight fully buffed after party. I tried few combination of rotation and nothing.


Than I went lvl up to 31 and get better equipment and I tried kill this boss having 31 lvl. I died again... and finally I killed this boss at 8th try...


That was my hardest fight so far.


I dont know, maybe Its to hard for me to play this class, but honestly I think that problem is in second saber. Every other class have something exclusiv, doing the difference. And Sentinels have this crapy 2nd saber... with is nothing...


As a sith inq assassin I was seeing mobs at Tatooine become more annoying to kill and largely were becoming boring to fight because the fights would take longer. I can see how being a JK at those levels + might be annoyingly difficult at times.

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I just rolled a sent. and mar. I find myself growing tired of playing my assassin so I figured I would start another toon and flip back and forth between stories. The issue I am finding is the back and forth of whether this class is weak. Instead of the complaining I would prefer to see guides stuck at the beginning of the forum section like they are for sorc and assassin. maybe a search function for the forum as well i think that could quell some of the complaints. Hit em over the head with knowledge.
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I've died on Darth Angral about 5 times now, and I've used stims and buffs. Why do i take so much damage? my armor is all up to date along with my companion. I seriously think there is a problem with this class. i know other people are experiencing it too, it just blows my mind it takes 4 try's to finish your class quest that should not be easily solo-able but defiantly solo-able. why did they get nerfed so bad? (so ready for everyone to tell me i am horrible at my class, which isn't the case at all.) at this point definitely thinking about re rolling but i don't wanna grind my way back to 30. This also isn't the first solo-able class quest that i died on 1000000 times.


Post likes this are not very productive. I can't tell if your trolling or just a really bad player. I played my sentinel now up to level 40 and I have to say it has never once been challenging to just mow through mobs almost non stop. I use Kira as companion because her dps is great if you gear her with oranges and keep her hilts and mods updated. I took artifice so I keep my sentinels hilts epic or blue. I used to every once in while have issues where I might have to stop and rest but rarely. But once I hit 35 or so that is not even issue. I have been solo'ing all my own heroic 2+ missions and it hasnt been hard. This class is really powerfull, even from early levels. My first two classes was a trooper in beta to 39 and a shadow in live to 32 and I have to say the sentinel has been by far the funnest and easiest to level.

Edited by Lancerx
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What tree are you running, Lancerx?


I ran combat up to like 32, and it was very fun and very good. Then after talking and theory crafting with some higher level sentinels I tried watchman for bit. At first I didn't like watchman but after figuring out how to keep dots up 100% with proper dot rolling then I started destroying stuff pretty well. Watchman is definitely allot harder to get used to using proper cooldown rotations but once you get it down you really start destroying stuff. I use a reusable surge adrenal with my zen mastery is up so my dots tick for 150% crit damage. when you get good at watchman you can keep the 3 stacks of overload saber dots up 100% duration on elites and strongs. I can explain my rotations in more detail if you want , rotation makes the difference between dieing to strongs , or soloing 3 elites.

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Just delete this class... its so pathetic its not even funny anymore, Pri dmg 470-601 commando 5700-6200 vanguard 4220-4700 gj bioware lots of fun, shoulda just made all our abilities do /dance.


Given up on the sent its not even fun to play in pvp u get destroyed and have no chance pve its w/e u can take a sent unless you're doing hardmode and want more dmg.

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Just delete this class... its so pathetic its not even funny anymore, Pri dmg 470-601 commando 5700-6200 vanguard 4220-4700 gj bioware lots of fun, shoulda just made all our abilities do /dance.


Given up on the sent its not even fun to play in pvp u get destroyed and have no chance pve its w/e u can take a sent unless you're doing hardmode and want more dmg.


Stop trolling. Instead how about post something realistic, if not constructive. Sentinels are very powerful right now, maybe hard to play. Which is probably why so many people fail and then come here to cry. I guess its easier to blame the class, I mean if you look at the alternative. After all if the class isn't broken then they would have to admit they are the problem. This class is superb for those of us who understand how to play them. I haven't struggled from level 1 all way to 41. And if anyone wants to talk mechanics or theory about how to play a sentinel better in a constructive way then Id be more then happy to help out with some advice. I absolutely love my sentinel.

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Stop trolling. Instead how about post something realistic, if not constructive. Sentinels are very powerful right now, maybe hard to play. Which is probably why so many people fail and then come here to cry. I guess its easier to blame the class, I mean if you look at the alternative. After all if the class isn't broken then they would have to admit they are the problem. This class is superb for those of us who understand how to play them. I haven't struggled from level 1 all way to 41. And if anyone wants to talk mechanics or theory about how to play a sentinel better in a constructive way then Id be more then happy to help out with some advice. I absolutely love my sentinel.




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So, I've been having a lot of problems too with the Sent.


I came on here and did what I was supposed to. Researched. Looked at talent trees, read through dozens upon dozens of rotations and tips and tricks.


Respecced to Watchman, geared up for Lord Praven. Most recent quest rewards gear for Kira, galore. New gear for myelf, strength then endurance type.


Went into battle. Followed the rotation to a T. Click, click, click.


And he murders me. Brutally.


So, not one to fall off a horse and quit, I healed up, more stims and pacs. And back into the fray!


Five. More. Times.


I said to hell with it and went to go do some other quests. Came back at lvl 30.


Took me three tries to kill him. AT FRICKIN' THIRTY!


I guess I'm just frustrated because I really love the asthetics of the Sentinel. The animations are stunning, the dualweilding is just too awesome for words. And I'm one for DPS, as I'm mostly solo.


However, there's another difficulty too. Which I'm sure helps other people who... have nothing else going on around them. It's the singleminded focus and determination to follow the rotations and ensure you never get lost. You have to make sure you follow the clicks and don't look above your button bars to the rest of the screen, in case you miss a kick cool down. Outside distractions such as children also can completely ruin your fight altogether.


What I think would be grand is if we could turn... maybe one of the skill trees into an easier, less intensive tree for those of us who really enjoy the class but cannot afford to give our entire mind to the fight. Leave the other trees as is for those players who enjoy the more complicated gamestyle. That way, those of us who really love the class but just need to be of two minds, can still enjoy the fun of it.


Afterall, this is a game. Games are meant to be fun and entertaining.

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For those saying the Commandos and such are doing 4k damage; I looked in to this. If you hover over the damage output, it breaks it down into the actual amounts, divided by 10. So someone doing 4k on a commando would actually be doing 400 damage. I've looked in to this with both my BH and my Sentinel. I believe this is a bug.


My sentinel has taken a lot more skill to master the skills than my bounty hunter, but I love him. I think if he was slightly more resilient to damage it would be better, but what can ya do?

Edited by dawtree
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