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why is sentinel such garbage??????


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I'm sentinel 40 I had problems with him as combat around lvl 25 but I changed to watchman and It was like a reborn. I love the class in pvp has so many tricks. Anyways right now its true its a little bit difficult to keep all the cooldowns running
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nice imaginary high horse you got yourself there :rolleyes:


No, he is correct and trust me I dislike Hisoka about as much as you for his tone on forums.


Sentinel does not have a middle ground, either you are very bad or you are exceptional. That's how the class is currently designed, it has nothing to do with being an elitist.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I've died on Darth Angral about 5 times now, and I've used stims and buffs. Why do i take so much damage? my armor is all up to date along with my companion. I seriously think there is a problem with this class. i know other people are experiencing it too, it just blows my mind it takes 4 try's to finish your class quest that should not be easily solo-able but defiantly solo-able. why did they get nerfed so bad? (so ready for everyone to tell me i am horrible at my class, which isn't the case at all.) at this point definitely thinking about re rolling but i don't wanna grind my way back to 30. This also isn't the first solo-able class quest that i died on 1000000 times.


Killed him first go. My T7-01 tanked him like a boss to about 5%, and I finished him off with a Master Strike.


I can't even comprehend at how wrong you are playing.

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I have my Sent at 50 now, and I've had Sent + others at 50 in beta. Sentinels are not garbage, what you see now is a considerable improvement over where they were.


However, Commando/Mercenaries and Snipers are superior. I would say a couple other classes are better but not superior.


You deal very good damage as a Sentinel with 2 of the 3 builds. Your CC options are almost non-existant (Awe, AoE blind 6 seconds, the rest inhibit your own mobility or have no use in PvP such as Disable Droid).


At the end game, you are easy to kite against knockbacks that not only knock you back but snare or immobilize you at the same time, in addition to their stun, knockdown, blind options. You won't notice this one for a little while because most people are not high level yet.


I would like Bioware to reduce the ridiculous number of situational buttons to push, especially the ones that have no effect in PvP. This bloat isn't needed on top of the need to stay in melee range and the lack of CC.

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It's not the sentinel, it's the player. And this post along with many others confirm it. The class has many abilities including a few interrupts, maybe you should learn how to use them and when instead of crying like a tool.


Beat him my 1st try, along with just about everything else in my sentinel adventures. Currently level 38 and still wondering why you guys cry, class is beast mode if played right.

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yeah right. Because of that, every class dish out 420k dmg each Battleground, hm?


let me put it this way. Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.

Your SS shows, you were 50 beating on level 11's. Look at the kill totals, and damage. its pretty clear your team outleveled the other, and was just farming damage and kills for 6min.

The other team didn't even make it past the 2nd doors.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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let me put it this way. Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.

Your SS shows, you were 50 beating on level 11's. Look at the kill totals, and damage. its pretty clear your team outleveled the other, and was just farming damage and kills for 6min.

The other team didn't even make it past the 2nd doors.





you do realize level plays minimal part in the warzones since everyone is ramped up to level 50 health and damage...right?

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you do realize level plays minimal part in the warzones since everyone is ramped up to level 50 health and damage...right?


You do realise a level 11 has only his 6-7 basic skills and only 2 talent points?


Just because everyone is buffed to lvl 50 stats doesn't mean we are all equals. Your level 50 gear, skills and talents make you far superior.

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It's not the sentinel, it's the player. And this post along with many others confirm it. The class has many abilities including a few interrupts, maybe you should learn how to use them and when instead of crying like a tool.


Beat him my 1st try, along with just about everything else in my sentinel adventures. Currently level 38 and still wondering why you guys cry, class is beast mode if played right.




Watchout! We got a ****** over here!



Seriously. Anyone else notice all the "Sents are fine L2P n00b" fanboys come off as total jerks?


Yeah, we are all super impressed about how INCREDIBLE you are because you play SUCH A CHALLENGING CLASS and only GOOD PLAYERS CAN MAKE A SENT GOOD.


Please tell us more about how you and your INCREDIBLE SKILLS and a level 50 character PWNED some level 11s.


LOL. Total ******!!!!

Edited by Xann
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Weapons are not normalized. Go look at the level 50 weapons.

300-500 damage. I inspected a level 50 sent while I was level 26ish to see what kindof damage variance there was. I was "buffed" 400-500 damage, he had 600-750 weapon damage. This was his gear.


And then talents/skills. Get force crush. Tell me its not a completely different game 40+.

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Once I hit legacy on gunslinger, I decided to make a sentinel, and it is night and day with difficulty. I'll be the first to admit that gunslinger is a much easier class over most classes, but fighting elites on a sentinel is a fight to the death every time. I'm using all cooldowns and abilities and just can't dish out enough damage to take them down. Whereas on gunslinger, I can kill elites unharmed and without ever using a cooldown if I don't want to.


I know there is a huge learning curve from gunslinger, but I've played a lot of melee classes in other MMOs and my lightsabers might as well be nerf bats. For example, I finished act 1 on gunslinger at 30 and killed a 33 elite with ease. I tried killing him at 29, but died a few times. I probably could have killed him at 29 but decided to pvp to level up. Anyway, the 3 level difference was well enough to kill the elite before my companion died. With sentinel, I'm two levels above elites and my companion dies and I nearly die every time.


I'm trying to learn to play this class, but there's very little room for mistakes. I just think compared to other classes, sentinels get very little defensive abilities and have a smaller damage output. I was hoping for some sort of blaster deflection (10% chance or proc for 50% to 100% one time reflect back to opponent) just to boost our ranged defense a bit. Maybe we get something like that at a later level, and maybe the class evens out later.

Edited by Zedakah
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oh shutup sentinels clearly have design flaws I have had good warzone games aswell but that doesn't mean the class doesn't have issues does it ? where is the logic in that seriously



I sincerely doubt that people who resort to using "QQ" and calling people crybabies are all that concerned with crafting a logical argument.


It is absolutely clear that the Sentinel is sub par compared to other DPS options.


I honestly think that the people who claim otherwise (and then go and claim how much skill it takes to play a Sent well and how they do it so well) are looking to have their egos stroked by strangers online.


What a sad existence.

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I just beat angral at level 32 without any buffs, heal pots, and with 30% health left. interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, use force cloak when needed let kira tank a bit. really a very easy fight imo. im combat specced too. I do struggle at times in pve but when it comes down to it is because im simply lazy with mobs, if i ever die and redo the elite i at times end up at 90% health after dying to the same elite 10 seconds ago... just gotta time your crap.


i like my sent in pvp but the game does have some inherent flaws that make sent more difficult (read: combat fluidity, pvp lag). Watchman probably makes this easier and ive seen a good watchman destroy everything, but its just not my spec of preference personally.




bioware will tweak it, its still all doable just hotkey your crap, dont be slow, and play smart. I do like how this games pve is not a total faceroll, makes it a little more interesting and engaging.

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Once I hit legacy on gunslinger, I decided to make a sentinel, and it is night and day with difficulty. I'll be the first to admit that gunslinger is a much easier class over most classes, but fighting elites on a sentinel is a fight to the death every time. I'm using all cooldowns and abilities and just can't dish out enough damage to take them down. Whereas on gunslinger, I can kill elites unharmed and without ever using a cooldown if I don't want to.


this is my main problem, really. I see other classes soloing 2+ person heroic quests, easily taking down elite enemies, wheras if I tried that it would be an epic battle lasting 5 minutes probably resulting in my death because the heals from burns is nowhere near enough to sustain you.

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would be my luck the class I wanted to play out of the gate was the Sentinel, and I'm at level 40. I've invested a bit of time, and even with a brief pause to get decked out in pvp awarded gear, I'm still under powered. I feel so squishy, like without doc on my side I will not survive a group of more then 3 people. Damage in PvE and PvP is horrendus, Others can crit me for 2000 damage, while I am lucky to crit 500.
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would be my luck the class I wanted to play out of the gate was the Sentinel, and I'm at level 40. I've invested a bit of time, and even with a brief pause to get decked out in pvp awarded gear, I'm still under powered. I feel so squishy, like without doc on my side I will not survive a group of more then 3 people. Damage in PvE and PvP is horrendus, Others can crit me for 2000 damage, while I am lucky to crit 500.


if you are thinking of rerolling you should do it sooner rather than later. I'm level 50 now and I wished I had rerolled back at level 35 but now I can't be bothered :/

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Darth Angral shouldn't be hitting you with his abilities. If he is, you're doing it wrong. Try again.


As much as I hate to give a dismissive easy answer, basically this.


The game doesn't have a handholding here is how you interrupt and this is why you MUST do it mission - but for this class perhaps it should.


Force kick, Force Stasis, and Force Leap will all interrupt Angral's big dang death moves. You MUST interrupt them. I know sometimes we get in the mindset of squeezing out damage and we let a "cast" go that we could have kicked so we can reapply a dot or something, but this is suicide. Angral is a truck and you are a little car. Do not go head on at the truck, use the tools at your disposal. Shoot out the jerk's wheels first.

Edited by shoveljon
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