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Everything posted by cRawmode

  1. I'd like to have 3-5 sec Immunity to CC after I leap. That would fix sooooo much. I'm sick of instant knockbacks in Huttball after the leap or chain CCs.
  2. signed Es ist so fail, wer gibt sowas nur frei? Die Valor muss instant rollbacked werden. Einfach nur hart lächerlich was in Ilum abgeht. PvP und das Game ist wohl damit gestorben. BW denkt keine 5 Meter weit habe ich das Gefühl. Soviel Unfähigkeit auf einem Haufen.
  3. cRawmode

    500k+ DMG Club!

    nothing special with a team and a healer, although I think Maras / Sents are lacking some kind of utility tools / stuns or 2 viable trees for PVE/PVP. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/823/screenshot2011122823251.jpg/ I'm not sure rerolling another char. Perhaps Shadow/Assasin because of their toolbox of CCs / stuns etc.
  4. yeah right. Because of that, every class dish out 420k dmg each Battleground, hm?
  5. yeah sentinels are really bad. http://imageshack.us/f/338/screenshot2011122613490.jpg/
  6. Sperren der Server für neuerstellte Charaktere wäre die SINNVOLLERE Möglichkeit, anstatt die vorhandenen 10000 Spieler auf dem Server mit Warteschlangen um 7 Uhr Morgens zu vergrätzen.
  7. Ich war grad ab 6:30 Uhr aufm Server. Komplett LEER. Mit /who gesucht, waren vielleicht 2 Leute in meinem Gebiet und ~ 20 aufm Republic Fleet. KEINE Ahnung was BW da macht und warum ne Waitsnake von 200 um 8 Uhr notwendig ist, wenn keine Sau auf dem Server ist. Irgendwie hart daneben.
  8. yeah great. They could not even tell us how long the maintenance is and only give 2 totally confusional messages. Nice
  9. I'm with you. October 17th here. Hoping for first wave desperately. Crossing fingers! I can feel my dual-light sabre crushing through imperial scum! Fus RO DAhHhhh
  10. optimistic for tomorrow. October 17th here.
  11. October 17th, hope for tomorrow evening. But I'm really desperate.
  12. you could sell your account and grab another copy of the game as soon as you're healthy. All the best.
  13. yep and the constant stating about "ohhh we are checking an monitoring server loads and want to be sure that you'll have a good gaming experience" blah bla herp a derp. Like servers are running on 10% of their estimated workload and they need to figure out if everything is fine on a technical perspective. Servers are nearly empty, people are waiting outside the doors. I really do not understand why BW is so anxious about letting more people in simultaneously? There won't be any nuclear meltdown. Instead they are playing it TOO SAFE and tap on their back how flawless the biggest launch of MMO-History has been.
  14. totally agree with the OP. It's 10:30 in Germany here, starting zones are empty as hell and servers show "LIGHT" status. So why the hell are there still thousands of people waiting for their invites in Europe? There really should be some kind of night shift at least for such urgent projects like an early acess and game release.
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