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why is sentinel such garbage??????


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My dear friend, it appears to me that you do not really play a sentinel, kindly return to thy class forum and employ all of your abilities in being useful there.


Meanwhile I must share the concerns of what appears to be a good sized number of people. Im leveling slowly because I wish to enjoy everything the game has to offer for my character, currently am lvl 28, I have noticed that as I level up, my ability to survive fights its decreasingly noticeably. And my ability to inflict damage on npcs is also declining, before when I could dispatch a nomal npc with one or two hits, it now takes considerably longer, which means I have to spend more time taking hits. While as it was mentioned, I've seen other classes effortlessly mowing them. I understand that sentinels are meant to have lower defenses and make up for this shortcoming with their damage output, I must say though, that I am not seeing this, without a companion, it is quite possible I would be spending a lot of time being revived.


It is also understandable that Sentinel requires a lot of skill usage for their damage, I even use force kick to interrupt enemy skills but I often find myself at a disadvantage, even during pvp. Now I understand why there are few of the sith's equivalent if any, on the matches I've played. To give a good example, I was playing a match with the same team which previously had rolled the imperials, on this match, 2 bounty hunters defeated the entire team, I took a screenshot of the scoreboard because I thought it was quite humorous, one of them had 58 total kills and zero deaths. I was on him most of the match, and I was not alone fighting him either, sometimes there would be 3 on him, and mind you, he was not being healed by any other player, and he would defeat all 3 players with little difficulty. If you can have a class that is both a tank and a high dps'er, then what is the tactical and practical use of sentinels?


Just my 2 cents on this discussion, if people fail to believe me, I can provide the screenshot I took. As I said previously, the republic side had experienced players on it, so it was not a case of "l2p" as our friend previously stated, even if I failed to play properly, it does not explain how the rest of the team happened to fail all together at once.


I play a Sentinel, and I love it. Seeing the majority of the complainers are low levels such as myself (24), I just felt the need to say that not all of us are having problems.

My problem with this whole discussion is that the complainers do rarely supply ANY description of their build, gear, rotation and playstyle. This class is not a faceroller class as the trooper etc. But its not impossible to play.


Im not saying that everything is perfect, but really... Its not that bad. And honestly, if you want to reroll, go ahead. Most of us dont care what you play.


If you are really having major problems with your sentinel, then supply some information instead of ************ and quitting. Noone really cares if you quit.

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So while I definitely enjoy the challenges some of the class quests have presented me with, I agree with those complaining because all the people I know and play with who play other classes just do not have these issues, AT ALL.


Most people are complaining about the Sentinel class in PvE when the problem is T7 and Kira. T7 is a bad tank past lvl 20 and Kira is bad DPS past lvl 20. Once you get Doc, magically the Sentinel becomes much more of a powerhouse (and so does Guardian).


PvP is mostly a L2P issue majority of the time.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Well, i cant say that you are wrong, but on the other hand...Why shouldnt a game cover a wider player base? There are people who like challenge and people who want things to be more simplistic. Why shoulndt everyone have a chance to give it a go according to their own preferences? Now the fact that you bring up about the end game and if the classes should be equal or not is a valid arguement and we just have to wait and see how it goes.


Well the point being that all during development, Bioware claimed all class would be equally and balanced in all aspects. If a certain class needs to present "challenges" then such a statement is no true. I am not saying everything has to be a breeze, just saying that the challenges must be meet with rewards, otherwise its just masochism, something I wouldn't expect of a game I want to enjoy playing.


Although I am not saying we should get rewarded over other classes, I just wish to be equal to other classes, or you know ,do what its supposed to do, which is high dps, which of course isnt happening for sentinel but its happening to everyone else apparently.

Edited by ChaosMatrix
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I play a Sentinel, and I love it. Seeing the majority of the complainers are low levels such as myself (24), I just felt the need to say that not all of us are having problems.

My problem with this whole discussion is that the complainers do rarely supply ANY description of their build, gear, rotation and playstyle. This class is not a faceroller class as the trooper etc. But its not impossible to play.


Im not saying that everything is perfect, but really... Its not that bad. And honestly, if you want to reroll, go ahead. Most of us dont care what you play.


If you are really having major problems with your sentinel, then supply some information instead of ************ and quitting. Noone really cares if you quit.


If thats the case, then here.


This is the build im going for: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#5010cZGGbbddrRrsZzM.1


Im using all blue rares and prototype oranges for mods on chest, pants, belt, head gear and both sabers. I got my speeder a few levels late because I spent my credits on mods.


I open with force leap, followed by cauterize, then zealous strike to build focus, and blade storm for the crit and then slash, when I run out, I use master strike and then build up some more focus. Force kick to interrupt enemies if its a boss and transcendence, rebuke and saber ward for defense. If Im fighting a group, then I mostly use the AOE attack right after force leap.

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I honestly dont get why people just dont reroll if they got such huge problems. The game is 5 days old...

I play sentinel because it feels right. I like the class, the playstyle and the look. My cousin plays a trooper and he constantly tells me how much easier it is. And I dont give a *****. If you think this game is supposed to be perfect at this state, you're wrong. It will take a lot of patches before everything is balanced more neatly, but meanwhile I just wanna get my sentinel to 50 - and in case it really does suck, I will wait for the fix.

Do you really think Bioware will let the Jedi class of their Star Wars themed mmorpg suck for eternity?

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My Sent is 29 and to date I've had ZERO problems with survivability or mowing down bad guys. I can't believe that you want to be able to kill the last boss in your story in one shot..ho hum....seriously? Let's keep it hard pls...tyvm. I often outsurvive the tanks in every content I've run with groups and end up being the tank because he's dead. I'm not sure what people are having issues with here but I'll keep this all in mind as I continue to level.
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If thats the case, then here.


This is the build im going for: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#5010cZGGbbddrRrsZzM.1


Im using all blue rares and prototype oranges for mods on chest, pants, belt, head gear and both sabers. I got my speeder a few levels late because I spent my credits on mods.


I open with force leap, followed by cauterize, then zealous strike to build focus, and blade storm for the crit and then slash, when I run out, I use master strike and then build up some more focus. Force kick to interrupt enemies if its a boss and transcendence, rebuke and saber ward for defense. If Im fighting a group, then I mostly use the AOE attack right after force leap.


Give Watchman a try. I feel it improved survivability. I still specced into DW spec in low tier combat, but I agree that Watchman may be much better suited for leveling.



Oh and btw. You may already be doing this, but always choose Strength over Endurance, and power over crit afaik. And when you get transcendence, pop it whenever your going down too fast. Remember to silence casters when fighting groups :)

Edited by Juicebooze
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Oh and btw. You may already be doing this, but always choose Strength over Endurance, and power over crit afaik. And when you get transcendence, pop it whenever your going down too fast. Remember to silence casters when fighting groups :)


Offhand Lightsaber damage does not scale with Power currently, however, the offhand attacks can crit.


Also, a few of Watchman/Combat abilities benefit a lot from critical hits.


The only spec that might benefit a lot from +power is Focus as its Force Sweep is an automatic crit.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Offhand Lightsaber damage does not scale with Power currently, however, the offhand attacks can crit.


Also, a few of Watchman/Combat abilities benefit a lot from critical hits.


The only spec that might benefit a lot from +power is Focus as its Force Sweep is an automatic crit.


I need to break down the stats. Focus does deal a very large amount of force damage. Exhaust/sweep/blade storm are probably a good 50%+ of its damage.

So breaking down power, str, will? lol values to see how much +force power a focus sent gets exactly will be interesting.

30% surge, 20% pen, 7% crit on force attacks innate for focus as well.


What is clear is, Force power is evenly taken from main hand and offhand. So you need BOTH to be kept up to date.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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My sentinel is level 28 right now and it's pretty much the same thing. I've given up on the class but I dont want to spend 3+ days grinding out another class so I think I'm going back to WoW. Kinda ****ed up that Bioware let this **** happen.


This sums up my thoughts entirely.


Really want to enjoy the class but it has no survivability, no burst, no CC.... I have heard about glass cannons before but this class is a paper hankey!


It's beginning to spoil my experience as I *want* to level this class but when I have nothing at all going for me it makes me wonder! Buff at least CC, surv or burst! I'm not asking for a faceroll class as I like a challenge but I currently feel like I am trying to do a marathon crawling :rolleyes:

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My sentinel is level 28 right now and it's pretty much the same thing. I've given up on the class but I dont want to spend 3+ days grinding out another class so I think I'm going back to WoW. Kinda ****ed up that Bioware let this **** happen.


You won't reroll after 3 days for a character you will probably spend months of /played on eventually?

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My sentinel is level 28 right now and it's pretty much the same thing. I've given up on the class but I dont want to spend 3+ days grinding out another class so I think I'm going back to WoW. Kinda ****ed up that Bioware let this **** happen.


Goodbye can I have your credits before you leave? Game not out even a week and you're going back to WoW. lol You must play a paladin right? You're the kind of gamer I really don't want playing this game. WoW has made people lazy and you sir are a prime example of what I mean. I needz my faceroll class because I don't want to take the time to learn to play it right. Everyone know Set is not quite perfect but it not out right garabage either. That why i keep playing Set because it's not total garabage and it fun to play a class that requires some skill to play. Go back to your faceroll in WoW because if it were up to players like you would be happiest to have a one button kill with no skill involved.

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Well, I guess it can't be THAT hard, Ive made it to lvl 34 as combat spec'd and Im running on my wifes laptop that has a score of 3.4. Im getting 8-16 fps currently. Can't wait to get back home so I can use my desktop to play.


Anyways, the class is harder than the rest, some of that by design Im sure. Some of that probably their reluctance to risk massive OPness to the class. Odds are there will be a balancing patch in the near future that will nerf others and buff the JKs. Until then though, either roll something easier if it prevents your bloodpressure from rising, or suffer through.

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I play an Enhancement shaman in WoW since BC. The Sentinel class is just as dynamic as an enhancement shaman and I love playing this class. I like the challenge that I need to plan out how I want to enter combat and slay the mobs in front of me. I 1-shot Darth Angral with no problem and no sweat. I have 20 hotkeys of all my current abilities (I'm a lvl 33 Sentinel, Watchman spec) and I make sure I use as many abilities as possible, including defensive cooldowns as Rebuke and Saber Ward to mitigate the damage I take.


There is a significant learning curve with this class and I feel that many players who are complaining are from the WoW crowd who didn't face content when it was current or nerfed. In Classic WoW, learning was a pain and it will be here as well. Stop acting like spoiled brats and learn how to play your class well. I know there are issues with the class in terms of damage output but stating this without math to back your claims makes you look petulant.


So what we have no CC, so what you may die fighting an Elite mob. This is something you need to get used to as this game is not WoW. You can't expect to mow down groups of 5 without planning out how to enter combat, kill the mobs who do the most damage, manage your kick to interrupt spell casts, clever use of Force Stasis, managing when you want to use Zen, and the other abilities at your disposal.


TL;DR - Learn to play the damn class!

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I play an Enhancement shaman in WoW since BC. The Sentinel class is just as dynamic as an enhancement shaman and I love playing this class. I like the challenge that I need to plan out how I want to enter combat and slay the mobs in front of me. I 1-shot Darth Angral with no problem and no sweat. I have 20 hotkeys of all my current abilities (I'm a lvl 33 Sentinel, Watchman spec) and I make sure I use as many abilities as possible, including defensive cooldowns as Rebuke and Saber Ward to mitigate the damage I take.


There is a significant learning curve with this class and I feel that many players who are complaining are from the WoW crowd who didn't face content when it was current or nerfed. In Classic WoW, learning was a pain and it will be here as well. Stop acting like spoiled brats and learn how to play your class well. I know there are issues with the class in terms of damage output but stating this without math to back your claims makes you look petulant.


So what we have no CC, so what you may die fighting an Elite mob. This is something you need to get used to as this game is not WoW. You can't expect to mow down groups of 5 without planning out how to enter combat, kill the mobs who do the most damage, manage your kick to interrupt spell casts, clever use of Force Stasis, managing when you want to use Zen, and the other abilities at your disposal.


TL;DR - Learn to play the damn class!


I was an enhancement shaman for years in wow too, and I feel this class is exactly the same - gimped. and forever will be. I feel like my two lightsabers are my Windfury, forever going to be a problem of "if we buff it too much it's OP, so let's just keep it nerfed in to the ground"

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Currently level 46 about to break 47.


I was running Kira for DPS untill I got Doc. I ran him for a few levels and went back to Kira for her DPS.


I think some people here need to realize the dynamic of the companion you have and how to use them. You might want to Force leap into the fray first but then all the bad guys focus you down and Kira or whomever attacks the person that tried firing at you first. You do not then focus down the target you are wanting dead.


Send in the DPS companion first and then follow up with a leap to their target. Always take down what ever healer is there first. On a silver or gold elite always be ready to kick or force stasis if they have some super mega channeled ability. If you are taking damage from a boss then Force Camo and allow the companion to soak damage.


Also 1 thing I have done is go to wearing all Orange gear that you can fully modify. Light sabers and all armor are Orange. This way I can use my "tokens" from each planet on mods instead of hope for a loot drop. Depending on your economy, check the galactic trade network for purple mods. This boosted my dps dramatically. 1 Thing I notice is that all the mod vendors never carry decent "Might hilts". This is what I check the trade network for.


For Watchman, Slash is your friend post level 30. This is where you get the skill Mind Sear and Slash and Merciless slash have an chance to finish off your cauterize. I am normally dumping my force points on smashing my Slash button hoping for it to trigger the cool down finish.

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You'll all guys see the last class quest of the act III. Not only is the phase bugged and mobs keep respawning. There's also a Sith Assasin esque mobs that hit for 4k with one hit, and you're forced to use T7 who dies after 10 sec in the fight. And the final boss can hit for 5k. And you as Sentinel well... cannot.


I've seen it.. I sure hope they don't expect people to solo that.


Strong mobs are as tough as elites making the leading up to the last boss a massive and unnecessary time sink. and the Emperor himself is difficult as you'd expect, but I have zero idea why they didn't write in a different story line, letting you pick which companion to take. I get the logic of why T7 is the most suitable, though still, given how useless it is, what's the point?


At least if you had Doc, you could maybe get the Emperor down to 50%.

Edited by Ranebow
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Im a lvl 27. I also have not had any issues playing my character. PVP kinda sucks but I just think its because I'm new to it. I use Kira and usually send her in first which helps keep the attention off of me. I usually only die when i forget to heal up before attacking the next mob.


I am also not a very experienced MMO player so if I am able to play it fine then idk whats up with you all. Never reached lvl cap in wow at any point. Having a blast with my sent and look forward to taking him to cap.:)

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Im a lvl 27. I also have not had any issues playing my character. PVP kinda sucks but I just think its because I'm new to it. I use Kira and usually send her in first which helps keep the attention off of me. I usually only die when i forget to heal up before attacking the next mob.


I am also not a very experienced MMO player so if I am able to play it fine then idk whats up with you all. Never reached lvl cap in wow at any point. Having a blast with my sent and look forward to taking him to cap.:)


I didn't really start having problems until about level 30. I figure it's a temporary thing, but... well, I'm a little tired of getting my *** kicked. Maybe I'm just not very good at the game, but I've had little to no trouble with any class quest up to this point.

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I'm a lvl 35 right now and I have to say: I haven't had any real problems so far.

The most I had to retry was 3 times and it wasn't on Darth Angral.


You just need to use all your abilities: force stasis, force kick, transcendence, saber ward, ...

I also always use Kira as my companion.


At the risk of sounding like an ******e: Maybe you should learn to play your class?

Edited by Divolinon
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