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  1. So far I like your insights. I'll keep reading.
  2. The damage reflection idea is a nice one. Of couse some form of force pull/push would be great!
  3. I'm about to level to 40 and I'm thinking about giving combat another try, simply because I like the idea of doing burst damage. Does it get better, or should is just a bad tree overall as is?
  4. The new patch is increasing our survivability? I didn't see that in the patch notes. If you don't mind can you link that?
  5. I think we could use both. From the simple feel of playing a jedi force push seems to look and feel like a jedi. Force pull would certainly give us a better chance in PVP. I would gladly sacrive the droid CCing ability for force push and maybe something else for force pull.
  6. If I never read another post idealizing WoW it will be too soon. I remember WoW being down for close to 24 hours before. If WoW is so great, why not go back?
  7. My combat sentinel is only level 20. (I have acute altitis but I was hoping my sentinel would be my main. Just wondering, those who are having issues what spec are you? Cpneversely, those who disagree what specs are you running with?
  8. dominion

    Dreshdae Cantina

    I'm pretty knew here as well. Leveling a sentinel and a trooper for tanking (and probably a healer of some kind as well). Good to meet you!
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