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why is sentinel such garbage??????


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this is pretty sad to hear.

things got beter for me on my sentinal around level 40, but i'm 47 now and things are getting tough again - I can't even solo a same-level Champion enemy,popping all my long cooldowns etc, even going so far as to try and kite the thing while Doc heals me a bit before going back in for more damage. trooper commando is looking better and better all the time, and at least I won't have to deal with the Giant *** Syndrome that bioware don't care about fixing foru s.


This was very much my experience as well. I found I was able to struggle through most things being careful, slow and deliberate in the way I pulled, CC'd and chose my targets. It was a challenge but it was fun. Then I got Doc.


Once I god Doc on Balmorra, things began to get a bit easier for me. I was routinely ahead of the curve in terms of my level. Often 2 or 3 levels higher then the suggested level for the missions. And they remained that way until I hit Hoth.


Once at Hoth and very shortly after you leave it, the difference between your level and that of the baddies narrows. By the time I was on Corellia, I was fighting all 50's and elite 50's.


These would often be in groups or 2 or 3 or more. Again, being very careful and cautious I was able to get through. But often it was just a matter of how often did I want to revive until I clear this mission? I would just keep at it. My gear? Purples, Oranges, Blues and greens.


The final fight however, is a completely different story. If I didn't know any better I would think there is on this earth, someplace, right now, a sadistic Dev laughing like a crazy person over that last fight. Knowing that fight was brutal I spent nearly 300K on droid parts, armor, meds and stims, only to die over and over within seconds.


The worst possible last fight experience ever. Nothing is worse then being forced to ask for help in finishing your final story arc. This final experience ruined the story for me.


Sentinels need help.

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From everything I have been reading, and from my own experience with the class, Sentinels are not necessarily a garbage class. They are just challenging to play, and coupled with some bugs in the game, this translates into a less enjoyable experience.


I read a great comment about this, stating that we spend a lot of time looking at our quickbars (managing cooldowns and whatnot) which really takes away from the gameplay.

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I will say that for the most part Set dps does have some issue but not as bad as some people think. Set is one of the Classes in Swtor that has a very high learning curve. The average player really doesn't want to put the time an effort that is required to learn to play. I really don't have problems with multiple mobs I destroy them all with ease. My Set is lvl 36 and I haven't trained any skills because of saving for 40 mount.


That being sad for a pure dps class the Set is lagging behind other classes. One way to help is increase the damage we get from our off hand in general atm it is pretty low and for a dual wielding class offhand damage is important. Buffing that will go along way to helping the quality of life for Set.


People want a faceroll class because they don't want to learn and to be honest I'm seeing a lot of bad JK Sets out there. I for one am excited about a class that requires a little effort to play well.


Keep in mind as well that Stats play an important role in any class performing well. Accuracy is you friend and the more you have the faster mobs will die. Your white attacks will hit more often. Also I'm sure that Bioware will be watching as we hit 50 and if we are lagging behind they will be sure to fix it. Once we can combat log parse we will have a better idea of where we stand.


Be patience I enjoy JK Set and look forward to trying endgame with him. I'm Watchman spec and the heals for that spec help a ton. Kira is my main companion and together we destroy every mob. Although Doc is pretty OP with his heals. haha I had a trooper surprised as hell with the heals he was putting out, because his healer companions suck hard.


Do we take you seriously? You can even spell the short form of Sentinel correct.


Also it's all fine and good for you to suggest Accuracy but I'm level 33 and I can count on one hand the number of items or mods with accuracy. None forsale on the GTN, they don't drop and commendation vendors don't sell them. I don't think there's any disagreement with Accuracy being good but it has to be available.

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When does the sentinel starting getting difficult? I'm only lvl 21, but have no problems with groups of enemies at my levels.


I can take out elites at my level, not sure I've tried to solo a "champion" mob yet. Are other classes able to do this.


Now I'm getting worried that in a few more levels i'm going to be pounding my head against a wall.


Come back when you finish chapter 1. The problems with Sentinel will become apparent when you fight Valis after Nar Shaddaa.

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Come back when you finish chapter 1. The problems with Sentinel will become apparent when you fight Valis after Nar Shaddaa.



L2P please


There is no problem and I'm combat spec; which some say it's harder to play during the low-mid leveling... TBH, it only gets hard in PvP becuz of the lack of CC ability.

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You don't need CC beyond snares, root and interrupts which Combat actually has plenty of.


You have problems, then you find out why instead of blaming the class.


If you look at the latest dev post about Sentinel, the only things they are worried about are the high concentration needed to play it and the last story quest (which indirectly relates to companions). Meaning everything else they feel is fine and mostly related to the ability delay from the UI.


Take the time to learn and correctly use your abilities instead of complaining. I know it's hard for some people in this day and age to reconsider their own abilities in front of failure, but seriously, maybe you should. Eventually you'll learn something from it.

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I'm having so much trouble with my Sentinal (lvl 32) against Darth Angral that i'm on the verge of giving up!!! How can I reroll?


Just ask a friend or guildie to help. If you want to be a Sentinel, don't reroll just get help. Of course the problem is you shouldn't need but who cares. Once you get to 50, you won't care about the grind until they add more levels.


To reroll just use another character slot or delete this character and reuse the slot.

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You don't need CC beyond snares, root and interrupts which Combat actually has plenty of.


You have problems, then you find out why instead of blaming the class.


If you look at the latest dev post about Sentinel, the only thing they are worried about are the high concentration needed to play it and the last story quest. Meaning everything else they feel is fine and mostly related to the ability delay from the UI.


Take the time to learn and correctly use your abilities instead of complaining. I know it's hard for some people in this day and age to reconsider their own abilities in front of failure, but seriously, maybe you should. Eventually you'll learn something from it.


High Concentration and UI issues. And they are not a problem. My trooper just wastes mobs and elites. He even uses Mortar Volley on Elites for kicks. Sentinel is too hard to play for the causal gamer. Period. No questions. This been stated numerous times and it's the truth. So you're a hardcore gamer and your not having trouble who cares. The issues people are having trouble. Maybe if the UI bugs get fixed, it will get easier. However this class is broken either way.

Edited by JerokTalram
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I'm having so much trouble with my Sentinal (lvl 32) against Darth Angral that i'm on the verge of giving up!!! How can I reroll?


Just ask a friend or guildie to help. If you want to be a Sentinel, don't reroll just get help. Of course the problem is you shouldn't need but who cares. Once you get to 50, you won't care about the grind until they add more levels.


To reroll just use another character slot or delete this character and reuse the slot.

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High Concentration and UI issues. And they are not a problem. My trooper just wastes mobs and elites. He even uses Mortar Volley on Elites for kicks. Sentinel is too hard to play for the causal gamer. Period. No questions. This been stated numerous times and it's the truth. So you're a hardcore gamer and your not having trouble who cares. The issues people are having trouble. Maybe if the UI bugs get fixed, it will get easier. However this class is broken either way.


No, it's not broken. I've got a few guild mates who are far away from being hardcore and frankly nor am I and we have no problem whatsoever.


Just because a few loud spoken people like yourself have a low attention span idoesn't mean a class is broken. The class is harder to play, it's true and it should remain that way. You have 7 other classes to enjoy in the game. Stop trying to remove the fun from people enjoying this class.

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Ive had very mixed feelings on the Sentinel, Im now lvl 49 and Ive had a very hard time through my story quest moreso than anything. But on that note I have a Guardian friend who was having mostly the same problems. I feel its hard to judge off our story quest since it feels harder than most, for whatever reason that is. Im combat at the moment and feel that my damage will be better at 50 with being able to focus on my group role, dps, interrupts, centering buff etc...I think things just need to pan out a little more and theyll be equal. This is just my take on it.


I don't know that our story is that much harder. I had to help overleveled Smuggler finish his class quest on Tat. That was a pretty tough battle that he failed 8 times. Now the sand demon was pretty tough but that didn't involve fighting multiple characters.

Edited by JerokTalram
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I stopped reading your post right here because I know this isn't true. I'm not sure a level 45 can 1-shot Angral let alone a level ? (33 was it). Total BS.


I have also 1 shot both Valis and Angral. Both are absurdly easy if you know how to use your abilities. Finished Valis with 70% health and Angral around 50. Didn't need to use the 20min CD to reset saber ward on either.


People need to learn that sentinels have 3 interrupts. Force Kick, Force Leap, Force Stasis. Also why no one ever seems to use Pacify as a defensive ability is beyond me.


Valis at 26 (1 shot)


Angral at 31 (1 shot)

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I have also 1 shot both Valis and Angral. Both are absurdly easy if you know how to use your abilities. Finished Valis with 70% health and Angral around 50. Didn't need to use the 20min CD to reset saber ward on either.


People need to learn that sentinels have 3 interrupts. Force Kick, Force Leap, Force Stasis. Also why no one ever seems to use Pacify as a defensive ability is beyond me.


Valis at 26 (1 shot)


Angral at 31 (1 shot)


I think he took the literal meaning of "one shot" instead of reading it as "first try".

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I have also 1 shot both Valis and Angral. Both are absurdly easy if you know how to use your abilities. Finished Valis with 70% health and Angral around 50. Didn't need to use the 20min CD to reset saber ward on either.


People need to learn that sentinels have 3 interrupts. Force Kick, Force Leap, Force Stasis. Also why no one ever seems to use Pacify as a defensive ability is beyond me.


Valis at 26 (1 shot)


Angral at 31 (1 shot)


Don't feed the troll.

He doesn't understand 1 shot = 'in 1st attempt in clearing Angral.'

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No it doesn't. One shot means firing once and taking the target out. Provide clearer context and people won't be confused.


In his context of usage... it's implied. People are not grammar free all the time. READ & understand.

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With helpful players like this in our community I don't think we have anything to worry about. It warms my heart.


He was helpful, but you focus on the way he gives the information instead of understanding the real message.


Translation : use Force Kick and Force Stasis.


We shouldn't have to say this. The whole JK story line bosses are based on those interrupts.


Nowadays people want everything handed to them on a silver plate.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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With helpful players like this in our community I don't think we have anything to worry about. It warms my heart.


C'mon Jeff, I half expected to see you in here posting those big pictures of that crying baby you used to put up in the Lotro forums, with all the bawling going on here :)

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He was helpful, but you focus on the way he gives the information instead of understanding the real message.


Translation : use Force Kick and Force Stasis.


We shouldn't have to say this. The whole JK story line bosses are based on those interrupts.


Nowadays people want everything handed to them on a silver plate.


EXACTLY... Like what I've previously posted... ppl are so..... ignorant..

They literally take the meaning of 1shotted angral = 1 hit kill. DOhhh....

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