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Sentinel is broken Devs when will you look at what the community is saying


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I hope for something like this:


B]Patchnotes for 3.1.




- Guarded by the Force no longer consumes Health. Ist CD has been increased too 2:30min.

- Leg Slash has been replaced by Crippling Throw. Crippling Throw now roots the target for 3s and applys a Trauma debuff.

- Saber Ward has its CD reduced to 2:00min (or maybe less?)

- Dual Wield Mastery has become a Base Class Talent. (Its that old Baseline Talent that at the moment only Combat Sents have)


- Merciless Zeal now grants you 2% of your Max HP for every critical hit of your Burn effects


(No, it will not be overpowered given that your two big DoTs tick less often aka the healing is far more spred out. Buffing Zen would be a problem. Due to far lower critical Hitchance, passives got nerfed and that one fokus tree talent got removed, it wouldnt be overpowered. Add the fact the Selfheal is very unreliable not like Adrenalin Rush, Enraged Defense, the Sniper selfheal or baseline heal skilss of other classes for example. If it were to strong one could easily reduce the Selfheal.)



- Gains the Talent Jedi Pursuit. Force Leap now grants you 1,5s Immunity against Stuns, Sleeps and Knockdowneffects.

(Its to give you time to use Force Stasis:D You know Force Stasis Gore Masterstrike or something in that direction.)



- Concentrated Defense now also increases your DMG Reduction for 10% next to its other effects.



- Just Pursuit has been removed.

- Defiance has been moved to the Heroic Tier.

- Force Premotion has been added to the Skillful Tier. Force Leap and Double Saber Throw now grant Force Premotion for 3s. Force Premotion purges any movement impairing effects and grants immunity to movement impairing effects. This Effect may not occur more then once every 18s.

(It should not be able to be used while stunned, its more like a "Eaten a Slow - Jump a Sorc - Profit")


- Zealous Ward has been changed, the internal CD of the healing effect has been removed.

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If they want to do balancing, a lot needs to be done, some classes are just laughably overpowered, others underpowered (in PvE and PvP,, with some op in one and up in the other). Some things are just clunky and need to be changed to streamline balancing. So I bet Sents will not have all or really more than a few of their gripes addressed in the first patch, which would be in early February. After that we get to hope for 3.2 in April or more likely 3.3 in June. Edited by Emperor-Norton
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After agreeing with most that has been pointed out about pvp. My biggest gripe right now is that every other class can generate tons of medals with heals, taunts, and guarding. Being that medals effect comm count this puts us parsecs behind in gear. Even my jug can generate 3 to 4 fast medals in arena just with taunts, and heal. Why doesn't our obfuscation generate medals the same as taunt.
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After agreeing with most that has been pointed out about pvp. My biggest gripe right now is that every other class can generate tons of medals with heals, taunts, and guarding. Being that medals effect comm count this puts us parsecs behind in gear. Even my jug can generate 3 to 4 fast medals in arena just with taunts, and heal. Why doesn't our obfuscation generate medals the same as taunt.


Gunslingers have the exact same problem.

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In need of help? Sure.

Broken? No.


Granted I am biased, but defenses or offensive power need to be looked at. Of course if they do both, it will be horribly op.


After agreeing with most that has been pointed out about pvp. My biggest gripe right now is that every other class can generate tons of medals with heals, taunts, and guarding. Being that medals effect comm count this puts us parsecs behind in gear. Even my jug can generate 3 to 4 fast medals in arena just with taunts, and heal. Why doesn't our obfuscation generate medals the same as taunt.

It should be no problem to get the 8 medals for cap, even on a Mara/sent

Edited by Moosestick
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As part of the community, I completely agree with the responses, the class is a serious joke atm (PVP) and needs a redesign to balance its defenses VS damage output. Either it outputs serious damage or it has some defenses to keep it alive long enough to do so. At times the survive ability of the class is so bad I feel the same way as an earlier poster and think the designer should be flogged. Followed some other posts on damage rotation to maximize, but its useless when you only last like 10 seconds in a battle and need a healer just to build up the rotations:mad:.
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I don't think the marauder/sentinel needs a complete redesign, that's just overkill. We simply need some tweaking to our defensive cooldowns. Undying Rage/Guarded by the Force simply isn't good enough for a "get out of jail free card" like a jugg/guardian's Focused/Enraged Defense, Op/Scoundrel and Shadow/Assassin's vanish. As I'm sure someone will comment, GbtF/UR isn't a "get out of jail free card", it's more of a "delay the inevitable" ability. Then going by that logic we lack a "get out of jail free card".


A change to Saber Ward might also be useful.

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I don't think the marauder/sentinel needs a complete redesign, that's just overkill. We simply need some tweaking to our defensive cooldowns. Undying Rage/Guarded by the Force simply isn't good enough for a "get out of jail free card" like a jugg/guardian's Focused/Enraged Defense, Op/Scoundrel and Shadow/Assassin's vanish. As I'm sure someone will comment, GbtF/UR isn't a "get out of jail free card", it's more of a "delay the inevitable" ability. Then going by that logic we lack a "get out of jail free card".


A change to Saber Ward might also be useful.


I would add something to camouflage. Should be a purge (probably with an utility) and useable while stunned. That would do a lot and doesn't make us OP.


We have 2 utilities in the heroic section which are about an almost useless skill (senseless). So our class seems to be designed a lot about UR. Either we need a soooo low CD on this skill that we can use it frequently and don't have to think "is it now the right situation to waste this senseless skill which is on a 2 min CD and will get me killed 4 seconds later while I am getting stunned or rooted anyway?". I would use it often when I know it's 1 min CD. It would be good enough to fit to such a low CD. But 2 min? Enraged defense is on a 2 min CD. I would even change it with endure pain when the CD is 1 min and makes us immune to movement impairing skills.


It doesn't need so much for this class. And 99% of us are sure that the biggest problems are UR, movement skill and crippling throw.

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Personally I like the free kills maras and sents give me. Don't get me started when I see one guarding a node all alone. My mouth just starts to water.


So true. Had an Arena yesterday. Me playing concealment operative. No healers. Enemy team one marauder. I told the team to take on the rest of the team while I kill the marauder in some seconds. It was so true, so true. Poor marauder. He couldn't even hit camouflage. It took me about 5 or 6 GCDs to kill him, he was rooted and stunned the whole time. Second round I was pulled off the bridge but rolled back ... And killed the marauder again alone in a few GCDs.


Probably his team and himself were bad, but my team wasn't that great either and I am an average PvPer. Marauder just sucks on their own. I see that in most games I play, playing against them and I see it when I play him myself, and I even played 2 of them to high level, 1 sent, 1 marauder.

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Personally I like the free kills maras and sents give me. Don't get me started when I see one guarding a node all alone. My mouth just starts to water.


This is the biggest problem. It is known how squishy they are so its become a normal thing to focus the sentinel first. Makes it even more broken. When I hit my saber ward and rebuke at the same time and I'm still dead in a couple of seconds you know something is wrong

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Sent get focused so much, sometimes i find that i can camo behind a tree then wait for them to target someone else then jump back in, but if they are a good team they just focus me again but sometimes they get a bit of tunnel vision and forget about you :p
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