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Force Barrier Needs to go


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you obviously don't because you seem to be forgetting force armor.


Typically, DCDs:


1) Don't respect the GCD;

2) Have no resource cost;

3) Cannot be applied to others.


Most DCDs follow that rule. Now you're still right, but you referred him to the wrong power. Sorcs self-heal does in fact meet the above requirements and IMO is properly classified as a DCD.


On-topic with this post, it's really strange to complain about a power doing exactly what is is designed to do. If you followed the evolution of Force Barrier, you might remember that it did not originally come with Enduring Bastion. Which made it pretty bad. If you had a healer who could patch you up it was OK, but otherwise, it just delayed the inevitable. So they added Enduring Bastion. And then it became a true escape. Force Barrier is SUPPOSED TO SAVE THE SORCERER. That is its INTENDED PURPOSE. That's why it has a 3 minute cooldown. Like Vanish, Focused/Enraged Defense, & Adrenalin Rush, the power's job is to give you the ability to survive dire odds.


The two classes with a vanish power now can auto purge with the ability giving them an incredible ability to escape combat. Guardians and Juggernauts can go from near dead to full life in a few seconds. Adrenalin Rush, Sniper Dodge & GBTF/Force Camoflage are supposed to do the same thing for the other classes, but are falling short right now. That's where the fixes should lie. Make sure those powers have the ability to turn the tide for those classes like Force Barrier, FD/ED & the vanishes.


Force Barrier (with Enduring Bastion) was added for very good reasons and it's really not likely it's going away.

Edited by Master-Nala
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Not sure if you were serious or being sarcastic to him, but it is the Sage version of Static Barrier.


Yeh dude b/c an ability that could be used every 20 seconds on yourself is a defensive cooldown.


Bottom line is sorcs have one actual defensive, and it's barrier. If you think it needs to be taken away you are an idiot.

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Yeh dude b/c an ability that could be used every 20 seconds on yourself is a defensive cooldown.


Bottom line is sorcs have one actual defensive, and it's barrier. If you think it needs to be taken away you are an idiot.


Lett them self class lobby this time! They don't know what they are speaking about : ) All of us who has Sage/Sorce as well know, that if this skill goes, then the class will be compensate with a new one.. And to be honest, like a Sage/Sorce player I like the idea ;)

All classes has defenses like they can freely act, till they are on, Sage, Sorce needs one as well. And of course in a cooldown like does skills : )

Some of the players who fear the magic (lol) mentioning force armore. It's actually ignore 3600 dmg, so goes down by the first hit aka good for nothing till the caster is under focus.


To be honest if I could wish, then force barrier could go, force armore could go and I want a defensive skill pack like my mara (a bit stronger coz light armor) : ) - that woul be perfect!


No trolling here!

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People just need to learn to play smart and stop trying to play hero. Why you waiting on the Sorc barrier to end while you at 30% HP? Run away and heal up then come back. He CANNOT user the force barrier again. Jeeze it's on a 2 minutes CD.


The fact that they had to use force barrier meant you were winning anyways. If you are a stealth class, it's easy win.


I have problem with sorc so I target them in PvP. Most of the time you loose cause they have someone guarding them.

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What most of you defending the bubble sorc do not realize, is the amount of sorcs playing the warzones.

Sure, it's on a no-matter-how-long cooldown and it's easy counterable on one-two sorcs, but when the enemy team has six sorcs.

You go for one sorcs, burn him down and force him to bubble, you switch to another target and surprise, he bubbles too.... and so on. It's most prevalent in arenas, I've had plenty of matches with 4 sorcs in team. Considering they reset all abilities on round 2.... It's frustrating as hell.

Bubble is OP and so is the sorc class. The amount of people playing this rat class speaks volumes.

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I don't agree that force barrier needs to go but I do believe that after its finished sorcs should not get an immunity. Yes sorcs would be burned down but that would make this support class heavy depended on teamwork to survive just like dps mercs.


And GSers and Sents.

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Yeh dude b/c an ability that could be used every 20 seconds on yourself is a defensive cooldown.


Bottom line is sorcs have one actual defensive, and it's barrier. If you think it needs to be taken away you are an idiot.

Don't think it needs to be taken away, but healing to full while being invincible is a very stupid idea. Edited by mmmbuddah
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Force barrier is a 10 second, self-CC. How is it even in the same league as abilities like force cloak, which not only save your life, but allow you to keep moving, invisibly? If you were the last combatant when you cloaked, you can then put them to sleep to prevent objective caps. Force barrier is a 2nd rate ability at best. It's fine as it is.
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Force barrier is a 10 second, self-CC. How is it even in the same league as abilities like force cloak, which not only save your life, but allow you to keep moving, invisibly? If you were the last combatant when you cloaked, you can then put them to sleep to prevent objective caps. Force barrier is a 2nd rate ability at best. It's fine as it is.


Let's compare it with non top-level skills, for example with merc dps Energy Shield... :p


btw Force barrier is a second cc-breaker. ;)

Edited by Glower
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What most of you defending the bubble sorc do not realize, is the amount of sorcs playing the warzones.

Sure, it's on a no-matter-how-long cooldown and it's easy counterable on one-two sorcs, but when the enemy team has six sorcs.

You go for one sorcs, burn him down and force him to bubble, you switch to another target and surprise, he bubbles too.... and so on. It's most prevalent in arenas, I've had plenty of matches with 4 sorcs in team. Considering they reset all abilities on round 2.... It's frustrating as hell.

Bubble is OP and so is the sorc class. The amount of people playing this rat class speaks volumes.



This is so right. The sheer amount of sorcs says something. You certainly don't see 3+ snipers per match. I get it, sorc is fun to play. Blasting away with lightning is cool and they are fun to play because they are low risk and high reward. I guess my real issue is that no other class has a similar ability. Why did sorcs get it? Compared to mercs, sorcs are superior in every way.. Better healer, better off healers, better dps, better utility, better survivability, better mobility. Why on earth does BW keep stacking blatantly superior abilities on the already powerful classes?


Mercs, snipers, and maras are all badly in need of some love.

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This is so right. The sheer amount of sorcs says something.


Yes, it says that ever since the game existed more people like playing force users in a Star Wars game than Bounty Hunters or Agents. Shocking I know.


I guess my real issue is that no other class has a similar ability.


Unless you don't count Force Cloak, Cloaking Screen, Force Camoflage, Enraged Defense. Because all those powers totally don't let you escape combat and come back. :rolleyes:



Why did sorcs get it? Compared to mercs, sorcs are superior in every way.. Better healer, better off healers, better dps, better utility, better survivability, better mobility. Why on earth does BW keep stacking blatantly superior abilities on the already powerful classes?


What do you mean "keep stacking?" Force Barrier has been here since 2.0 (i.e. April of 2013). Get over it.

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I play a powertech and a corruption sorc. I have to admit that I think Force Bubble is OP. It has such good utility though. It can be used to 'cheat death' and also as a cc breaker. I honestly think there are two options to nerf the ability:


1. Prevent healing through the bubble


2. Grant certain skills of certain classes the ability to break the bubble. It has to be an ability that is a baseline for that class. Something like ravage for juggs/maras and/or carbine burst or something.

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You are gonna take light armor classes only escape and make him die in 3-4 sec. since it heals you but you will be ok with 7 Shoulder cannon healing you %35 when used and you are also having much more mobility and deffenses compared to sorcs. or juggs having enage deffence healing themself to top while reflecting all damage to you, or assassins incredible deffence+ self healing abilities.

I dont play sorc-sage much in pvp but it is their only deffensive ability you can rely on with a very long cd and you want to take it away. With out it they are dead before starting fight. I accept there are situations makes it hard for other classes like dotting people and going barrier but every class have some strong side to some other classes (like off cd SC or saber reflect).

I see you are using merc which means you have counter for force barrier, you can kill %85 of sorcs using electro net, it pevents them to use barrier and only way to use barrier with electro net is using cc breaker first (even most sorcs doesnt know this :) ). I barely play with merc but i have no problem killing sorc if i play merc. I ask team not attack sorc 2-3 sec. and i use Concussion Missile to force him to use cc breaker and after he uses cc breaker use electro net and burn him in a few seconds. If he doesnt uses cc breaker no problem we will have 1 player advantege 8 seconds. I use my merc 1-2 times in a week and if i know how to beat sorc and your main is merc and you are complaining about it then there is only one thing i can say LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS, and learn your counters to other classes.

Edited by omeru
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