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Which classes on the Empire side have good light side storylines?


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There are cool light side choices that make sense.But being full light side doesn't fit.

This is definitely true, I feel, for the Warrior and Inquisitor. Both would make compelling neutral characters, maybe Light I, but full on light side would get silly, partly because there are enough light side choices that would simply prove you unfit for the job you were given (by Sith and Imperial standards) and you would not be allowed to continue making those choices.


There are a lot of very good light side choices for the Sith Warrior, but in the end playing a setting-appropriate and believable character given his background, my warrior still came out dark 3 in the end. Light side choices for the warrior tend to be more upholding a personal code of honor and defending the Empire and its interests, rather than simply your own. He's a little more thoughtful and pragmatic, and not evil because shut up, but it can strain credulity pretty quickly if you keep picking the light side choices. As with many of the dark side choices in the game, many of the light choices are awkward and leave you wondering why there was any alignment rating attached to it at all other than to simply provide more chances to alter your alignment.


Bounty hunter has a pretty good light side story, but again, full light side is not recommended. Light side BH is a professional, you don't double cross your client, but you have a personal code of morals, ethics, and conduct that guide you as well. But again, there are plenty of light side choices that would realistically throw your competence into question or even have you branded a traitor. And no matter how light side you go, your bounty hunter WILL murder people as part o their storyline. Hard to reconcile light V with murderer for hire.


Do what I do. Disable light side/dark side indicators in the interface options and pick what you think the individual character would do in the game setting, with their respective background and personality. Would a seriously light side person EVER become a bounty hunter? Perhaps, but not likely, and they certainly wouldn't do half the things the Bounty Hunter never even bats an eye at as part of the class story. Would a Light V Sith Warrior who constantly show mercy to the enemy be tolerated on the battlefield? Absolutely not, and for most of the story the warrior is NOT the biggest fish in the sea and could easily be replaced and reassigned, if not killed, by one of many significantly more powerful Sith.


Full light side/ds and picking every single gain for your chosen alignment will never make a believable character. It might be tons of fun, but it'll degrade the quality of the story and the believability of your character. I still like to do KOTOR or Fable run-throughs being evil because shut up, because it's fun, but it makes absolutely zero sense and were I trying to appreciate the story, I wouldn't be able to lol.


Lastly, I hear Agent has a very flexible storyline, you may be able to get pretty high in the LS spectrum before your character begins to strain credulity and you're forced to wonder how nobody has reassigned/fired him yet.

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The Sith Warrior is excellent if you're going light side. I haven't done it dark side yet, but I'm told it's not nearly as strong that way.


I'm going to be making another warrior sometime in the future, I'll have to fraps my cutscenes and put them on Youtube. The dark side story played as the honorable warrior is amazing. The final confrontation on Balmorra was truly epic on my playthrough. At the end of the story I was only dark 3, and it was one hell of a ride.

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One thing I think we need to remember is that having a light-sided Sith character is perfectly acceptable. Remember, The Sith aren't all about being evil - They're all about being free to be evil or good, with the only limits being your own power. If you want to be light side, then no one is going to care.


The problem I have is as a dark side Jedi - I've been leaving a trail of bodies throughout the galaxy and no one on The Council seems to care. It's ridiculous.


"Master Mentel, you really shouldn't have slaughtered those orphans and puppies... Anyway, on to your next assignment..."

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I played a Sith Juggernaut with an overdeveloped sense of honor, duty, and loyalty to the Emperor (he still hasn't learned Vitiates's secret yet) and without trying I ended up Light IV. At that point I shied away from Dark choices except where it would have strained credulity. The reason was mostly to not lose out on the LightV relics or the chance to get the SH title "Temple of Light" unlocked. Once I pick up some non-aligned relics from post-50 content I will be a little more free to make the honor-appropriate DS choices, but till then I feel a bit constrained. Just wish LightV (and DarkV) had something of a buffer to them. Like 10k-11k is LightV and that would give me room to make the odd character-appropriate dark choice without sacrificing equipped gear.
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bounty hunter is very good light side.

but like i did with my agent one or two light options dont make sense so i choose dark, but theres were like 3 out of the whole story.


With the Hunter Dark side is more about being a selfish *** who only cares for money while a light side one has honor and integrity

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Inquisitor is the only story that really seems to work easiest with mostly DS choices, or maybe slightly neutral. You can always go full light, but in that story line it just seems to guide you one way a bit more - even from very early when

you are asked basically to shock another initiate - though of course you don't have to (but talk about peer pressure, man)

... So I'd basically recommend any class but inquisitor for a good light side experience.

Actually that part of the Korriban class quest is the best explanation why LS inquisitors work well.



First you get the initiate to tell you everything you want to know without effort.

And afterwards you screw with the head of an experienced interrogator so much that it practically falls off and he follows your "suggestions" to get the initiate off planet and to safety.



A lightside Inquisitor is a master manipulator who twists those around him into serving him.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm laughing too hard at this : 'LS SW is the best Story,lore-wise' crap.




A Guy who takes all he's Power from RAGE!!!! and especially as the 'Emperors Wrath' being a LS ?Emperor must've been a complete Retard not sensing your Weakness ... and Act 2-3 were completely off as LS,zero logic to why you even spare X/Y.



I don't know about you,but I prefer manipulating People and Achieving my Goals faster rather than going #PsychoMode and killing everyone who might prove useful someday (and there's plenty of those Moments in SI's Story).

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I'm laughing too hard at this : 'LS SW is the best Story,lore-wise' crap.




A Guy who takes all he's Power from RAGE!!!! and especially as the 'Emperors Wrath' being a LS ?Emperor must've been a complete Retard not sensing your Weakness ... and Act 2-3 were completely off as LS,zero logic to why you even spare X/Y.



I don't know about you,but I prefer manipulating People and Achieving my Goals faster rather than going #PsychoMode and killing everyone who might prove useful someday (and there's plenty of those Moments in SI's Story).


The Light stuff for Sith Warrior is intriguing up until the end of Act II. Then...




-- Baras betrays you and tries to kill you and your companion, who is quite likely your love interest as well.

-- Lord Draahg is pretty gleeful about the above and pulls the trigger.

-- You are designated as Emperor's Wrath, whose job description is "kill these fools, no hesitation, no mercy."

-- Lord Draahg (with unstated assistance from Quinn) tries to kill your companions.

-- You engage in some seriously messed-up Dark Side stuff on Voss.

-- Quinn openly betrays you and tries to kill you.




Not "falling" during all that really strains suspension of disbelief. A Warrior who doesn't should be allowed to visit Tython and educate Jedi on how to hold their temper.

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The Light stuff for Sith Warrior is intriguing up until the end of Act II. Then...




-- Baras betrays you and tries to kill you and your companion, who is quite likely your love interest as well.

-- Lord Draahg is pretty gleeful about the above and pulls the trigger.

-- You are designated as Emperor's Wrath, whose job description is "kill these fools, no hesitation, no mercy."

-- Lord Draahg (with unstated assistance from Quinn) tries to kill your companions.

-- You engage in some seriously messed-up Dark Side stuff on Voss.

-- Quinn openly betrays you and tries to kill you.




Not "falling" during all that really strains suspension of disbelief. A Warrior who doesn't should be allowed to visit Tython and educate Jedi on how to hold their temper.


Oh yes,I totally forgot about 4th and 6th 'Events' ... the SW Story was meant to be played DS (there's plenty of Hints from Korriban and on) ... after all,you're a 'Weapon' (as everyone states this in the Story itself). But the whole concept of LS/DS is poorly made .... there could've been better Option's for DS rather than just Kill > Kill > Kill > FC > Kill ....


Every Story is good,but some simply reflect 'Hatred,Rage' even as LS ... which makes it unbelievable. (Agent being an Exception .... and even BH). Just like a Tropper (from a RP-PoV) can't be played fully LS/DS .. you're a Soldier,you're not meant to Question your Superior(s) ...you do what you're told.

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Sith Warrior is pretty fun, but so is Sith Inquisitor. To me it makes more sense for the Bounty Hunter and Agent to be neutral. But I've played them all light-sided and I enjoyed all of them thoroughly. Play them however you want. If you don't like them light-sided, they can easily be switched around.
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Honestly my Sith Warrior is primarily light side but I run my character off of a Honor system if you will. Don't kill something if there is no honor in it. But its still fun to play that way and also here and there I do some dark side options because I find it amusing
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LS Agent -- Highly recommended! My own canonical playthrough is Neutral/LS. If you go DS Agent, you take a lot of kills you don't have to just for the satisfaction of killing / the Empire demands it. LS Agent is more of a James Bond type who realizes his own government is the problem.


LS Warrior -- Really interesting but it doesn't always make sense. It definitely works in relation to why you have conflicts with other characters, and explains why other powerful Sith get paranoid about you, but ultimately you are Wrath incarnate. It works if you consider him/her as having a Sith sense of honor.


LS Inquisitor -- I could see this working if you're playing a character that is exceptionally smart. I mean, a master of politics and intrigue. Because by Chapter 3, the fact that you're LS feels really dangerous considering your present company. At least to me.


LS Bounty Hunter -- Fits the "Hitman with a heart of gold" or "honorable warrior" tropes. And Mako approves.

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LS Agent -- Highly recommended! My own canonical playthrough is Neutral/LS. If you go DS Agent, you take a lot of kills you don't have to just for the satisfaction of killing / the Empire demands it. LS Agent is more of a James Bond type who realizes his own government is the problem.


LS Warrior -- Really interesting but it doesn't always make sense. It definitely works in relation to why you have conflicts with other characters, and explains why other powerful Sith get paranoid about you, but ultimately you are Wrath incarnate. It works if you consider him/her as having a Sith sense of honor.


LS Inquisitor -- I could see this working if you're playing a character that is exceptionally smart. I mean, a master of politics and intrigue. Because by Chapter 3, the fact that you're LS feels really dangerous considering your present company. At least to me.


LS Bounty Hunter -- Fits the "Hitman with a heart of gold" or "honorable warrior" tropes. And Mako approves.


The way to play a LS Inquisitor is someone who doesn't want to be there, knows he has to be hard to keep other Sith at bay, and comes around to wanting to pull a coup once he realizes he's stronger than a lot of the psychopaths with better bloodlines.


IMO, this is pretty much what Ashara is there for. That a LS male Inquisitor strongly implies he's trolling everyone by talking completely differently to her reinforces that. There's a reason hard Dark players can't stand her.

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