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Leaving WZ Matches Early


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We have a lockout from queuing for a group for a fp if you leave, don't we?


Please stop comparing pve mechanics with pvp. If you're going to use the lockout in pve as an argument then you should probably know beforehand that we can't vote kick anyone who isn't simply away from their keyboard in pvp. Let's start with that, kicking deathmatchers and pve geared raiders, before we start thinking about pve "lockouts" for quitters in pvp.

Edited by Ridickilis
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In regards to premades. As I stated in previous posts, PREMADES are only a problem because Boiware has time and time again failed to address the balance problem with Tanks/Healers in groups. A premade full of DPS would not be an issue but most PREMADES follow the same basic formula. Tank + Healer = win. So before complaining about PREMADES first consider what makes them so OP in the first place.


If tanks and healers are broken, then bring your own tank + healer. It isn't rocket science. The enemy team does not have an advantage off of the start because of some hidden mechanic. They decided to work as a group (premade), form an actual team instead of play just a random assortment of people...etc. This is NOTHING that you cannot do yourself.

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Also, don't you get to choose your FP when queuing? (Solo player, I don't raid much)


Cross server queuing, give me a choice of WZ and I'll see your penalty.


I honestly don't see a problem with giving people a choice for choosing their warzone. I think queuing in such a way should prevent you from filling your daily/weekly though. Or possibly BW should give a bonus to warzone commendations for people who queue for a random.


Also I don't understand why people hate certain maps. The map isn't somehow aligned against you to make you lose. Everyone in the warzone plays with the same conditions.

Edited by Moriam
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If tanks and healers are broken, then bring your own tank + healer. It isn't rocket science. The enemy team does not have an advantage off of the start because of some hidden mechanic. They decided to work as a group (premade), form an actual team instead of play just a random assortment of people...etc. This is NOTHING that you cannot do yourself.


Wrong because this game SHOULDN'T be about bringing FOTM OP build or even group compositions into the game for an easy win. All group compositions should be EQUALLY viable which is NOT the case in the current state of the game. Tank + Healer is 90% win in pubs the only time this is not the case is when the other team has the same thing.


And yes a coordinated group can seperate and kill them but at what cost? You spend half the time trying to kill them and cant cap a node while the other team just lol to a different node to cap it. Stalemate the rest of the match = win. Even after you manage to kill them they just respawn in 30 seconds every time. Rinse and repeat.

Edited by chosonman
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Wrong because this game SHOULDN'T be about bringing FOTM OP build or even group compositions into the game for an easy win. All group compositions should be EQUALLY viable which is NOT the case in the current state of the game. Tank + Healer is 90% win in pubs the only time this is not the case is when the other team has the same thing.


And yes a coordinated group can seperate and kill them but at what cost? You spend half the time trying to kill them and cant cap a node while the other team just lol to a different node to cap it. Stalemate the rest of the match = win. Even after you manage to kill them they just respawn in 30 seconds every time. Rinse and repeat.


Since when has a healer + tank been fotm. It's always been that way. Why shouldn't group composition be a thing?


So again, if healer + tank is sooo good. Why don't you play a healer and befriend a tank buddy?


Group composition is a thing in PvE, is it not?

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Since when has a healer + tank been fotm. It's always been that way. Why shouldn't group composition be a thing?


So again, if healer + tank is sooo good. Why don't you play a healer and befriend a tank buddy?


Group composition is a thing in PvE, is it not?


I don't need to repeat what I already wrote.


edit: and part of the reason why tank + healer is in pvp is because of pve. It should never have been allowed in PVP in the state that it's in right now.

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I don't need to repeat what I already wrote.


edit: and part of the reason why tank + healer is in pvp is because of pve. It should never have been allowed in PVP in the state that it's in right now.


You never answered the question. If the tank + healer dynamo is soo overpowered/good, then why not do it yourself? The answer is because you don't want to even though you acknowledge it is powerful....you see how silly this is? But do complain more. They will eventually change how healers + tanks work in PvP right? They did it before, right? Nope...


I actually like the role tanks play in this game. In WoW, tanks are 100% useless in pvp. They do crap damage, but don't mitigate damage for their friends (this is when I played maybe 2 years ago).

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You never answered the question. If the tank + healer dynamo is soo overpowered/good, then why not do it yourself? The answer is because you don't want to even though you acknowledge it is powerful....you see how silly this is? But do complain more. They will eventually change how healers + tanks work in PvP right? They did it before, right? Nope...


I actually like the role tanks play in this game. In WoW, tanks are 100% useless in pvp. They do crap damage, but don't mitigate damage for their friends (this is when I played maybe 2 years ago).


Since you refuse to read what I wrote I post it again. And I prefer to play my own way and have to play a different way just because if I want to win I have to play FTOM groups.




All group compositions should be EQUALLY viable which is NOT the case in the current state of the game. Tank + Healer is 90% win in pubs the only time this is not the case is when the other team has the same thing.


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Since you refuse to read what I wrote I post it again. And I prefer to play my own way and have to play a different way just because if I want to win I have to play FTOM groups.




All group compositions should be EQUALLY viable which is NOT the case in the current state of the game. Tank + Healer is 90% win in pubs the only time this is not the case is when the other team has the same thing.


Then play your own way and lose. Thank you for your time sir. I have little sympathy for your complaining because you acknowledge that you want to play the game your OWN way but you also feel entitled to win. The two goals are not always reconciliable.

Edited by Moriam
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Then play your own way and lose. Thank you for your time sir.


You validated exactly what I said. Tank + Healer = win. Thank you sir.



Edit: So the point of having other classes is moot since tank + healer is automatic win right?

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Please stop comparing pve mechanics with pvp. If you're going to use the lockout in pve as an argument then you should probably know beforehand that we can't vote kick anyone who isn't simply away from their keyboard in pvp. Let's start with that, kicking deathmatchers and pve geared raiders, before we start thinking about pve "lockouts" for quitters in pvp.


that would be the end of me leaving since i don't see any other reason beside:


-hating the map

-IRL aggro


while at the same way i kick people playing wrong in PVE, i should be allowed to have a serious vote system in PVP

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I honestly don't see why people complain about premades. PVP is a team game. If they happened to form a team and they are better than yours (premade or pug), then so be it. If you don't like it form your own team. I pug most of the time and don't have a problem with it. Sure their are some good premades. All the more power to them. Encourages me to play better and/or find some good people to group with.


And again, putting a lockout timer for people who leave early will just cause them to go afk in the match. Since the vote kick system for PVP is a joke that is not a reasonable option. Sometimes it has nothing to do with either team, winning, or losing. I will leave quesh ball every time. Even if I back fill in and my team has 4 points and enemies have 0 I will still leave because I hate that map. Also, if their weren't so many idiots in PVP I'd be less inclined to leave some matches. But when I try to sap cap someone after saying "do not attack guard" and an idiot warrior leaps at them midway thru the cap it pisses me off. I shrug it off, but when the same guy does it again I'm not sticking around.

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I honestly don't see why people complain about premades.


People dont have have problem with premades. People just think that premades should face premades instead of pugs. That is not an unreasonable request.


It's the same reason they have weight classes in boxing, leagues et cetera.

Edited by vennian
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People dont have have problem with premades. People just think that premades should face premades instead of pugs. That is not an unreasonable request.


It's the same reason they have weight classes in boxing, leagues et cetera.



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. I like stomping premades with a pug group.


Statistically pugs gets stomped by premades in the majority of matches. Your experience with the opposite is s statistical minority. Ie, your own anecdotal story is invalid.


And I like to leave early when I face certain premades. See, current system is "working as intended".

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Statistically pugs gets stomped by premades in the majority of matches. Your experience with the opposite is s statistical minority. Ie, your own anecdotal story is invalid.


And I like to leave early when I face certain premades. See, current system is "working as intended".


I never said my joy of stomping premades is statistically significant. Nor do I stomp premades every time. I get on some pretty lousy pug teams. I merely stated that I enjoy stomping premades. Therefore, I don't want the system to change. I do not feign to speak for the majority nor should you. I've heard many people say they want separate queues and many people say they don't. All I can say is what I want.

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Premades are only as good as their members, same with pugs. I could care less if i'm facing a premade but if i'm in with a bunch of tunnel vision baddies that can't focus on objectives and play smart, then i'm going to leave.


You are right that some pre-mades are bad and some pugs are quite good. The system should be matchmaking so that regardless of the group type, the match is competitive so that each side has a reasonable shot at winning. Other games do it, so can swtor.

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