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What this game needs is more lag


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Well, it might actually get addressed if the issue isn't allowed to drop off the front page. It is actually game-breaking for many people.
I fell in love with this game 1 and a half years ago, and now I am slowly getting put off , because I shoot off my attacks, and they either


A. Take far too long to activate and I am already half dead when the fire off.




B. They fire off, but the hits don't register until the channeled ability is 3/4 through and it only does a minute fraction of the damage it is supposed to do.


Not very fun.

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I keep seeing these posts about lag but with the expansion I am only getting ability lag in certain places and it is not consistent nor is it game breaking. I think BW really dropped the ball here. I mean I paid the same amount as everyone else and I'm not getting the same lag that they paid for. Come on BW where is my lag!?!
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I keep seeing these posts about lag but with the expansion I am only getting ability lag in certain places and it is not consistent nor is it game breaking. I think BW really dropped the ball here. I mean I paid the same amount as everyone else and I'm not getting the same lag that they paid for. Come on BW where is my lag!?!


So... you have less of the lag... does that make you Lag-o-lass?

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The lowest form of wit.


I don't know .. I think the lowest form of wit was the fact I came back and actually LIKED the game again last month .. now after soaking me for another $20 the servers are unplayable again..


happened with RotHC too.. and either someone there has a VERY bad sense of humor or is trying very hard to put them under

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Reno has no lag, because all he does is standing in his stronghold all day long looking at the paintings he bought in the Cartel Market. Just put him on ignore.


The lag is still unbearable for me. 3 years without lag and now this. Not happy at the moment. Could not even be bothered starting SoR with a second char yet.

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We need more lag. The 4 to 5 seconds we have been getting on many planets since the expansion's release isn't quite enough to totally ruin gameplay. Make it 8-10 so we have a better reason to unsubscribe.


I actually like the lag, both in the initial loading of the game, and also, too, when waiting to land on any planet.


One time my lag was so bad (or is that good?) that I enrolled in a continuing education program and managed to get my MBA in Finance. After graduation - brand, new shiny diploma in hand, I came home, and I still hadn't landed on Belsavis.


Long story short, without lag I would not have gone back to university.


P.S. This is a true story.



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what did u expect?... thats what you get when BW abuse Revans Lagacy for such an half baked major expansion.



ive been told the lag is there to distract from that fraking discipline`s.


mby its just Lord Obama and Keeper Merkel preparing the first strike against the Repuplic

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ignore Reno he have nothing of value to add to any thread concerning people who are experiencing game breaking lag..all he is known for now is trolling and derailing threads, with legitimate complains. 3.0 have ruin the game for many people who haven't had any lag issue prior to 3.0 me included.:mad:


Personal attacks add nothing of value to threads too, just so you know.


Actually, these threads were all created months ago, but due to the lag, they are just now showing up.


A good joke.


Reno has no lag, because all he does is standing in his stronghold all day long looking at the paintings he bought in the Cartel Market. Just put him on ignore.


The lag is still unbearable for me. 3 years without lag and now this. Not happy at the moment. Could not even be bothered starting SoR with a second char yet.


I actually do dailies on Rishi and Yavin 4 and Hard modes with my guildies and I still don't suffer from lag.

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I fell in love with this game 1 and a half years ago, and now I am slowly getting put off , because I shoot off my attacks, and they either


A. Take far too long to activate and I am already half dead when the fire off.




B. They fire off, but the hits don't register until the channeled ability is 3/4 through and it only does a minute fraction of the damage it is supposed to do.


Not very fun.


Same here. I wonder why the lag has increased? Because more people are playing? Or perhaps just because of more content putting more strain?

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