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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So long Accuracy Rating. You will not be missed.


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The time has come for this stat to go away. With the built-in 10% accuracy talent for tank stances, it now is irrelevant to tanks, and it already was meaningless for healers. For DPS it isn't even a stat anymore, just a flat 758 DKP MINUS to the stat budget of every PvE DPS setup in the game.


It is clear from the comments after 3.0 that Accuracy is "working as intended" and that Bioware is "happy with where DPS is at" that Accuracy now is nothing more than a kludge to keep DPS in check.


So if they want to keep DPS in check, they should just keep DPS in check. Nerf the base damage of abilities down to wherever it needs to be at and let DPS specs use their stat budgets for actual stats, so that DPS (like healers and tanks) can have real choice in their setups.


It's dumb, it's boring, and it adds nothing to the game. You give up 70% of your tertiary stat budget to cap it, and then you forget that it exists, until the next expac comes along when you have to re-stack to whatever absurd level the next threshold turns out to be. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Blizzard realized this and removed Hit Rating in WoD. Maybe if we're lucky Bioware will follow their lead in 4.0.


Prior to Warlords of Draenor, players' chance to hit was lower; a secondary attribute called hit rating was used to ensure that the player would not miss against targets. The hit rating secondary attribute was removed with Patch 6.0.2 along with Expertise. The developers described the process of reaching the expertise and hit caps as a penalty rather than an augmentation, with players inevitably regarding the stats as mandatory rather than "fun". As a result, the stats were removed, with players effectively automatically capped in both expertise and hit.



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You want the game adjusted to remove accuracy ... but the game is already adjusted with it. You want the same net result without the reasons behind why accuracy and defense exists. I do not see this happening other than possible tweaks and fixes to it's current state.
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Accuracy needs to go as it adds nothing to the game and simply removes player choice and options for experimenting with and creating multiple viable stat builds.


The only thing accuracy is good for is to allow the developers to take the lazy way out of balancing stats and dps by stuffing the stat budget so full of a useless stat players are unable to push dps boundaries by experimenting with significant combinations of the other stats.


It also creates an artificial throttle to gear progression, especially when combined with the garbage gear available on commendation vendors and the lack of accuracy on most token gear, in effect requiring players to gather up three, four or more tokens of the same item just to get enhancements with accuracy in order to upgrade their gear each tier.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Well if you want to preempt the change then by all means do so. I will enjoy higher dps numbers because my big abilities actually hit the target.


You may do higher dps numbers to the boss, but if you follow kill order, you might do less dps most of the time to adds and wandering trash, than someone who went for 106% accuracy and used the rest for surge and alacrity.


4% miss rate and 4% extra damage from surge and alacrity should equal each other out. The true problem lies in lost procs and wasted CDs during boss fights. If a slip in your rotation during the boss fight guarantees a wipe then go for 110% accuracy, otherwise specialising on adds with 106 or 107 accuracy and some alacrity and surge might be a thing.

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Ah yes.... a passive aggressive demand wrapped in a wishful thinking thread. :rolleyes:


I get it..... if they remove accuracy and just make is so nobody can miss..... then you get gear points to put into other stats.


One problem though.... Accuracy Rating remains in the game, and they have declared it working as intended.


I wonder how long the OP can hold their breath. :p

Edited by Andryah
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What about PVP? Wouldn't removing the ACC stat have some impact there? If a player can increase the chance for another player to miss them by stacking a tank stat then we risk creating a PVP tank that is very difficult to hit. While this would leave that tank with low damage output that could easily be healed through it could really do a number on PVP balance.


And please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I only play PVP sporadically and don't spend any time reading up on the gearing strategies for PVP. I'm just going by a basic understanding of game mechanics in PVP.


I do agree that the stat is pretty boring in PVE for the reasons already listed in this thread.

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The idea of getting rid of accuracy as a stat is appealing. But realize that adding ~750 points of surge/alacrity into the stat budget is going to inflate average dps. Possibly drastically.


If the OP got his wish, Bioware would likely accompany it with some other nerf, such as horrible diminishing return curves.


I don't really see how that would be better.

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Not sure this particular style of combat engine would support that.

It already supports it. All that these abilities do under the hood is apply a 100% chance to avoid any incoming attack or effect for 2 seconds. We already have abilities that do the same thing, but they aren't usable tactically because the cooldown on them is far too long. All they need to do is add a new small universal resource pool to throttle it, where you can do one or two dodges from a full pool, and then you have a longish regen time once it is drained.


The animation and movement that are usually added aren't strictly needed, but there is no obvious reason that they could not be included. We already have leap and roll abilities. The only difference is that a dodge by default usually moves you backwards rather than forward. GW2 adds the feature that if you're moving, then you dodge in the direction of movement. But if any sort of movement is "too much" for the engine to handle, then the ability could just dodge in place with a visible effect for the duration.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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It already supports it. All that these abilities do under the hood is apply a 100% chance to avoid any incoming attack or effect for 2 seconds. We already have abilities that do the same thing, but they aren't usable tactically because the cooldown on them is far too long. All they need to do is add a new small universal resource pool to throttle it, where you can do one or two dodges from a full pool, and then you have a longish regen time once it is drained.


The animation and movement that are usually added aren't strictly needed, but there is no obvious reason that they could not be included. We already have leap and roll abilities. The only difference is that a dodge by default usually moves you backwards rather than forward. GW2 adds the feature that if you're moving, then you dodge in the direction of movement. But if any sort of movement is "too much" for the engine to handle, then the ability could just dodge in place with a visible effect for the duration.


Okay... PVP would probably implode if you had a pool of 100% avoid chance included as a resource...


Edit: You would basically be enabling the ability to keybind invincibility...

Edited by azudelphi
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Accuracy is already a meaningful choice. You give up higher damage for more consistency and control. The only time it is 'required' is when doing content tuned to require little to no mistakes. MMO gamers in my experience want to control their environment to an almost obsessive degree. Hence the feeling that you are forced into accuracy.
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Accuracy is already a meaningful choice. You give up higher damage for more consistency and control. The only time it is 'required' is when doing content tuned to require little to no mistakes. MMO gamers in my experience want to control their environment to an almost obsessive degree. Hence the feeling that you are forced into accuracy.

I haven't run the numbers on 3.0 yet, but in 2.x getting accuracy to 100% was the most effective way to increase DPS, so it never made sense to leave it out. Since we now need more accuracy rating and thus suffer more from its DR effects, it could be that the balance shifts towards alacrity a bit. I'll get back to this once I have gathered sufficient data on 3.0.

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What's aggravating is that some of us would like to try some of the other stats that can have a dynamic change on how we play our character or rotation but it's hard to experiment because there's so little room in the budget. It wasn't easy pre 3.0. Then Bioware nixed their plan to increase the amount of hit % per point to free up room for us to try other stats at the last minute. Then they got rid of our talent tree, which was giving us 3% increased chance to hit. That's 3% we now have to make up for with gear. We have less flexibility now than we did even before the patch. Too bad pleas of having the stat removed will just degenerate into "you're dumbing the game down!" or "you'll make it too easy!!"


Wouldn't worry too much about "hitting harder" with the stat removed. The content in the future would just be calibrated around the assumption you had alacity/surge and stuff instead. And this Xpack nerfed our characters already as it is anyway.

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Why is it mandatory that I use Willpower to make my Assassin stronger? I want to use Strength instead, because it sounds more "fun" to me.


I hope Accuracy stays. Blizzard went way too far with their cuts.


Accuracy, like Hit in WoW, is a stupid stat, because you have one fixed amount to reach, and anything over is wasted, and anything under leaves a players critically gimped, because you can't count on essential skills hitting. No other MMO stat is so statically rigid.


And while your Strength vs Willpower example is probably one of the most pathetic attempts at a strawman that I have ever seen, unlike accuracy, at least Strength does something for your character, as feeble as it might be, at any value rating.

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Remove accuracy rating from gear and give everyone the tank treatment (10% flat accuracy boost, lower dps). Accuracy would still exist, just not on gear.


One drawback is that WoW has more tertiary stats to choose from. It would be ideal if they replaced accuracy with another more interesting stat like multistrike.

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