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3.0 Engineering Snipers, the good and the bad.


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So I finally got around to getting my sniper to lv 60, and i found some of the changes to engineering to be nice, and others to be very annoying.


The Good:

Explosive Probe seems to do more damage, and i get a auto-crit every minute (2 per minute with 6 piece set bonus) I hit a lv 60 pve geared player with my lv 55 pvp gear on yavin 4 for 17K EP crit :)


Series of Shots has a slightly less cooldown, and can knock back targets on the final shot. Nice to use to troll that annoying melee in your face.


diversion is fun to annoy other snipers with, not sure it it's worth Ambushes removable.


Emp Discharge as a damage ability is pretty cool, since you don't have to be in LOS to use it. Makes for nice "hit and run" attacks after scoring in queshball (diversion on sniper ->IP->EP->EMP w/ laze target =Lots o damage)


Suppression Fire buff is fine i guess, i still don't use it much.


The Bad:


NO double troll roll. My biggest annoyance with the changes. Before i was rolling on cooldown since if i needed to, i had a second one just in case. Now i have to save it so my mobility is worse.


Single Target Grenade: it's nice that it's free after EMP discharge, but why is it single target now? It seemed to work fine beforehand.


Oribital Wet Noodle: err i mean Orbital Strike. rebuff was iffy, i use it to stop caps, but that's about it right now.


No Cleanse is really annoying, since if i'm rooted i can't trollroll, and i don't want to waste a utility point on countermeasures.


Plasma Probe being 9 seconds instead of 18 seconds is really annoying


Suggested Changes To make the spec OP Make the Class Better:


Make Orbital Strike do damage again. I want my 6K crits back.


Turn Evasion into something like "Imperial Defenses" that works like EMP discharge used to. Maybe give different percs for it in the different trees.


Make the Grenade an AOE again.


Make Plasma Probe last 18 seconds again, and maybe increase energy cost (or make it free after EMP instead of the grenade)

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In all honesty I've been largely ignoring EMP Discharge it's just far too annoying to use. They need to change the requirement for it to be used on a target with IP and they need to revert the stun back to IP+PP.


Then perhaps as a damage skill it will actually be worth using imho. Oh sure it is useful but so far to a large extent I've gotten along fine without it...trying to remember to use it is just a hinderance.


They also need to remove the ability to knock other snipers out of cover on diversion. Whoever thought it was a great idea to give that to all snipers should be shot.

Edited by BaineOs
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There is no 'good'. Saboteur is a dead spec now, time to move on because Bioware class devs sure as hell don't have the balls to admit they got something wrong and revert a set of changes completely. It was perfect for me and many others before. Now it isn't and I'm not holding my breath
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In all honesty I've been largely ignoring EMP Discharge it's just far too annoying to use. They need to change the requirement for it to be used on a target with IP and they need to revert the stun back to IP+PP.


Then perhaps as a damage skill it will actually be worth using imho. Oh sure it is useful but so far to a large extent I've gotten along fine without it...trying to remember to use it is just a hinderance.


They also need to remove the ability to knock other snipers out of cover on diversion. Whoever thought it was a great idea to give that to all snipers should be shot.


Sabotage/emp is off gcd, which is enough of a reason to use it...<3 burst... Also, the change back to original sabotage makes more sense than sabotage resetting all of your own defensives. Plus it's easier to work the small stun

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Also, the change back to original sabotage makes more sense than sabotage resetting all of your own defensives. Plus it's easier to work the small stun


Makes no sense to me, it's a backward step and you know as well as I do it's not back to it's setting either. Otherwise we'd have a couple of resets.....


Easier to work the stun.....in pvp......do you want to think about that for a second?


And I'm not too sure it's off the GCD either.

Edited by BaineOs
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Sabotage/emp is off gcd, which is enough of a reason to use it...<3 burst... Also, the change back to original sabotage makes more sense than sabotage resetting all of your own defensives. Plus it's easier to work the small stun


Sabotage/EMP USED to be off GCD. It is not now. Have you actually played the spec? It certainly is not easier to work the stun with it on GCD and not to mention all the speed boosts flying around. If they are not standing still fighting, you may as well not even try incendiary grenade because they will be out of that before it lands, let alone hit sabotage.

Edited by Technohic
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They also need to remove the ability to knock other snipers out of cover on diversion. Whoever thought it was a great idea to give that to all snipers should be shot.


Diversion is the counter to the Entrench + Cover combination of "immune to player mechanics and damage reduction on top" buffs


Something suitable about needing a sniper to really screw another sniper.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Diversion is the counter to the Entrench + Cover combination of "immune to player mechanics and damage reduction on top" buffs


Something suitable about needing a sniper to really screw another sniper.


Something ironic you mean. I've never been a fan of diversion knocking a sniper out of entrench even when I was a marksman sniper before I switched to engineering. Making it only available to one spec was for me, something I was ok with. Making it available to all sniper specs? Nah sorry that's where it's lost me. Especially with what the other classes have got I just think that particular effect is antiquated and should be removed.

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Entrench isn't technically what it removes but removing Cover is how you break an Entrenched sniper.


Since no other ability in the game can inconvenience an Entrenched sniper its not a bad thing to have in the game.


Even Jugs with stun/physics immunity after a leap can be rooted to stop them doing whatever they like. By dam near any class.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Entrench isn't technically what it removes but removing Cover is how you break an Entrenched sniper.


Since no other ability in the game can inconvenience an Entrenched sniper its not a bad thing to have in the game.


Even Jugs with stun/physics immunity after a leap can be rooted to stop them doing whatever they like. By dam near any class.


You don't pvp much, do you? You can't root juggs after leap, and your comment about nothing but diversion inconveniencing entrenched snipers is only true in situations with very low incoming damage, where the sniper can just sit and facetank.

Edited by diadox
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Entrench isn't technically what it removes but removing Cover is how you break an Entrenched sniper.


Since no other ability in the game can inconvenience an Entrenched sniper its not a bad thing to have in the game.


Even Jugs with stun/physics immunity after a leap can be rooted to stop them doing whatever they like. By dam near any class.


Diversion without the "removes Cover" feature to it would still inconvenience an Entrenched Sniper.


If Jugs had a skill for disarming other Jugs, temporarily disabling DCDs like Saber Reflect and Saber Ward and removing all their stun/root immunities then a comparison between Sniper and Jug would make sense.

Rooting a Jug and using Diversion on a Sniper are on totally different levels of "inconvenience".

Edited by MFollin
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In all honesty I've been largely ignoring EMP Discharge it's just far too annoying to use. They need to change the requirement for it to be used on a target with IP and they need to revert the stun back to IP+PP.


Then perhaps as a damage skill it will actually be worth using imho. Oh sure it is useful but so far to a large extent I've gotten along fine without it...trying to remember to use it is just a hinderance.


They also need to remove the ability to knock other snipers out of cover on diversion. Whoever thought it was a great idea to give that to all snipers should be shot.


The EMP charge/Sabotage charge trick in its current state has become more like the rotation systems you see with the Sharpshooter spec. I'm not too fond of its current incarnation either - but the damage amount begs it to be used. It does come in handy after a Legshot/Flourish shot combination.


Agreed on the Cover removing talent. Giving slingers and snipers that skill weakens the class as a whole. It's like allowing a Sorc to strip a Sage of their Force Armor and Force Mend for an extended period of time. If the slingers and snipers are supposed to be the ranged tech dps equivalents of sages/sorcs, then this has to go.

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So I finally got around to getting my sniper to lv 60, and i found some of the changes to engineering to be nice, and others to be very annoying.


The Good:

Explosive Probe seems to do more damage, and i get a auto-crit every minute (2 per minute with 6 piece set bonus) I hit a lv 60 pve geared player with my lv 55 pvp gear on yavin 4 for 17K EP crit :)


Series of Shots has a slightly less cooldown, and can knock back targets on the final shot. Nice to use to troll that annoying melee in your face.


diversion is fun to annoy other snipers with, not sure it it's worth Ambushes removable.


Emp Discharge as a damage ability is pretty cool, since you don't have to be in LOS to use it. Makes for nice "hit and run" attacks after scoring in queshball (diversion on sniper ->IP->EP->EMP w/ laze target =Lots o damage)


Suppression Fire buff is fine i guess, i still don't use it much.


The Bad:


NO double troll roll. My biggest annoyance with the changes. Before i was rolling on cooldown since if i needed to, i had a second one just in case. Now i have to save it so my mobility is worse.


Single Target Grenade: it's nice that it's free after EMP discharge, but why is it single target now? It seemed to work fine beforehand.


Oribital Wet Noodle: err i mean Orbital Strike. rebuff was iffy, i use it to stop caps, but that's about it right now.


No Cleanse is really annoying, since if i'm rooted i can't trollroll, and i don't want to waste a utility point on countermeasures.


Plasma Probe being 9 seconds instead of 18 seconds is really annoying


Suggested Changes To make the spec OP Make the Class Better:


Make Orbital Strike do damage again. I want my 6K crits back.


Turn Evasion into something like "Imperial Defenses" that works like EMP discharge used to. Maybe give different percs for it in the different trees.


Make the Grenade an AOE again.


Make Plasma Probe last 18 seconds again, and maybe increase energy cost (or make it free after EMP instead of the grenade)


The orbital is still useful enough. Especially given that it has a faster activation time now.


If you want the crits, then boost the surge and coat the opposition in dots. The current versions of slingers and snipers seem to be more AoE deeps than single target deeps - sadly. It means that they are more likely to have a wider range of targets with broad damage and completely mess up ccs. It has been a bad re-jig for the sniper class. Mind you I still have one spec to try out (Marksmanship), but so far the Engineering and Virulence specs are definitely not great for about 2/3rds of the situations you face in warzones and arenas. (The only time they really seem to have any value is if the rest of the team has decent gear and both sides are doing a node swarm.)

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OK, I'm back with a better understanding of engineering pvp, since i have finally got around to playing lv 60 pvp.


Survivalbility sucks compared to before. Probably due to the double roll not existing anymore.


Damage works still, i still can top damage a warzone and i can still nuke people with 2 10K EP's every minute.


The PP stun is almost worthless now, since if i use IP->PP->EMP and cast the center of PP were the player is, they can easily get out of it before i hit them with EMP, thus making the stun worthless. In order to correct this, i would like to see the stun returned to just IP->PP, OR PP's range is increased from 5 meters to 8 meters.


PP damage doesn't do all that much, i would like to see it returned to 18 seconds so at least i don't have to cast it as much.


the 3 seconds of mostly god mode (evasion) can be nice, but it doesn't really fit with how agents should be avoiding damage. Again i want to see it remove DOTS again, OR be changed to what the old EMP discharge was.


I'm not sure if it was like this before, but i can't roll while rooted. This hurts our survivalbility hard. Also Entrench does NOT remove roots when activated like it did before, forcing us to use a utility point when i need it for other stuff.


If i think of more rants, ill comment later.

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