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Sorcs are BROKEN!!!


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Honestly, one of the funniest things you'll ever see is a team that doesn't notice two snipers rolling in behind the melee and focus firing. You'll get a bunch of people whining in chat about how op jugs or sins are when the two snipers clear the field.


Point is, don't leave sorcs or snipers alone to free cast. They are true glass cannons. If you can't kill them it's a l2p issue, and if a sorc pops a FB please don't switch targets and forget about them. wind up a shot for when the FB drops.


Try Titanium cannons, nothing glass about Sorcs anymore , they hit harder then any other dps class AND heal as well or better then any other healing class at the same damn time.

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Try Titanium cannons, nothing glass about Sorcs anymore , they hit harder then any other dps class AND heal as well or better then any other healing class at the same damn time.


Please show me a screenshot of a sorc hitting you for over 15k (or even close to that).


Many specs are htting for 14-18k on their big hits now, sorcs don't come close to that.

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Please show me a screenshot of a sorc hitting you for over 15k (or even close to that).


Many specs are htting for 14-18k on their big hits now, sorcs don't come close to that.


that really doesn't matter. PTs hit 5k 5k 14k, sorcs hit 8k 8k 8k, in the end it's the same

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that really doesn't matter. PTs hit 5k 5k 14k, sorcs hit 8k 8k 8k, in the end it's the same


And juggs can pull 14k impales, snipers 17k auto-crit ambush, mercs, etc, etc ,etc.


PTs/VGs are hard to heal through because they load up their dps and it executes in 1-2 gcds (this is outside of SC, which is an entirely different story), snipers have good lead-up and follow through damage on ambush, and mercs also have decent damage around their heat seeker - but it's the big spike that really hurts you and nets the kill.


Madness has little/no burst, but it does have amazing self heals; lightning sorcs combo multiple abilites back to back, but they are reliant on procs to really create "burst" and their self healing is all on the GCD (aside from unnatural preservation) so they have to make decisions between healing or dpsing.


Sorcs have two great dps specs, but neither spec is bursty (lightning is close when you chain procs together) .


Sorcs are strong and allow good players to push the envelope because of the utility, but in terms of raw kill power they are simply outclassed (primary by sins, pts, and concealment ops, though juggs are close).

Edited by alexsamma
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And juggs can pull 14k impales, snipers 17k auto-crit ambush, mercs, etc, etc ,etc.


PTs/VGs are hard to heal through because they load up their dps and it executes in 1-2 gcds (this is outside of SC, which is an entirely different story), snipers have good lead-up and follow through damage on ambush, and mercs also have decent damage around their heat seeker - but it's the big spike that really hurts you and nets the kill.


Madness has little/no burst, but it does have amazing self heals; lightning sorcs combo multiple abilites back to back, but they are reliant on procs to really create "burst" and their self healing is all on the GCD (aside from unnatural preservation) so they have to make decisions between healing or dpsing.


Sorcs have two great dps specs, but neither spec is bursty (lightning is close when you chain procs together) .


Sorcs are strong and allow good players to push the envelope because of the utility, but in terms of raw kill power they are simply outclassed (primary by sins, pts, and concealment ops, though juggs are close).


seriously? tell that to the 2 Sorcs in the WZ I put up numbers for. We would have 3 ppl dpsing ONE Sorc and still not get him below half health then he ends the match with 776 000 dps...no burst at all obviously lol.

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seriously? tell that to the 2 Sorcs in the WZ I put up numbers for. We would have 3 ppl dpsing ONE Sorc and still not get him below half health then he ends the match with 776 000 dps...no burst at all obviously lol.


If you cannot kill one sorc with three people...

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dps is shown when you hover over total damage, like here:


I've seen a sin do 3200 one time and i have no idea how he did it; other than that i haven't seen anyone come close to 3000, usually 2200-2300 is really high. 4000 is pretty close to what pveers parse on dummies, it would be insane if that was possible


LOL i was on that screen, YEAH :D

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Try Titanium cannons, nothing glass about Sorcs anymore , they hit harder then any other dps class AND heal as well or better then any other healing class at the same damn time.


They also seem to be able to cleanse DoTs from my sniper and slinger somehow. I've got a feeling that the ability to remove movement-impairing effects is also removing some of the DoTs.

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Meh, playing against 4 healers (2 of which never died), probably had the entire team in his Force Storm all game and they lost. Less than 90k healing. Not impressed.


You're not impressed? I *********** am. I don't even comprehend how you can triple my usual damage (tk spec) but I imagine it's spreading the dots, then forcequake/storm with utility until cd on death field comes off, rinse and repeat, still massive amount.

Edited by Ankhkharu
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You're not impressed? I *********** am. I don't even comprehend how you can triple my usual damage (tk spec) but I imagine it's spreading the dots, then forcequake/storm with utility until cd on death field comes off, rinse and repeat, still massive amount.


Well sure, the total damage is impressive I guess, but it's definitely not evidence of the class being overpowered. AoE spamming an entire team while they tank/heal themselves isn't really a measure of how well a class performs under normal circumstances.


If the other team had more than 2 dps and actually attacked the Sorc in question, the results would be much different.

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Bioware you need to address some class balance issues badly. Sorcs are just flat out absurd right now. Surely you can see the game metrics and know how stupidly overpowered sorcs are right now. I've consistently seen match after match of sorcs doing 1.2+mill damage and 350+k healing. Bubbles need a cool down and healing needs to be needed. No other class is capable of this. Also their ability that makes them immune to everything and can't be interrupted. One on one they are almost unkillable.


Seriously, it's just dumb at this point.


I destroy any sorc I tackle solo. What's your problem?

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Sorcs are strong and allow good players to push the envelope because of the utility, but in terms of raw kill power they are simply outclassed (primary by sins, pts, and concealment ops, though juggs are close).


QFT 10char

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Well if you can't beat them join them. I had a Sorc for ages but never leveled her. I began to play her again yesterday, and omg Force Storm is sick. One WZ was Imp vs Imp we had 4 Sorcs they had 4 Powertech, was a fight among gods! We won, barely but damn u have 4 Sorcs drop that Storm in the doorway of Hypergate middle area...good luck anything making it through there alive! I admit it was hella fun, but balanced it is not. May as well lvl her and enjoy it while I can, they'll have to nerf that hard soon. Funny thing is it's similar to Orbital strike/Fly by but they nerfed that ability huge long ago...you'd think they'd have learned, apparently not, the Devs I mean.
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here u go..

found in another thread, its not mine.




3.6 million dmg is good for landing 12 kills till a 10 minute match... it means that the class who landed that much dmg have to have some harder hitting skill. If any of the classes would reach 3.6 million dmg till a long match like that and they would be able to kill just 12 players, they would cry on the forum all day long....

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oh stop it. it doesn't take a genius to see how nerfs/adjustments are going to be incoming. ive played infiltration spec since launch. ive continued playing it to level 60 and have grinded out my PVP gear with it. couple days ago I switched to the DOT spec shadow and its stupid how effective it is, especially compared to infiltration. and im not really even all the good at the DOT spec, having only been playing it for a couple days. I don't even really like playing it but i'd be gimping my team if i stuck with infiltration.


I did say tweeks or adjustments are needed. Yes the shadow/sin dot spec is a bit much atm, but my point is the majority of crying on these forums are unwarranted. We have people that do not know *** they are talking about calling for nerfs. Look at the forums see how many threads saying different classes are OP. My point is being effective is a lot more that just spamming buttons and a lot of people don't get that. Biggest issue damage wise are dots overall are a bit much ATM.

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They always run in packs.




A typical arena comp on PoT5


Even as OP as Sins are, I feel like Sorcs benefit more from stacking their own class in arenas.


I'm curious as to what comp could beat 4 sorcs with their unlimited rooting/kiting ability and off heals.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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A typical arena comp on PoT5


Even as OP as Sins are, I feel like Sorcs benefit more from stacking their own class in arenas.


I'm curious as to what comp could beat 4 sorcs with their unlimited rooting/kiting ability and off heals.


easy answer ... none. An all Sorc warband would destroy anything up against it. 3-4 in a WZ in almost an "I Win' button for their side. I know as I ran mine last night and it was sick.

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