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What's weirder than a pureblood inquisitor *spoilers*


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So there's been a billion or so threads since beta. About how a pureblood inquisitor makes little sense, because you start your journey as a slave.


Here's what makes even less sense to me. Why on earth and all that is unholy would Zash transfer her mind into an alien body, given the status of aliens in the empire.:rak_02:

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So there's been a billion or so threads since beta. About how a pureblood inquisitor makes little sense, because you start your journey as a slave.


Here's what makes even less sense to me. Why on earth and all that is unholy would Zash transfer her mind into an alien body, given the status of aliens in the empire.:rak_02:

Two reasons:

1) She was fulfilling a prophetic vision she had, so she didn't really have a choice in the matter. Her vision showed her that the way to cheat death/old age was to possess the apprentice who met the criteria of her vision, so that's exactly who she was going to possess, whether that person was male or female, human or alien.

2) The value of the Inquisitor's strength in the Force (which, after all, did allow him/her to gain enough power to overthrow a Dark Council member in personal combat) outweighed the liability of being an alien.


Also, I don't understand how being a pureblood slave would be 'weird' - the Sith species always have had a slave-caste that included members of their own species (often derisively called Grotthu) as seen as far back as the Tales of the Jedi comics that first introduced the Sith species.

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I hear that in the early versions of the game, Pureblood Inquisitors were not playable because the devs thought the slave story made no sense for a Pureblood. But players demanded it, so they put them in. The story reason now is that slave purebloods come from disgraced families.


Not quite.


They actually served a fallen Lord and as punishment, were condemned to slavery. Issue being, they never got to redo the intro video for the Inquisitor.


Then again, it also makes little sense to see a Zabrak referring to aliens as "alien scum" or "filth". Back then, SW-side, you could only have a Human, a Cyborg or a Pureblood.


Zabrak came later; Same with Chiss for BH or even Rattataki for the Inquisitor.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I hear that in the early versions of the game, Pureblood Inquisitors were not playable because the devs thought the slave story made no sense for a Pureblood. But players demanded it, so they put them in. The story reason now is that slave purebloods come from disgraced families.


Or a pureblood master had some excess lust and apparently made a baby with a slave in your family or close ancestors.

Similar to how Vitiate was conceived btw.

Edited by Kaedusz
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A pureblooded sith trooper is weirder, they are part of the Republic and not strong in the force. A pureblooded sith smuggler is at least nominally an independent contractor.


For my fanfics, I always have people go like '***' when they see my pureblood trooper. Chiss Smuggler is really fun.

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I wonder what made them decide to add Zabrak to the default options for a Sith Warrior. I know the story behind the Sith Pureblood choice for inquisitors, but I don't remember anything about why they decided to allow Zabrak to be warriors.


I'm guessing it had to do with Darth Maul, one of the only sith movie only people that try the game know is a Zabrak and they might want to be one when they are a sith. They would then be promptly disappointed when it is impossible to make someone exactly like him because double bladed lightsabers are for a single class only and that class doesn't play like he fights.

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Sith warriors - Human, Cyborgs or Pureblood - fine

Sith Inquisitor - Human or cyborg.


They're not supposed to be aliens, it's just for the gameplay. Your ancestor (Kallig) is a human(or something that have no horns or braintales with a human-shaped head - see his helmet) and SW has to be respected so it's bound like that. But it's fine, you're the Sith Inquisitor and all the others are just random sith running around anyways. Better ignore their weird looks. Pureblood Jedi knights with red lightsabers are just as weird.

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Sith warriors - Human, Cyborgs or Pureblood - fine

Sith Inquisitor - Human or cyborg.


They're not supposed to be aliens, it's just for the gameplay. Your ancestor (Kallig) is a human(or something that have no horns or braintales with a human-shaped head - see his helmet) and SW has to be respected so it's bound like that. But it's fine, you're the Sith Inquisitor and all the others are just random sith running around anyways. Better ignore their weird looks. Pureblood Jedi knights with red lightsabers are just as weird.


Kallig's codex says he was an alien.

Cyborg is almost as unrealistic as Pureblood. Why would a slave be gifted advanced cybernetics?


Inquis is prob a Zabrak.

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Kallig's codex says he was an alien.

Cyborg is almost as unrealistic as Pureblood. Why would a slave be gifted advanced cybernetics?


Inquis is prob a Zabrak.


No, it does not state that. Read again.


Cybernetics - because they wanted him as a slave? It's not unnatural for slaves to be kept alive, he's worth more as a slave than dead. We do not even know what type of slave he was, so why would that be a suprise? It's a number of types of slaves, we can assume that he was taught to read so why shouldn't he have been a "luxerious" slave?

*He's too intelligent and too quick a learner to be illiterate*


Again, if you believe that Kallig was an alien then you've not paid attention at all. You've been dreaming.

His helmet is clearly not useable for aliens. Don't "BUHU MY ALIENS USE HELMET", it's pure and simple game-machanics. It's not relevant. Not even 1%. No NPC wear a helmet that hides horns or tails. It's a fact. Complain all you'd like, he was a human. The "He was an alien" (If you chose to play alien, stated by Talos) is just to make immersion for the player. His helmet means that he's a human. Or a pureblood or someone else that can wear helmets "without their racial traits dissappearing."

This is a fact. We need to look at him like if it was a movie, ignoring all game mechanics. They're present for the sake of the game. His mask point in the direction of a human,. Yeah sure, he could be a Chiss. In theory. But he cannot be a zabrak, twi'lek, cathar. Because their headshaps does not match, at all.

Kallig - Human, or alien that's ALMOST 100% matches in terms of body and facial shape.

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No, it does not state that. Read again.


Cybernetics - because they wanted him as a slave? It's not unnatural for slaves to be kept alive, he's worth more as a slave than dead. We do not even know what type of slave he was, so why would that be a suprise? It's a number of types of slaves, we can assume that he was taught to read so why shouldn't he have been a "luxerious" slave?

*He's too intelligent and too quick a learner to be illiterate*


Again, if you believe that Kallig was an alien then you've not paid attention at all. You've been dreaming.

His helmet is clearly not useable for aliens. Don't "BUHU MY ALIENS USE HELMET", it's pure and simple game-machanics. It's not relevant. Not even 1%. No NPC wear a helmet that hides horns or tails. It's a fact. Complain all you'd like, he was a human. The "He was an alien" (If you chose to play alien, stated by Talos) is just to make immersion for the player. His helmet means that he's a human. Or a pureblood or someone else that can wear helmets "without their racial traits dissappearing."

This is a fact. We need to look at him like if it was a movie, ignoring all game mechanics. They're present for the sake of the game. His mask point in the direction of a human,. Yeah sure, he could be a Chiss. In theory. But he cannot be a zabrak, twi'lek, cathar. Because their headshaps does not match, at all.

Kallig - Human, or alien that's ALMOST 100% matches in terms of body and facial shape.

It states somewhere Kallig was an alien. Ask Darth_Wicked.


And Rattataki, Zabrak, Cathsr, Cathar, Mirilian, Nikto, Chiss, and many more can wear helmets.


And who the hell cares about the life of a slave? No one would pay thousands and thousands of credits to make their slaves live longer.

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It states somewhere Kallig was an alien. Ask Darth_Wicked.


And Rattataki, Zabrak, Cathsr, Cathar, Mirilian, Nikto, Chiss, and many more can wear helmets.


And who the hell cares about the life of a slave? No one would pay thousands and thousands of credits to make their slaves live longer.


From the codex:

Little is remembered of the Sith Lord Kallig. Like many ancient Sith, his name is all but forgotten, as more powerful–or at least more visible–Sith Lords have taken their place in the historical record. The only known mention of Kallig is in the writings of the famous Dark Lord Tulak Hord, who said “Easily the most ambitious, and therefore the most dangerous of my rivals is Kallig. Therefore, he shall be the first to die.” It is rumored, however, that Tulak Hord was not so successful at killing his rival as he would have liked–and that the strange events in the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas have Kallig at their center.


It's never stated that he IS an alien. :)


I think Nox has to be an alien or human slave, btw.

Edited by PSVEindhoven
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It states somewhere Kallig was an alien. Ask Darth_Wicked.


And Rattataki, Zabrak, Cathsr, Cathar, Mirilian, Nikto, Chiss, and many more can wear helmets.


And who the hell cares about the life of a slave? No one would pay thousands and thousands of credits to make their slaves live longer.

Nope. It's stated if you play as an alien in a conversation, the opposite being "He was oddly pro-alien" if you're human.


No, my friend, they cannot wear helmets. Not that helmet, at least. It's impossible. Imagine watching "Star Wars; A dark Embrace" (About Nox), and his Ancestor takes off his helmet and reveals himself to be a twi'lek. Not possible in a movie. THen it's not possible in this game either.


And well, what makes it so expensive? It might just be to fix his ugly face after he got halfway blown up. In the end, he'll pay back that by the double. Oh, and he might've been "fixed" after Zash sent word that he'd be trained. It's much more likely than him being an alien.

IF he's an alien, then he's a mix. Because Kallig is a HUMAN. Hands down. Idc if he can be described as an alien in a conversation, he can't be a twi'lek, cathar, zabrak. He has a gosh darn helmet that makes it 100% clear. EVERYONE can see this. Game mecanhics are NOT RELEVANT, it's a gosh darn fact. Nox don't kill 12 sith at Quesh before finding his gosh darn apprentices. It's a bonus Q called "Rule of one", yes. But it's irrelevant, it's not part of the lore. It's not lore that every god damn creature can put on a helmet. It's made for game purposes and not lore, and lore = what matters when the game is dead, which it'll be in a few years. And then, it'll be 100% clear that Kallig was NOT an alien. Nox might in theory be, but he's likely not and Kallig was not an alien no matter what his offspring ended up as.

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Strange I clearly remember Talos Drellik (the archaeologist) in a conversation with my rattataki assassin saying that Kallig was an alien and then commenting on how different the Empire might have been if Kallig had won instead of Tulak Hord.


For what its worth if you play a twi'lek or zabrak and wear a helmet you see no evidence of yourn alienness either - not even in the cut scenes unless the helmet isn't rendered. I just assumed that if you were playing such an alien that the lack of it on Kallig was for the same reason. Not that he was necessarily human.

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