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Devs fix our class Sign this Petition to get them to listen


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/SIGNED Marauder utilities feel lacking when compared to the other classes. mara/sent are virtually extinct now in pvp and pve. no use for em. who needs them when a damn Powertech can get a 20k cell burst crit. Mara a dps class? what a joke. (i main mara been playing it for the past two years its criminal to what they have done to us)
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I completely disagree that our class is broken or needs "fixing". I will admit it has grown challenging, but it's now even more gratifying.


Yeah, just go playing your Sorc again. Seriously people nobody will believe you if you say Sents/Maras are fine.


Still no response from Devs, thx for communicating this everyone but Sentinels/Maras. By the way thx for deleting posts and sending warnings to Sentinel/Maras who dare to question your Omnipotence Combatteam:D

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I completely disagree that our class is broken or needs "fixing". I will admit it has grown challenging, but it's now even more gratifying.


removing throw was bs since they gave the exact same thing to juggs, utilities are lame, pvp ok it'smandatory take a couple of them and meh, you waste them all to have root breakers, but pve they are totally useless, did you struggle choosing between two things you'd like to have? rebuke while stunned lol, two gcd for a root? loool

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removing throw was bs since they gave the exact same thing to juggs, utilities are lame, pvp ok it'smandatory take a couple of them and meh, you waste them all to have root breakers, but pve they are totally useless, did you struggle choosing between two things you'd like to have? rebuke while stunned lol, two gcd for a root? loool


Obviously based on preference, but when I Q ranked I run with a different set than regs. We put out a huge amount of damage whether fury or carnage. I don't think this should be about how BW has done us wrong; rather it should be BW looking at a case by case basis which class needs to be reigned in. I know my viewpoint is unpopular with the majority in this thread but Mara has rarely ever been a class easy to pick up.


*To be clear I don't think every class should take a hit to strengthen the Mara/Sent; but I can see one or two areas where I think 1 class in particular is overpowered.

Edited by Decedere
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You do realize that if we go back to a 4.5 second window for Gore then everyone else will quickly proclaim that Marauders are OP and broken and all manner of unfair in lieu of the changes to Alacrity? Yeah, when you activate your Berserk, you'd have a minimum of 33% alacrity (more if you gear for it), meaning that the GCD of abilities is 33% faster. Imagine how much insane burst you'd have pumping that many attacks within 4.5 seconds. The dev's made alacrity change for a reason and it really does help Marauders a lot, much more so than in 2.10. If you want the dev's to go back to 2.10 changes, you also have to give up the changes to Alacrity and BW isn't going to do that on account of one class. I think if anything needs to be done to give us a little more dps without going overboard is making Gore last 3.5 seconds. I'd say we all give BW a chance to give us the needed buff's in certain abilities in patch 3.1 before saying we need to go back to 2.10.
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The whole rotation is pathetic now,carnage/cpmbat needs serious tweaks,most importantly atleast 1 sec more in gore-and even that might not be enough since the skill lag has gone to hell since the new expansion-




adding it to 4.5 as it used to be or 5 seconds would be a big game changer for carnage/combat I fully agree to that, technically the class got gimped a bit as well with the reduction of accuracy in ataru form having to add way more accuracy than other classes technically, and how to put it.... people probably got the point, would be more viable if tweaked a bit up.

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Marauder/Sentinel was my first class when the game launched, hes still sitting in his 55 PvP gear as I gave up on him around halfway trhough level 56. No need to bang my head against that wall any longer.


There is absolutely NO reason to pick a Mara over a Sin.


Hatred Assassins do everything Marauders of any spec can do, and do it FAR better, plus a boatload more utilities.



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