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Serious? You had Darth Marr do this???


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While Marr shows respect what about Satele Shan



who does not return the bow nor refer to Marr by his title, does not even refer to him by name and then when neutral ground is proposed makes a face like she is made angered at the prospect. I'll admit there is only so many facial expression available but the prospect of peaceful talk does seem to please her.



If we consider



Garza who is a war criminal and Saresh who is a warmonger



and now Shan, is it going to be a case of the 'good' guys are in fact more corrupted by the darkside than the Sith?


I noted why Shan would not display such a show of respect. The Sith respect warriors because they embrace the concept of the warrior and battle. Jedi are the opposite. Throughout the history of the Order they have at times specifically avoided getting involved in warfare. Marr is the personification of what has forced the Jedi to become something they never wanted to be. So you have a warrior born respecting another...the reluctant warrior making it clear "I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you." In our history think about how it would be if after the sacking of Rome a Gaulish Chieftain bowed to a Cardinal who was present for the burning of the Cathedral. The Chief would be lucky if he got a nod.

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Shatele doesn't return the bow for two reasons a) she is a woman, b) she was kicking Marr's *** in the space battle. Marr is bowing to her because a) he is a (sith) gentleman b) relieved that this interruption happened before he and his fleet got wiped. Edited by MusicRider
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While Marr shows respect what about Satele Shan



who does not return the bow nor refer to Marr by his title, does not even refer to him by name and then when neutral ground is proposed makes a face like she is made angered at the prospect. I'll admit there is only so many facial expression available but the prospect of peaceful talk does seem to please her.



If we consider



Garza who is a war criminal and Saresh who is a warmonger



and now Shan, is it going to be a case of the 'good' guys are in fact more corrupted by the darkside than the Sith?


This is an interesting thought. Especially since



It takes a dark side energy to release Satele in the fight vs. Revan while Marr needs a light side to be released. Her son is also dark side while Lana is light side. What in the world is going on??? LOL


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This is an interesting thought. Especially since



It takes a dark side energy to release Satele in the fight vs. Revan while Marr needs a light side to be released. Her son is also dark side while Lana is light side. What in the world is going on??? LOL



Opposite Alignment Power Source?

That was my general assumption.



Then again, I personally think along the lines of G0-T0, in claiming that the Jedi/Sith are just factions of a Force Religion, and therefore, the whole LS/DS thing is a preconceived notion created by the beings in the galaxy, and the Force is just The Force.


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Then again, I personally think along the lines of G0-T0, in claiming that the Jedi/Sith are just factions of a Force Religion, and therefore, the whole LS/DS thing is a preconceived notion created by the beings in the galaxy, and the Force is just The Force.






I do think there has been a strong and often unfortunate tenancy in fandom (and in some writers of the EU) to take Jedi orthodoxy as gospel truth.


Personally, I see the Jedi and Sith (as represented by the majorities of each side) as two sides of the same coin, as two deeply flawed reactions to the same problem (namely, the way the Force and emotions interact).


Water can be dangerous. The Jedi fastidiously avoid anything bigger than a shallow bathtub and look askance at anyone who takes more than 2 minutes in the shower. The Sith try like hell to drown themselves and everyone around them at every chance they get.


And the idea that all emotions, especially certain emotions, are "negative"? The Jedi leave no room for righteous rage, for letting fear heighten your reflexes, for hatred of injustice driving a reform campaign, etc.



Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I do think there has been a strong and often unfortunate tenancy in fandom (and in some writers of the EU) to take Jedi orthodoxy as gospel truth.


Personally, I see the Jedi and Sith (as represented by the majorities of each side) as two sides of the same coin, as two deeply flawed reactions to the same problem (namely, the way the Force and emotions interact).


Water can be dangerous. The Jedi fastidiously avoid anything bigger than a shallow bathtub and look askance at anyone who takes more than 2 minutes in the shower. The Sith try like hell to drown themselves and everyone around them at every chance they get.


And the idea that all emotions, especially certain emotions, are "negative"? The Jedi leave no room for righteous rage, for letting fear heighten your reflexes, for hatred of injustice driving a reform campaign, etc.




very true.


That was one of the themes Karen Traviss explored in her Republic/Imperial Commando books.


And one DS Jedi and LS Sith can have conflict with.


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