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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thank you for fixing the lag...


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Yeah, there is still ability lag and too many times I'll stop my mount to harvest a node and seconds after I've stopped it tells me I have to be stopped to do that.


Worse is when a channeled ability fails to proc at the end when it's supposed to because the server apparently didn't get the message that it was a full channel.


Definitely something still going on with the server end of things, doesn't have anything to do with how good someones computer is.

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Not my fault you can't afford a proper PC. My lag is gone and that is all that matters.

What a completely worthless response. If you knew what you were talking about, the lag has nothing to do with specs. And this goes directly against the purpose of your post. Try again.

Edited by Kadin
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To be fair to OP, I don't notice any lag accept ability lag, and then that seems to come in spurts. Also, ability lag has always been more obvious for some classes then others. So, it can very well appear that the lag is better/fixed to some people.


I think this is true. I'm working up some alts now and it seems some are much better then others in that respect. Lag seems to be less the issue IMO.


The last couple of nights on Yav, although there have been a few obvious lag pauses, it is nowhere near as bad as during the preview period.

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I haven't experienced any lag since 3.0


Reno, no offense, but as a 'whiteknight' of SWTOR, i would be amazed if you had lag and DID admit it.



Let's be honest for just once.




Lag is horrid. Period. /1 general is full of people complaining. The forums are inundated with posts. Yet just a select few are immune.



This is what we call selective perception. Reno, try helping the game instead of white knighting it....

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Ability delay is horrendous. It is really bad since 3.0 came out.


I noticed it first on my Sage when leveling through Yavin IV, not so much on Rishi. But REALLY noticed how bad it was on Yavin IV while leveling my Assassin there. I kept thinking, did I lose connection? Did I not press the button to activate the ability? I was constantly checking my MS and it always floated around 32ms. I'm scared to even get into a WZ now with how bad the ability delay is. And no, it has nothing to do with "adding more Alaricity" as others has suggested. It's something wrong with the Hero Engine. Also note, it happens anytime. I play in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Sometime there are only about 24-30 people in the instance.

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I noticed it first on my Sage when leveling through Yavin IV, not so much on Rishi. But REALLY noticed how bad it was on Yavin IV while leveling my Assassin there. I kept thinking, did I lose connection? Did I not press the button to activate the ability? I was constantly checking my MS and it always floated around 32ms. I'm scared to even get into a WZ now with how bad the ability delay is. And no, it has nothing to do with "adding more Alaricity" as others has suggested. It's something wrong with the Hero Engine. Also note, it happens anytime. I play in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Sometime there are only about 24-30 people in the instance.


Mine has been fine in warzones, but terrible on planets and on ship. MS is always <35

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Reno, no offense, but as a 'whiteknight' of SWTOR, i would be amazed if you had lag and DID admit it.



Let's be honest for just once.




Lag is horrid. Period. /1 general is full of people complaining. The forums are inundated with posts. Yet just a select few are immune.



This is what we call selective perception. Reno, try helping the game instead of white knighting it....


So because I haven't had lag means I'm white knighting? :confused: There is no defending going on at all, I'm contributing an experience from my end to help figure out the issue with the supposed lag. So I am in fact helping the game as you suggest. :)

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So because I haven't had lag means I'm white knighting? :confused: There is no defending going on at all, I'm contributing an experience from my end to help figure out the issue with the supposed lag. So I am in fact helping the game as you suggest. :)



"haven't had any lag"......



Yeah Reno, we believe you.....Sure we do




Btw, theres some brown stuff on the end of your nose......just a heads up!

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