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Refund training costs [yes] / [no]


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^^ echo that. :)


This is yesterdays toast. Training is now free for all for life. We all benefit from free life time training way more then any player was impacted by retraining costs last week. The only people that will not benefit from free training are those that quit or the transient part of the player base... who really do not deserve further consideration IMO.


As for those that raced through to 60 on multiple characters and spent credits they clearly had (since there is not debt in this MMO) for progression training....to fulfill their desires and impulses.... I have no sympathy. Nobody forced anyone to gank and gobble up the content during early access.

Edited by Andryah
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Either refund all training costs from Day 1 of pre-release way back years ago or get over it. Any other cut-off point is arbitrary.


Poll should have been yes or no only. I don't care is the equivalent of no.

Well not really. Personally I don't care but would welcome the refund. So not against it.


We don't have that many votes yet but the trend is interesting. Reminds me the polls on the tube shooter at the time.

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This whole topic reminds of when WoW lowered the cost of the basic mounts to 5 gold. The forums were teeming with petulant children demanding refunds for the gold beyond 5g they had spent.


The whining persisted for months without a single comment from Blizzard and not one refund was given.


The point, crap happens. You can either roll in it or walk away.

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Yes... Please refund all training costs since 3.0 early release


Why only since early release? What's the return policy of virtual coins? If they did (which I hope they do not) what's going to stop those QQing about this to expand their QQing?


QQ It's not fair I had to pay for skills as I leveled up now new toons don't have too....this isn't fair QQ


This crap just shows the how prevalent the entitlement mentality is. You guys QQ about the cost they fix it, now you QQ because it's not good enough...it's never ending with those that have the entitlement mentailty.

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Why only since early release? What's the return policy of virtual coins? If they did (which I hope they do not) what's going to stop those QQing about this to expand their QQing?


QQ It's not fair I had to pay for skills as I leveled up now new toons don't have too....this isn't fair QQ


This crap just shows the how prevalent the entitlement mentality is. You guys QQ about the cost they fix it, now you QQ because it's not good enough...it's never ending with those that have the entitlement mentailty.


Lol! Guess it is back to picketing on Yavin in protest. :D

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Lol. Their utilities are garbage, and Combat/Carnage had its PvP guts ripped out. Get that L2P crap out of here.


Thank you for confirming that you are incapable of re-learning how to play, I would suggest either quitting MMO's altogether or re-rolling to commando/mercenary if you can't get better while the rest of us good players succeed without you.

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Err... Combat is just fine, thank you very much. If you don't know how to use your utilities that is all on you.




You realize that Combat ended up with LESS utilities than they had pre 3.0, right? And losing the Crippling Throw/Deadly Throw root? The spec has very few anti-kiting tools anymore. The only saving grace is you don't have to be 4m to Precision/Gore anymore.


And you should take a look at what other classes get for utilities before you think you're sitting pretty. You aren't.

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Refund trainiing costs ?


Simply Yes ! Its the simple Argument of "fairness" !


I dont see, how anyone can not understand that screwing the preorder subsrcibers one week, ripping them off 500k or millions depending on number of chars and one week later make it free for non-preorderers !

This is just crazy and has to be refunded...simple as that !

Edited by heizluefta
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You realize that Combat ended up with LESS utilities than they had pre 3.0, right? And losing the Crippling Throw/Deadly Throw root? The spec has very few anti-kiting tools anymore. The only saving grace is you don't have to be 4m to Precision/Gore anymore.


And you should take a look at what other classes get for utilities before you think you're sitting pretty. You aren't.


Sounds like you need to play an "easier" class. Try Command dps.

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Thank you for confirming that you are incapable of re-learning how to play, I would suggest either quitting MMO's altogether or re-rolling to commando/mercenary if you can't get better while the rest of us good players succeed without you.


Strong argument. I didn't realize the best way to argue L2P was to simply say it again.

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I didn't realize the best way to argue L2P was to simply say it again.


It's not.


It is however probably the best method to try to encourage a player to do the obvious.. rather then constantly smearing the forum up with every personal disappointment.

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No refund. Early access got the ridiculous security chests which were the SWTOR version of food stamps....money for nothing. So it's basically a wash.

To be fair, not sure everyone who went into the pre-launch got a hold on chests.

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It's not.


It is however probably the best method to try to encourage a player to do the obvious.. rather then constantly smearing the forum up with every personal disappointment.


So, "It's not. But L2P anyways"?


Nevermind I didn't come here to debate Sents/Maras. I came to say we didn't need credits refunded. I simply used that as an example of better things Devs could work on (and if you think Sent/Mara utilities are perfectly refined and polished, that's on you I guess; there's a whole lot of people that disagree, though, some of which are very prominent Sent/Mara players). Then Reno started the ad hominem attacks. My fault for responding I guess. I really should L2P the forums better.


Either way, I'm not getting into Sents/Maras in this thread. That's what THAT forum is for.

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