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The Damage of Malgus' Coup


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Marr is also a decorated war hero who saved the Empire several battles during the Great War.


You would be hard pressed to convince anyone outside of the Dark Council of that. Again, this is public versus someone who tends to be behind closed doors. And politically, Malgus also had the upper hand.

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You would be hard pressed to convince anyone outside of the Dark Council of that. Again, this is public versus someone who tends to be behind closed doors. And politically, Malgus also had the upper hand.

He led a public parade on Dromund Kaas in Blood of the Empire. He led Imperial forces on countless battlefields. In the current crisis, he's the face of the Empire. Just because his backstory is a secret and we didn't see him that much before the endgame content, it doesn't mean he's not famous and/or popular.

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I blame the coup on the crap *** writing to be honest.


I have to agree. I spend a lot of time thinking about this and we're all capable of concocting excuses or rationales for what happened, but it really comes down to some weird, indistinct plan for the game's story progression and Malgus's plotline got broadsided by a Panzer tank.


It's like the Quinncident: We can make excuses for his betrayal and awkward resumption of normal conversations all we want, and some of it might even make sense, but it's really just essentially a writing disaster.

Edited by DalekTheCat
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I think the reason the coup (and Quinn) seem so poorly handled is that there are some sort of major shifts in direction after the stories were conceived. The famous example is being the ability to permanently kill companions. As for Malgus, I think they must have been originally planning for a larger story related to Malgus's empire. His line about "One of you has pledged to join me" never felt like mere headgames to me. I wonder if there were original plans to have options at the end of the Flashpoint, or to have a more interesting resolution than "And so the heroes threw the villain down a bottomless pit, and all was well once more across the land."
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Malgus' coup was badly timed and badly executed. He did an icredibly stupid thing: He tried to pull a hostile take over and thus set himself up as an enemy to the Empire. Had he just pressed for reform, his words would have been heard with little issue, considering that in that part of the war, while people like the Grand Moff would disapprove, most would see the benefit of opening the Empire's arms to the other species of the Galaxy. Marr did this well, and also did this and secured a council majority and full control over the Imperial Military. Thus, up Darth Marr!
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He led a public parade on Dromund Kaas in Blood of the Empire. He led Imperial forces on countless battlefields. In the current crisis, he's the face of the Empire. Just because his backstory is a secret and we didn't see him that much before the endgame content, it doesn't mean he's not famous and/or popular.


Npo he isn't. He led a parade? Ok, tell me what he looks like? He led imperial forces in countless battles? Tell me, which ones? You say he is the face of the Empire, yet at the end of SOR he is talking like he is just now deciding he should make that move.


He is a FACELESS, quite literally, entity. We know nothing about him, we don't even know the battles he was in.


But what about Malgus? I bet people can tell you the majority of battlefields he's fought in, we can see what he looks like, we know his face. His victories are a matter of public record, where as Darth Marr's are not. So seriously, no, he is not a publicly known individual, he looks like any other Darth to the common layman and even Imperial soldiers. He doesn't stand out, and at best people might know he is on the Dark Council.


I like Darth Marr, but I also know he is a faceless individual given all of Malgus lines now because they went ahead and removed Darth Malgus from the equation, in one of the most monumental blunders ever. The Marr we had at the end of our characters arcs is not the same Marr we deal with in Hutt Cartel or Shadows of Revan. This is the lines Malgus should have had but because they've "killed" Malgus off, they completely shifted that role into Marr's hands.

Edited by Silverspar
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Malgus' coup was badly timed and badly executed. He did an icredibly stupid thing: He tried to pull a hostile take over and thus set himself up as an enemy to the Empire. Had he just pressed for reform, his words would have been heard with little issue, considering that in that part of the war, while people like the Grand Moff would disapprove, most would see the benefit of opening the Empire's arms to the other species of the Galaxy. Marr did this well, and also did this and secured a council majority and full control over the Imperial Military. Thus, up Darth Marr!


Pretty much.

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Malgus' coup was badly timed and badly executed. He did an icredibly stupid thing: He tried to pull a hostile take over and thus set himself up as an enemy to the Empire. Had he just pressed for reform, his words would have been heard with little issue, considering that in that part of the war, while people like the Grand Moff would disapprove, most would see the benefit of opening the Empire's arms to the other species of the Galaxy. Marr did this well, and also did this and secured a council majority and full control over the Imperial Military. Thus, up Darth Marr!

Malgus had a shot, and he took it. Can't say I blame him. He carefully orchestrated a near perfect gameplan. Malgus wanted the throne and with the Emperor's whereabouts in question he saw opportunity. He did not want to help reform a existing empire, he wanted the crown above all else. His objective was simple, to have absolute power. If it was not for Wrath, Nox, Agent, and BH he would have succeeded. Malgus was actually in a fairly good position for the empire had not else to throw at him had the four heroes failed.

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Malgus had a shot, and he took it. Can't say I blame him. He carefully orchestrated a near perfect gameplan. Malgus wanted the throne and with the Emperor's whereabouts in question he saw opportunity. He did not want to help reform a existing empire, he wanted the crown above all else. His objective was simple, to have absolute power. If it was not for Wrath, Nox, Agent, and BH he would have succeeded. Malgus was actually in a fairly good position for the empire had not else to throw at him had the four heroes failed.


He might have wanted power, but your approximation of Malgus character is flawed. All Sith want power. Any Sith saying they don't is a liar. Even the light sided Sith want power. But saying that Malgus didn't want a noble goal? That part is pretty much error, as even Darth Marr even states that Malgus ideals were noble ones, and ultimately right.

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He might have wanted power, but your approximation of Malgus character is flawed. All Sith want power. Any Sith saying they don't is a liar. Even the light sided Sith want power. But saying that Malgus didn't want a noble goal? That part is pretty much error, as even Darth Marr even states that Malgus ideals were noble ones, and ultimately right.


I never said anything about him not having a noble goal. I said he wanted absolute power, and you agreed with me on that. I personally think he would have made a great emperor, and the empire would have flourished under his rule.

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Im hoping Malgus makes a return for the next expansion in time to face the emperor. Would be pretty cool to team up with him both as a rep and imp and would also redeem the character, I can totally see it from a Star Wars viewpoint, the devs going for a Darth Vader killing Palpatine redemption in the end of ROTJ

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Im hoping Malgus makes a return for the next expansion in time to face the emperor. Would be pretty cool to team up with him both as a rep and imp and would also redeem the character, I can totally see it from a Star Wars viewpoint, the devs going for a Darth Vader killing Palpatine redemption in the end of ROTJ


I hope not. He decided to vie for absolute power as he suddenly gained control of aliens who sought a more tolerant Empire. He used their desire for his own ends.


It is famously said: Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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