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Best Duel 1 vs 1 classes after 3.0


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Concealment/Lethality operative seem rather potent in duels now with Sedatives (-50% damage done debuff after sleep dart wears off) + Evasive Screen... (auto purge on cloaking screen)


Still poopy ish survivability in group fights, but in a duel, Concealment can negate most burst classes' burst due to 100% everything resist on exfiltrate for the GCD, and lethality can just kinda try to heal through it. They can also mezz/sap while their dots are on a target and heal freely (not as good as pre 3.0 because no baseline kolto injection), with a kolto infusion + refresh their hots, or try to set up some burst with a snipe > cull (especially if they have the 6pc PVP set bonus proc up!). Concealment also has some good damage, maybe not as bursty as before, but a scoundrel in the scoundrel forums was able to do over 45k damage in like 6 GCD's (maybe not right, was all crits also).


Then, Assassin is very good now with the combination of anti CC utilities they have, and their damage which was mostly unchanged from pre 3.0.


Advanced Prototype PT is pretty gnarly with one of the scariest bursts in the game, and potent DCD's in 1v1's. They can also kite melee classes at 10/15 meters and unload mostly their full rotation on them from there, which is kind of silly.


Madness Sorceror is probably a good choice, too, due to the amount of kiting utility they have + self heals.. like, I feel if a sorc feels worried fighting a pure melee class, then they're retarded. AP can still poop on them with burst + anti kiting tools, though.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Juggernault 1x1 power is nerfed?


No, but juggs aren't very scary in a duel, although, they did buff rage's damage quite a bit, now that I think of it.


The main thing that gave me a hard time with juggs was/is Enraged Defense, but most classes have some way to negate that ability (unless you're a dot spec), so I never had much of a problem 1v1ing juggs on my op (in a pure 1v1).


With 2 stun breakers and the root immunity on endure pain, though, they could be a pretty good dueling class if you're a good player, I guess.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Probably still sins. With all the immunities you can't even touch me for the first 20 seconds of the fight and after that i've got everything set up and going.. whilst selfhealing for 5-10k in a global :rolleyes:

So you've settled on Hatred for now? I've been goofing around with Serenity a bit, but I really miss the precision control that Infiltration has.



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So you've settled on Hatred for now? I've been goofing around with Serenity a bit, but I really miss the precision control that Infiltration has.




Nothing to do about it. You don't have any control anymore anyways, people have immunities everywhere.


LOL But C'mon sins. Dont start bragging then say THIS when someone calls inc. Not going to try to 1 v 1 you and sure not when you may have others with you:


I'd kill you, and your help :rolleyes: <3

Edited by Evolixe
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Nothing to do about it. You don't have any control anymore anyways, people have immunities everywhere.

Wow. Has the meta really changed that much? I confess, between leveling, a new grandkid, and a raging case of the flu I haven't even touched PvP since 3.0 went live.


I constantly find myself torn between my Vig Guardian and my Shadow every time we get major mechanical changes. Might have to dust him off after I get my Sorc synthweaver leveled. That speed boost/CC immunity on Enure is looking REALLY nice.



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The "CC Immunity" on that Enure is only like a hold the line without physics.

Can't be rooted and slowed, that is all. Can still be stunned, pushed, mezzed.. etc.

True, true.


But honestly, the only AC I seem to have trouble with (pre 3.0) is Snipers/Slingers and the Enure utility seems to be geared specifically for that.


I would rather have seen an ability placed high in the Vigilance/Vengeance pathway that allowed leaping to targets in cover, but I'm not sure how balanced that would be. That spec has always been a sitting duck for a Sniper/Slinger with enough neurons to form a synapse.

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Do you mean like a shadow go tank side, but use focus and stack damage stats? I'm not sure how it would work with the inherent damage reduction or what good guarding would be without tank gear. You could just not guard, but everyone will see that tank symbol and be getting a bit upset.


Maybe DPS in tank gear?

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I have tried DPS in tank gear, not terrible in pve, I haven't tried pvp yet though. Arsenal mercs actually are looking nice to me with the new utility buff (unload while moving). I find that I am able to destroy a melee if I have my cooldowns and they aren't too pro. Also, electo netting an operative is FABULOUS ( I have always hated operative because my main in a VG tank).
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