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Everything posted by RC-Meatbag

  1. I have tried DPS in tank gear, not terrible in pve, I haven't tried pvp yet though. Arsenal mercs actually are looking nice to me with the new utility buff (unload while moving). I find that I am able to destroy a melee if I have my cooldowns and they aren't too pro. Also, electo netting an operative is FABULOUS ( I have always hated operative because my main in a VG tank).
  2. Indeed it's amazing watching the knockoffs and roots having no effect as you score the goal!
  3. Hello future/current Vanguard tanks! This guide will be an extremely basic guide with tips based upon my experience. What experience you ask? My main is a Vanguard tank on Jung-Ma (Sirmeatbag), and I have played on him for a little over 15 days (cumulative, valor 63). I have a nearly-complete set of Obroan gear with a few Berserker pieces. Although my experience is by far a lot less than a good deal of Vanguard tanks, it may still prove useful for any new Vanguard tanks. This thread will cover how I PVP as a vanguard tank and ideas that may prove useful. First things first, you need to decide the role that your Vanguard will be taking. You can either be a really useful lard-*** who defends an objective, an annoying douche who attempts to distract and slow the enemy team down, or an effective bodyguard who pops taunts whenever they are off cool-down and placing guard on fellow teammates. As a person who almost always solo ques, I tend to fill a combination of roles. One of the most important ideas that Vanguard tanks need to get in their heads is the notion that you NEED TO BE A TEAM PLAYER. Although guarding may be extremely boring, it is vital to your team as is the other roles. I will now go into the roles individually. GUARDING AN OBJECTIVE: Before you engage the enemy, call out inc immediately. Chances are, the attacker will be able to beat you 1v1. If the attacker stuns you and is capping the objective, break the stun or use shoulder cannon if available. If you have the opportunity, call inc then. If not, use your for second stun to call inc. Once you call inc, your goal is delay the oppressor for as long as possible or until friendly reinforcements arrive. Shoulder cannon is one of the most useful abilities as a Vanguard tank who is defending, it is what separates us from other tanks. Also, don't be afraid to pop your defensive cooldowns while defending. Also note your AOE stun, your pull, your AOE slow, and your hammershot slow. ANNOYING THE PISS OUT OF IMPERIAL SCUM: Nothing quite matches the Vanguards slows, roots, and stuns. You can almost visualize the enemy slamming their heads into their keyboard as they are pulled, stunned, and stunned again. Or you can picture them having an aneurysm as you slow their whole team going through a voidstar hallways with riotgas, neural surge, hammershot, pull, and charge. Good time to apply a crit-buffed mortat volley and an AOE taunt. Ahhh, music to my ears. GETTING DEM GUARD POINTS: Often going in a pair with the previous role, this is perhaps the most important. Make sure that you guard whoever is taking the most damage and NOT JUST THE HEALER. Guarding a sentinel that is going HAM can certainly turn the tide of a warzone. You will also rack dem points up too. Don't forget to use your taunts consistently. If you find your butthole getting enlarged by a marauder, don't hesitate to haul *** to friendly lines as long as it doesn't negatively impact your team. Also, try to maintain a healthy balance between using all of your defensive cooldowns to stay alive and not using any in the game. Try to use one or two at a time, but try to avoid using all of them at once (unless guarding). Edit: Huttball! I completely forgot about the good ol game of Huttball! This is a gift to vanguards everywhere. With a leap and a pull you can carry the ball, defend the carrier, or wreck havoc on the other team. Nothing better than leaping to a brain-dead merc who is playing with himself in his end zone or top rung of classic Huttball. As a ball carrier with a healer, you are essentially unstoppable. Avoid using hold the line until you need to cross a fire pit/ acid pipe. If you need to defend a carrier, just taunt everyone attacking the carrier, pull anyone you can into a trap, or stun everyone as they try to follow the carrier across a trap. If you have the chance, pulling an enemy carrier into a trap is a good way to kill the carrier AND gain possession of the ball. Happy Huttballing That's about all, see you guys on the front lines!
  4. I agree that shield specialist has a much higher survival rate. I have tried all three trees and have discovered that a few additive stats do equal to higher survival rate. Also, ion cell itself only really benefits shield specialist. It runs alright in tactics but is not that great. I recommend getting the super commando set if you wish to survive longer. If you wish to DPS I would consider respeccing or change your role to just DPS.
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