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60 matches, all powertech teams. Wiped 59 of 60 games


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Congratulations, you appear to not be genetically predisposed to cardiovascular diseases.


I guess that's one way to find out.


5 generations so far without one case, (knock on wood) ultimately I go through this quite a bit, this weekend I'll be pushing 500 rounds with a bud of mine in all PVP Powertechs, we found a nice place to chill while grinding out credits in between PVP when it's allotted.


Going to see how many of the 500 rounds we can win, starting friday night after school ends at 10pm (get home around 10:30ish, I'm evening school for computer science/computer programming) already have three cases of monster by my computer for it.

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Here's the problem with all the evil pre-made stuff. I'm in a guild that will frequently have up to 30 or 40 players queuing PvP on a typical evening. Last night 15 of us were solo queuing in the midbe bracket. We ended up with a pop where 6 of us were on one side. We were not in mumble together, and there was an opposing premade in voice comms on the other team from a pretty mediocre guild. We absolutely curb stomped the opposing team despite them being in voice comms and us not basically because we are used to playing together and could coordinate better then the opposition without voice comms. The only way to eliminate stacking and steamrolling is to get a better matchmaking system in conjunction with cross server queues.



As a sent on bastion server. (One of these days ill convince myself to move servers) I'll do anywhere form 200-400k damage pugging all the time. Got in with a 7man premade guild that were using voice chat, topped 400k for the first and only time. The other night got in a with a healer who did 2mil heals the other day: 600k.


Completely irrelavant but I feel the need to share this warzone where I did 600k. Grass/snow, NO ONE took mid the entire match, we were losing by half a second maybe? At 70-70, I told defense to come off and go under. Took their node with him. Glorious win. But in pugs, any win as a pub on bastion is pretty glorious.. well ok maybe miraculous.


With 4 gigs of ram. My framerate drops from 40+ to under 10 in warzones. All I need is 150 bucks for 2 8g cards.....

Edited by Jboath
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See, at first I was actually interested in this thread. Then I realised OP is a brilliant troll.



As far as other class stacks, we tested that today and last night.



Sorcerers 4, 1 heals, 3 DPS. In 4vs 4 matches. 0/30 in 8v8 matches 7/30

Sorcerers 4, 2 heals 2 DPS (madness for DPS on both accounts FYI) 0/30 and 5/30


Commandos 4, 1 heal, 3 DPS, in 4vs 4, 19/30. in 8vs8, 22/30

Commandos 4, 2 heals 2DPS, 4vs4 12/30, in 8vs8 19/30


Juggernaut 4, 1 Vengeance, 3 immortal, 4vs4 20/30 8v8 21/30

Juggernaut4, 2 Vengeance, 2 Immortal, 4vs4 8/30 8v8 15/30


Operatives, 1 heal, 3 concealment, 4vs4 23/30 8v8 26/30

Operatives, 4 Concealment, 4vs 4 27/30, 8v8 27/30

Operatives, 1 heal, 3 lethality, 4vs4 7/30 8v8 16/30

Operatives, 4 Lethality 4vs4 5/30, 8v8 6/30


Marauder, 4 Rage, 4vs4 13/30 8v8 11/30

Maruader, 4 Carnage, 4vs4 17/30 8v8 19/30

Marauder, 2 Rage 2 Carnage, 4vs4 5/30, 8v8 6/30


Sniper, 4 Marksmanship 4vs4 12/30, 8v8 19/30

Sniper, 4 Lethality, 4vs4 9/12, 8v8 7/12

Sniper, 2 Lethality, 2 Marksmanship 4vs4 17/30 8v8 25/30

Sniper, 2Engineering, 2 Markslmanship 4vs4 22/30, 8v8 23/30

Sniper, 4 Engineering, 4vs4 3/30, 8v8 5/30

Sniper, 2 Lethality, 2 Engineering 4vs4 8/30, 8v8 11/30


Assassin, 4 Deception, 4v4 24/30, 8v8 27/30

Assassin, 4 Darkness, 4vs4 26/30, 8v8 27/30

Assassin, 4 Hatred, 4vs4 12/30, 8v8 21/30

Assassin, 2 Deception 2 Darkness, 4vs4 16/30 8v8 17/30

Assassin 2 Deception 2 Hatred, 4vs4 17/30, 8v8 7/30

Assassin 2 Hatred 2Darkness, 4vs4 9/30, 8v8 18/30


No set had such a perfect record as the PTs.


We rolled PT again

1 AP, 3 ST. for 120 matches total, 60 4vs4 (for law of numbers purposes) 60 8v8.

60/60 4vs4, 57/60 8v8


For the first 30 matches of 4vs4, 30/30 first 30 matches of 8v8, we won 30/30, the other three matches lost in the second set of 30 matches as PTs, we lost because we went against the same Vanguard clan we did the last time.



Couldn't win with a sorc team. LOL

Average scores with commando team - plausible?

Mediocre scores with juggernaut team. LOL

Mixed scores with operatives - do you even know how to play lethality?

Mara - i don't care. that would be fun to watch.

Sniper - L2P, this isn't funny anymore

Assassin - LMAO this just got funny again, how can you fail so bad in hatred?

In summary, you and your friends seem to fail at powerful specs besides powertech for some reason.


So, next to the number debate. Lets be very generous and give you 3 days straight (very different from your original "last night and today".) 24*3*20 = 1440, still less than the number of games you claim you played. That's 20 games an hour or 3 mins a game. Wait in queue = 20 seconds average (factoring in a mix of high and low server times. I have a mara on bastion that I pvp with so i know it's not an instant pop at all times of day). Load screen = 5 seconds. Pre-game = 1 min average because groups get allocated first in matchmaking. Wait between arena round 1 and 2 = 30 seconds. Time fighting in arenas = 1 min being very generous, some games will be long (loaded with healers) and some will go to 3 rounds. Time in 8v8 match = 4 mins average being incredibly generous.


Lets add in some other times over the course of the 3 days. Food = 1 hour. Other necessary breaks = 1 hour. Time switching characters, respeccing etc = 30 mins. Time spent convincing your mother this is a good use of your time and their money. 15 mins.

Overall, unless you ragequit 4/5 games before they start to make up time, your claim is absolutely impossible.


And finally lets look at the numbers you used. Anyone with any late high school or university level mathematics will know that n=30 is the number required to assume a "normal distribution". So, well trolled. But as many people have said you can easily win 30 matches in a row then lose the next ten without changing spec. Add in the factor of player skill and tiredness - you clearly consider yourself king of powertech yet absolutely suck at sorc, which is debatably the strongest 8v8 class in the game at the moment. I wouldn't debate that AP PT is better for 4v4. But for certain specs to have such bad stats there are obviously other factors at play. i.e. you trolling to get AP nerfed and for the people who make these decisions to leave sorc and hatred assassin alone. but hey at least you tried.

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