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Any marauder hooded robes gear anywhere in this game??


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I am level 40 atm, and I'm still looking for something with that look, so far all I've found were posts from 2012 complaining there were no way to get those for Mara, by now there should but there's very little DB information on gear unfortunately...


Anyone able to help??

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Theres plenty adaptive armor that has hood, but normal medium armor theres less options. There are some crafted custom medium armor too that has a hood. Personal preferences include

- honored adept's shroud

- unburdened champion robes


Theres also eradicator's cuirass but it has a "big butt" problem..


Out of the cartel armor thats being sold at GTM, Reaver's armor is pretty cheap, but its white so you might want to dye it. It reminds of the armor Darth Marr wears.


Synthweavers will be able to craft adaptive armor with a hood in 3.0 (named vela cloth body armor), but it requires lvl 56.

Edited by Karkais
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55~59 flashpoints has a chance to drop a chest piece with a hood on... if I remember right it is called pristine ardent chest piece or something alike it... it looks pretty ok as well been using it myself since I spendt 1-2 months trying to loot that specific item lol


Anyhow that one can only be looted in flashpoints... and is bound on pickup.

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The old crafted marauder pvp armor also has a hood, it resembles Thana Vesh armor with shoulder spikes and hood. Old synthweavers who managed to get the recipe before it was removed from the game (such as me) can still craft it, however this armor requires valor 50-70 iirc which is quite stupid. Its called battlemaster weaponmaster's 'armor'.
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The old crafted marauder pvp armor also has a hood, it resembles Thana Vesh armor with shoulder spikes and hood. Old synthweavers who managed to get the recipe before it was removed from the game (such as me) can still craft it, however this armor requires valor 50-70 iirc which is quite stupid. Its called battlemaster weaponmaster's 'armor'.


You are correct! Battle Master robes. Medium armor crafted. Check the GTN. I think they look great w/ Black/Red dye module.

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There's a robe I use on my Marauder that I think looks nice. It's like, Stylish Dress Top. It has a hood and a nice design, throw a black/red dye on it and it's pretty good for a Sith in my opinion. Here's a link if you want. I like the fact that it's kinda versatile. If you don't want to use a lower robe you can use regular greaves (I use Satele's leggings personally) and it looks fine.
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there are a few choices

- eradicator cuirass (no back issues with BT1)

- the new crafting armor (lv56 i think)

- the new lv60 pvp/elite comms armor

- a few other armors from the cartel market

- the recovered hero/a blue-black reskin from guardian old armors

- and the old legendary xenotech weaponmaster, obtainable only before 2.0 (you can only see someone using this, and i only saw once in 2 years..)


i got the eradicator right when it came, cause it looks like what i wanted for my marauder, and im still using this, never gonna give it up

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