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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Inbound Bug Fixes


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I have 16 55's. I cannot experience the early access expansion on any of my alt characters now due to the amount of bugs listed here as known by Bioware. The experience the first time through was completely disappointing. Early access ended up becoming the worst experience for me, to get to the final fight and wipe so many times trying to bug out the fight just the right way, pay over 100k in repairs and then end up having to have a full group to get it done. I didn't want a full group to help me, I took pride in powering through all the other story solo with a beefy Treek. Just to be totally let down at the end.


To be told that paying skills are now a "thing of the past", but REALLY as of the next patch day, so during early access don't bother leveling unless you want to a.) make it harder by not having any of the new AND old skills you were able to get before, or b.) spend a lot of credits on skills and never be refunded.


Horrible. Early access for me has been a nightmare. The only reason the $20 was worth it was that it felt like I paid for a leveling service due to the 12xp.

Edited by undiess
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Felt the exact same way when I read this post.


Initial thought: Finally an answer :cool:


though after reading: *sigh* ignored yet again...... :mad:


It better not be months to fix these problems, even weeks might be too long. It might be a lot to ask but do try to include GSF in your fixing so that by your actual launch date SWTOR is still a whole game, and not just a list of broken things.


Yeah. I've never been unhappy with a game company before. But to blatantly ignore GSF and its community is just plain insulting.

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I don't think the list in this thread means "we're ignoring all other bugs". More likely, "these are the bugs we're giving highest priority too and hope to fix on Tuesday" (though with no maintenance notification yet, may not have reached their goal).
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I don't think the list in this thread means "we're ignoring all other bugs". More likely, "these are the bugs we're giving highest priority too and hope to fix on Tuesday" (though with no maintenance notification yet, may not have reached their goal).


What Strixx II means is simple. GSF has bug plaguing it since MAY. We never fussed about it too much, keeping it in our forum. They never had been acknowledged by the devs nor Eric, Tait, Courtney or Hillary. Every cycle, we would end up with a new bug, Sabo probes not working with slow, slows slowly reverting to launch spec when they had been buffed/nerfed/buffed, XML files bugged. Then 3.0 hits. Everything went hell. Everything is broken. EVERYTHING. We get out of our forums and post it everywhere and are finally said that devs are aware of the issues.. No more informations.


I suggest you to know what this is all about before thinking Strix II distrust isn't warranted. It is.

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Ryuku-sama is correct.


There's been no indication in the last 7+ months that there is any intent to fix anything in GSF ever again. To this day. We don't have any developer or customer service posts in the GSF forums. Like, at all. We can't even get a thread stickied there, for crying out loud. Now, with GSFers posting in other forums, we have been told that the devs are "actively looking into it" but that's definitely not the same thing as being told that devs intend to do something about it.


I would really appreciate a statement that someone at BioWare intends to work on GSF someday.


Our little corner of the game is now utterly and completely broken... these aren't typographical errors or minor bugs. And some of us are tired of being ignored.

Edited by Ymris
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Strongholds are still BORKED. Many, many decorations are simply missing; Nar Shaddaa is once again missing all companions and NPCs.


Given that your last content patch before 3.0 (and, sadly the only working iteration of this game) was ALL ABOUT strongholds AND that Bioware has raked in many, many dollars (REAL LIFE DOLLARS) selling stronghold decorations, many of which HAVE SIMPLY DISAPPEARED from the decorations catalogue, I am disappointed that Strongholds do not appear to be a priority.


Neither, it seems, do Galactic Starfighters, also broken since Patch 3.0 and also which was the sole object of a previous content patch as well as the source of much real life revenue for Bioware in GSF item sales.


It is disappointing to see a half-baked content patch like 3.0 completely destroy prior gaming sub-systems. I sincerely hope these items are also addressed by tomorrow's patch. Otherwise, I will have to give thought to suspending my subscription until these issues are fixed.

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File an in-game ticket. CS will verify the kill and then work with you guys to get the loot.


Tait, just wanted to let you know that CS decided that the "report will not receive a response". That's not I was expecting for our hard work :( It's great to know that "they will work with you to get the loot".

Edited by HobbesToo
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Tait, just wanted to let you know that CS decided that the "report will not receive a response". That's not I was expecting for our hard work :( It's great to know that "they will work with you to get the loot".


did you use a generic /bug or did you report it as a mission/missing items issue? usually the /bug gets a generic response since they get potentially thousands of them a day. The latter can take a few days but usually gets a response; e.g I accidentally deleted an item, or didn't get comms after clearing said content.

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Sent in a ticket late Monday night about getting the loot that still hasn't been answered approximately 90 hours later. Anyone here get their ticket answered yet, or know how long I can expect CS to take? Also, anyone know how they plan on giving out the gear to the group members? Will everyone get a chest token, MH token, and the mount?
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