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16 man ops, Bioware plz do something

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Hey Bioware and swtor player,


We made our first 16 men raid yesterday on the two new ops in Normal and that was seriously a nightmare. We were in normal mode, and i'm not talking about the difficulty, but about all effects you ve created with these new bosses.

Everything is beautiful that's great, but we are really worried about doing HM, because all explosions, aoe are making the experience nearly impossible to play. There is absolutely no fun on majority of new bosses because of that.


So i'm asking to Bioware team to find quickly something to fix this, or you'll have to delete the 16 man mode, because no one is going to like 16 men anymore...


I know most of the guild are running 8 men mode, but is there 16m guild with the same issue ?


Thx for reading.

Edited by mayoonaise
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Referring to the massive FPS loss I assume. Even on customized 16M settings ( ex- SG players smugglin, yolo, mace) commented that it was poor. No point in running content that you can't play close to your maximum ability because the games engine is so poor.


On the 16M note loot is 8M format and only dropping one piece.


As for 8M Bioware you are amazing much love.

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Referring to the massive FPS loss I assume. Even on customized 16M settings ( ex- SG players smugglin, yolo, mace) commented that it was poor. No point in running content that you can't play close to your maximum ability because the games engine is so poor.


On the 16M note loot is 8M format and only dropping one piece.


As for 8M Bioware you are amazing much love.


Yes exactly, most of the raid was playing with a FPS between 4 and 9...no fun at all!! I had the feeling to play with my older computer from 2004 and it is really frustating to only be able to give 70% of what we could do.


Bosses are great, environment is great, difficulty seems to be well tuned, just need one more little effort to make everyone happy, by not forgetting the 16m guys.

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Theres also serious fps issues in pvp. I think theres a disconnect between what the game can handle and what yall are throwing at it. The complexity of these new animations is just too much for what this game is capable of handling. Sorry, I know yall want beautiful animations and yalls graphical design team are some serious artists but the complexity of the animations has to be rolled back; 3.0 will be known as the 2nd great depression in swtor because of how many pvpers and pvers will unsub if we aren't able to perform at our maximum because of obvious issues on yalls end.

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Theres also serious fps issues in pvp. I think theres a disconnect between what the game can handle and what yall are throwing at it. The complexity of these new animations is just too much for what this game is capable of handling. Sorry, I know yall want beautiful animations and yalls graphical design team are some serious artists but the complexity of the animations has to be rolled back; 3.0 will be known as the 2nd great depression in swtor because of how many pvpers and pvers will unsub if we aren't able to perform at our maximum because of obvious issues on yalls end.



I can't speak for others, but if these performance issues consist, I won't be able to actually do the new operations. With this lag 16M SM or 8M HM won't be possible for me and unfortunately these are the only viable options to run the operations several times a week. Doing Operations is the main thing I love in this game. If I can't do them I will probably become a very casual player who logs in every now and then, or maybe even do something else entirely with my time. Would be sad.


So, I really hope it is just a performance issue due to so many being online at the same for the start of the expansion and the servers having a hard time handling it. That would mean it will be over in a couple of weeks when things go back to normal and group content becomes playable for us again.

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same problems for us in 16SM 60 OPs. fps dropping is just amazing ..


On the 16M note loot is 8M format and only dropping one piece.


i did a customer service ticket and bioware answer me that 1token in 16man mode is all right. there is no bug .. :rak_03:

Edited by darth_psychose
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3rd Boss on 16 man SM - TEMPLE.... STILL VERY VERY BROKEN... doesn't matter if you EXECUTE perfectly it wipes the RAID out completely. 1 Tank back / 1 front, 7 dps/heal on each side and "Jumping" to register positions and still 80-95% of raid wiped. If anyone has found a work around that lets you complete please post. Right now it's drop to 8 man then 16 man again for rest of Temple boss fights.


Not sure how they are expecting GF ques to actually get past the 2nd or 3rd Boss (Especially 3rd with broken mechani). Second boss on Temple is equal to HM versions with one or two items slightly different.


Ravagers - 16m SM - thrown Barrel on Buro hits for 30k (In a SM??? - come on)

Ravagers - 16m SM - still dropping 1 loot item (Except first boss or two). NO LOOT on last boss.


Until the 16m Versions of these operations can be fixed I'd SUGGEST you revert back to 8man so people can actually complete them and GET some loot. Very annoying to have 16 people raiding and only 5-7 get something.

Edited by dscount
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Torque fight on 16man hm is most epic thing you implemented from launch of the game.


As melee, you have my gratitude for this fight. Makes me want to uninstall game and never come back.


i've got this idea yesterday by our first attempts on this boss on 8man... it's just ridiculous to do this boss with 16 people.

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Were there even any internal/beta testing groups that tried 16m? Lol.


First boss in The Ravagers wasn't bad because it's really a tank and spank. Even through the choppy < 10 FPS it was doable. But the second boss? Not only was it difficult to navigate the mechanics because of the low FPS, we were getting anywhere between 3-5 load lifters per spawn that ALL CHASED THE SAME PERSON.


Our main progression group was an 8m and this patch we decided to go for 16m to see what it was like. What a disaster lol.

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My 16man raid group had problems on both of the 2nd bosses for Ravagers and ToS. Ravagers just had way too many effects going out at once and combined with the Loaders all going after 1 person and the lag when raid-wide effects went out resulted in a wipe every single time. The two walkers in ToS killed us when they used their raid wide attack as well. The problem we had was that the second they activated the eff everyone in the raid lagged for a good 3-4 seconds which resulted in us standing in stupid and died.


My 8 man group starts Wendsday so we'll see how it works out in 8man, but if GF is going to be 16 people only this needs a hotfix. The whole loot issue needs to be fixed as well.

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3rd Boss on 16 man SM - TEMPLE.... STILL VERY VERY BROKEN... doesn't matter if you EXECUTE perfectly it wipes the RAID out completely. 1 Tank back / 1 front, 7 dps/heal on each side and "Jumping" to register positions and still 80-95% of raid wiped. If anyone has found a work around that lets you complete please post. Right now it's drop to 8 man then 16 man again for rest of Temple boss fights.


Not sure how they are expecting GF ques to actually get past the 2nd or 3rd Boss (Especially 3rd with broken mechani). Second boss on Temple is equal to HM versions with one or two items slightly different.


Ravagers - 16m SM - thrown Barrel on Buro hits for 30k (In a SM??? - come on)

Ravagers - 16m SM - still dropping 1 loot item (Except first boss or two). NO LOOT on last boss.


Until the 16m Versions of these operations can be fixed I'd SUGGEST you revert back to 8man so people can actually complete them and GET some loot. Very annoying to have 16 people raiding and only 5-7 get something.



That's what I thought about Ravagers' 2nd boss,

once I had 2xlifter droids coming at me so I used static barrier and brace for impact

at the same time barrel hit me

that adds up to 2x 16k+30k damage

I dunno what they are expecting for an SM ops...

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same problems for us in 16SM 60 OPs. fps dropping is just amazing ..




i did a customer service ticket and bioware answer me that 1token in 16man mode is all right. there is no bug .. :rak_03:


I'd wait for an actual dev to say this and not some random CS drone. One would assume whatever made that ticket response doesn't know what they are talking about because cutting loot in half in 16m ops would be down right stupid since it'd basically make it a detriment to gearing your ops team instead of doing two 8 mans. Unless they want to intentionally kill off 16m raiding permanently.

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The LAG and FPS drop in 16m down due to graphics and cool stuff is just terrible. Was bad before, but now it's just making it very unplayable.


I can understand and appreciate the DEV's wanting to make content harder and cooler, but crapping out the FPS with so many mechanics, graphics and everything shouldn't be the approach.


Suggestion: TURN some of the mechanics OFF!!! IE: Do we really need Giant Grenade, blue tank firing puddles and Red Circles at the same time in 16m SM Temple 2nd boss? Or 3 Lifters chasing one person, 1 person running a barrel, many blue circles, 1 purple circle and one stationary blue/lightining circle in 2nd boss on Ravagers?


I mean really? LOVE the new stuff, but if we can't play it due to the terrible combinations of graphics / lag then tone it down to playable.


16 SM is clearly HM now and HM is NIM - which shouldn't require HM/NIM level timing to clear the content. If you want to clear all the operations.. Go with an 8 man team - 16 man and GF is not going to work.

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Game engine is crap, everyone knows that.


I5 4670 @ 4.0ghz and an R9 290 here.

Shouldn't be any reason I can't run this game 1440p with graphics cranked up @ 60FPS+. (Grass and shadow detail turned down, no AA)


Lol nope. 16 man TFB will reduce it to 18 fps during fights. Yes, I could turn down the graphics.

But I shouldn't have a need too, my hardware far surpasses what should be needed for an optimized engine. (Oh, wait... optimized in SWTOR? LOL)

I can play Far Cry 4 in the same resolution, graphics cranked (no AA), and I run 40-60FPS.


(Fairness, I do love SWTOR, but I am not without my gripes)

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Besides the lag being awful I'd still like a dev response to whether one token gear drop per boss is intentional now for 16m ops? If it is we'd like to know whether we should stop doing 16m ops now so we can figure out our 8man groups if they want to make 16manning a detriment to obtaining gear over 8 man.
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