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3.0 Marauder no good


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this was my favorite class pre 3.0, now I die constantly on regular mobs..... just not as fun anymore to play. also have an assassin and sniper and both of those are ok. but I am extremely disappointed that some of the better skills are completely gone and now it seems that every fight is a challenge just to get through it. I read that they nerfed both armor ratings and off hand weapon damage? my guess is this is why I am getting killed all the time. Can anyone confirm? Edited by amon_amarth
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Definitely feels odd. I'm lvl 39 and was on Taris where the mobs are 5 lvls below me. Before update I was plowing through the area with ease, now it feels like any mobs +3 become a struggle of life or death. Maybe I'm using the new Annihilation build wrong, but from what I've heard the overall rotation hasn't changed too much.
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I've noticed it too, I'm only 22 and an Balmorra though. Was 21 the day before and doing well, grouped with my brother for the firestarter mission and even though there were only 2 of us we did it pretty well. Tried it today, we are 22 now and we died a dozen times at least. Kind of annoying. Edited by VengeSunsoarr
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im level 46. looks like off had damage is about 25% of main hand which is ridiculous considering a light saber should do the same damage no matter what hand holds it..... also my companion dies too quickly now. did they do something with the armor ratings ?
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this must be why: "Towards the end of the 2.0 patch cycle, classes began to exceed the baseline damage values that we intended. In order to get back to where we wanted the damage output to be, we are lowering the damage output across the board. Players at level 55 will find that their damage has dropped, while players at level 60 end up having about the same amount of damage output that they did pre-3.0 at 55."


so in effect you kill things slower so they can hit you more so if more then one mob is attacking you then it takes longer to kill each so they are all hitting you...

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Definitely feels odd. I'm lvl 39 and was on Taris where the mobs are 5 lvls below me. Before update I was plowing through the area with ease, now it feels like any mobs +3 become a struggle of life or death. Maybe I'm using the new Annihilation build wrong, but from what I've heard the overall rotation hasn't changed too much.


It's changed substantially. Rupture is now a 12 second DoT and ticks more slowly. And you should also be using force sweep if you are fighting multiple mobs to spread rupture to the ones you are not primarily attacking.

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It's really hard to say. As a (now dubbed) "Fury" Marauder since before 2.0, I've seen the ups and downs with the class. 2.10 saw me through taking on groups of six and 1-shoting them with smash. The spec needed to be changed, and while it has been an adjustment for sure, I'm sure after they figure out the ability lag thing (which plagued Rise of the Hutt Cartel too at launch) and I get fully geared I'll probably be back to that. While not a completely different experience for me, it's certainly shaken up the status quo when I go into fights and made things a bit more life or death rather than just me mowing down waves of NPCs. It's also made me use some of our defensive cooldowns during what would of been routine encounters.


I'd recommend going back to the fleet, figuring out which spec fits your play style, and work on getting that figured out. That alone will make a world of difference.

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this was my favorite class pre 3.0, now I die constantly on regular mobs..... just not as fun anymore to play. also have an assassin and sniper and both of those are ok. but I am extremely disappointed that some of the better skills are completely gone and now it seems that every fight is a challenge just to get through it. I read that they nerfed both armor ratings and off hand weapon damage? my guess is this is why I am getting killed all the time. Can anyone confirm?


I haven't noticed any difference (aside from the damage leveling across the board) with Marauders. Not sure which skills you're referring to as being gone because the core of the Marauder is still very much intact. With the new system you can get passives that were in other trees to add some benefit to your spec. None of the gear has been lowered, they just dropped damage to be more in line with the level because damage out put was crazy pre 3.0. Once you hit 60 you will see your damage be more like what it was pre 3.0. In my opinion Marauders came away very nice with this update and classes changes.

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Carnage Marauder lvl 19 here and I cannot generate enough rage to use anything except Force scream after Charge and smash. Everything else comes up Not Ready Yet, although my rage bar is full. I played a Marauder before and gave up when I kept being killed buy the old man on Tatooine, but I never experienced this. Am I doing something wrong?
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My Mara is fine and health and does a lot of damage and that's just in 180's. Once I get the rotation ironed out it'll fine. The only thing I wasn't able to solo up to this point has been Revan, because he was/is bugged. Even bugged with and Operative heals burned through the bug, third time. So much whining about changes people are not willing to adapt to.
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Never in my life across multiple MMOs have I seen a game so utterly screw a class like 3.0 has the Marauder. Shelved mine completely like every other Mara player I know.


In all fairness, it wasn't the entire class to get screwed. Fury definitely came out ahead. But poor Carnage got hammered pretty hard for PvP. And I've seen a number of complaints by Anni players that the rotation is awkward and boring, with too much time spent watching the enemy's debuff bar.

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My Sent is killing mobs as fast or faster than it ever has. I think mob HP has gone done considerably because I'm able to completely wipe out normals in a matter of 2-3 globals. I'm lvl 60 now this is my opening rotation as t combat spec.






-Force sweep (in mob) or Blade Storm (single target)


-Cyclone slash (vs mob) or Master Strike

-Dual Saber throw (vs mob)

-Strike, Blade Rush, Strike


-Precision..... repeat rotation

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In all fairness, it wasn't the entire class to get screwed. Fury definitely came out ahead. But poor Carnage got hammered pretty hard for PvP. And I've seen a number of complaints by Anni players that the rotation is awkward and boring, with too much time spent watching the enemy's debuff bar.


I disagree. In my opinion carnage is the strongest of the PvP spec's now for the mara if played properly and geared well. At level 59 I am seeing 11-12K devastating blast hits pretty consistently with 10-11K crits on vicious throw as well. You just have to realize that ravage was nerfed and should only be used with gore when beserk is up and you don't have VT available. Ravage is otherwise used outside of gore windows. DB>VT>Massacre is more damage than DB>Ravage and is easier to land.

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For some reason it seems my post was either lost in submission, deleted, or something. I've been playing Watchman since beta, then Early-access, and never broke my sub all the way up to present day. I'm a progression raider, but I don't PVP, so I'd put myself somewhere between casual theorycrafter (I don't do a lot of hard number crunching, Just occasionally read guides and try it out) and hardcore player.


I'm finding Watchman quite miserable now post-3.0. This update has totally thrown me for a loop and playing Watchman hasn't been "fun" and dynamic like it used to be :\ It doesn't have any sense of flow or synergy once fights get moving around too much. I was able to figure out Watchman at endgame at launch pretty quickly without ever having to read any guides. The spec just "clicked". This is missing now. I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing and no pattern seems to "mesh" and the rotations that people have suggested up here, I can't seem to settle into, which is doubly frustrating. I'm equally discouraged by the fact that feedback seemed to be going well halfway through the PTS cycle with the developer responding pretty frequently, and yet towards the end, this is what we ended up with somehow. It feels like the tester's feedback wasn't taken into consideration at all, as it was brought up multiple times that the new spec was lacking some of the synergy that was Pre-3.0 Watchman.


I haven't yet tried my hand at Concentration or Combat in PVE, but as it stands right now, as someone who's invested 119 hours into his Sentinel since launch, this is incredibly disheartening :confused::(

Edited by TheShadowWolf
Added more.
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I disagree. In my opinion carnage is the strongest of the PvP spec's now for the mara if played properly and geared well. At level 59 I am seeing 11-12K devastating blast hits pretty consistently with 10-11K crits on vicious throw as well. You just have to realize that ravage was nerfed and should only be used with gore when beserk is up and you don't have VT available. Ravage is otherwise used outside of gore windows. DB>VT>Massacre is more damage than DB>Ravage and is easier to land.


Careful with this kind of analysis. You're talking sub-60, which means you're be going up against anyone from 30-59. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm definitely curious if that'll hold true once your in the 60 bracket. Of course, there, you'll get the set bonus, so Ravage will be used just to get the auto-crit for VT.


But how do you find your ability to stay on target? In the PvPing I've done, I've definitely noticed the loss of Deadly Throw root. Really, I feel like I'm just kind of durdling against people, and accept the constant stream of CC, until my burst is ready, then I hard switch for a kill.

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I have numerous issues with 3.0 and so far I have not needed to change my opinion after actually playing with the update. The writing was on the wall after the dev streams and I see my prejudices held.


In PVE, I have not had problems with my Marauder, although I must say I have only tried lvl55+ stuff. I have not tried leveling process from the beginning which apparently has plenty problems according to other people. At 55+ it does not matter, because PVE is too easy. It is kind of a problem in itself. The issue I have with discipline system in PVE is that utilities are basically insignificant. It doesnt matter what utilities I take besides maybe rage discounts. I can fight through PVE content fine without any. It emphasizes the feeling I had before the update about the discipline system: that there are no real choices. Now much less than before.


In PVP its a completely different matter, many utilities are absolutely crucial, and you cannot take enough of them to counteract the nerfing. Losing the deadly throw cut my carnage marauders effectiveness in pvp in half pretty much, and thats not counting the damage issues. It must be due to some kind of bolster shenanigans which I need to research more, but it felt like I was wielding two wet noodles instead of lightsabers. This in the pre-60 bracket with my lvl59 against lvl 35s, and it felt like I couldnt kill anybody even if they were standing still and I was allowed my full rotation.. Maybe nudge 10% of their lifebar.. Something is certainly wrong and I need to do more research what its about, but I have been lvling my alts to 60 so far. The first impression was that pvp is dead, cremated, buried and a parking lot constructed above the grave.

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