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It has recently come to my attention from a friend that the more HP you have, the less damage reduction you get. As I have been leveling main who is a Sin Tank I have noticed this. As soon as I leveled and got slightly more hp, my damage reduction had indeed decreased. I suppose this makes sense, as you don't want tanks to become invincible supersoldiers who never die. So, I went to change out some of my gear (which is all 186/180) with some lower grade stuff like 178. When I did this, I noticed my hp decrease but I saw no correlating increase in dmg reduction.


So here's my question: How exactly do I balance all this together? How can I take a proactive role in decreasing my HP and subsequently increasing my damage reduction. Very confused here.

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It has recently come to my attention from a friend that the more HP you have, the less damage reduction you get. As I have been leveling main who is a Sin Tank I have noticed this. As soon as I leveled and got slightly more hp, my damage reduction had indeed decreased. I suppose this makes sense, as you don't want tanks to become invincible supersoldiers who never die. So, I went to change out some of my gear (which is all 186/180) with some lower grade stuff like 178. When I did this, I noticed my hp decrease but I saw no correlating increase in dmg reduction.


So here's my question: How exactly do I balance all this together? How can I take a proactive role in decreasing my HP and subsequently increasing my damage reduction. Very confused here.


These two are not correlated quite how you seem to think they are. There are formulas that determine your defensive stats (armor mitigation, shield, defense, absorb), all of which are based on your level. Your HP also happens to be based on your level. The difference between these, however, is that while HP goes up with level, mitigation goes down based on level. All of your mitigation stats have your level in the denominator (for armor DR) or denominator of the exponent (shield, defense, absorb) of the formulas, such that when you see an increase in level, you also see an decrease in mitigation stats. Therefore, as you level, you see HP go up and mitigation go down, as you observed.


Now, when you switched to 178 gear, it was itemized probably about to the same level as 180 coms gear (which I assume you were wearing), so the difference would be marginal. I highly suggest you read this guide for a good, if mildly outdated with the expansion, introduction to how stats work and how to effectively run a Shadow/Assassin tank.

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Okay, I kind of understand what you're saying. That makes some sense, but here's what I don't understand: There's a friend of mine who is also a sin tank. Arguably he's the best sin tank on our server. Now, this was before the expansion (like literally days before) and I happened to be next to him on fleet. He was my level, 55, and had about 40k HP. At the time, I had about 42-43k hp. I noticed my dmg reduction was between 37-38 percent. HIS damage reduction, however, was 40 percent. How would've he have gotten this extra amount of dmg reduction? After what my other friend told me, I assumed it was because he equipped mods that focused less on endurance.


Lol, I guess my point is...I want to make my damage reduction 40 percent. That guide was pretty helpful in how to budget things I see...but it didn't seem to offer any help in augmenting damage reduction. So, is there a way to actually increase your damage reduction, shy of leveling and upgrading your armors' mods with higher rated gear when you level, complete OPs, etc.?

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Okay, I kind of understand what you're saying. That makes some sense, but here's what I don't understand: There's a friend of mine who is also a sin tank. Arguably he's the best sin tank on our server. Now, this was before the expansion (like literally days before) and I happened to be next to him on fleet. He was my level, 55, and had about 40k HP. At the time, I had about 42-43k hp. I noticed my dmg reduction was between 37-38 percent. HIS damage reduction, however, was 40 percent. How would've he have gotten this extra amount of dmg reduction? After what my other friend told me, I assumed it was because he equipped mods that focused less on endurance.


Lol, I guess my point is...I want to make my damage reduction 40 percent. That guide was pretty helpful in how to budget things I see...but it didn't seem to offer any help in augmenting damage reduction. So, is there a way to actually increase your damage reduction, shy of leveling and upgrading your armors' mods with higher rated gear when you level, complete OPs, etc.?


He was likely using some Underworld and Dread Forged mix of set bonus armorings, which offer a bonus 2% DR. Now, which server was this on? Claiming to know the best X on the server is pretty dubious at best.

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  • The more HP you have, the less DR you have.
  • The more DR you have, the less HP you have.
  • To lower your HP and raise your DR you must simply swap mods, enhancements, or augments from HP heavy to DR.


Most of this is not true. Damage reduction for a shadow tank is based on three things: 1) armor rating, 2) set bonus, and 3) shadow protection.


Once could keep the same damage reduction and lower health by swapping resolve armorings for force wielder armorings. Health and damage reduction are not related directly. You could take a force wielder 31 armoring, trade in a resolve 32 armoring, and gain damage reduction while lowering health.


Your 3rd point is referring to mitigation, which is directly related to health.


To the OP your friend either had better armorings and may have used some resolve vs. force wielder, had a set bonus you didn't, or a combination and also had lower health contribution from his/her mods/enhancements/augments.


Now chill out, there's a good community here so don't be an *****.

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Thank you bdatt, for actually helping me out that was somewhat informative. As for the rest, um....sorry for bruising your egos. Actually, I take that back .Not sorry at all. Someone actually gave me a line-by-line "quote and then debate" speel. Not interested. As for your "jokes?" Didn't post here for your "jokes." I posted for my question.....**** why am I actually having to say this....ANYWAYYYY.....


So what you're saying is that if I were to maybe trade out some of my force wielder armors for resolve armors, I may get a damage reduction in exchange for the hp? That's what I'm trying to say. My friend had like 4k less hp than I did at the same level yet had like 4 percent more damage reduction. And he did not have a set bonus. I will explore this, and thank you again for being so informative.

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Thank you bdatt, for actually helping me out that was somewhat informative. As for the rest, um....sorry for bruising your egos. Actually, I take that back .Not sorry at all. Someone actually gave me a line-by-line "quote and then debate" speel. Not interested. As for your "jokes?" Didn't post here for your "jokes." I posted for my question.....**** why am I actually having to say this....ANYWAYYYY.....


So what you're saying is that if I were to maybe trade out some of my force wielder armors for resolve armors, I may get a damage reduction in exchange for the hp? That's what I'm trying to say. My friend had like 4k less hp than I did at the same level yet had like 4 percent more damage reduction. And he did not have a set bonus. I will explore this, and thank you again for being so informative.


No, that's not quite what he was saying. He was saying that if you swap 30 Force Wielder for 30 Resolve armorings, you lose HP and your DR won't change. He didn't use a specific armoring, but that's what he was saying.


Now, to have 4% less static DR, your entire set of armor would have to be 4 tiers lower than your buddy's. 1300 rating puts you that much lower than he is, and it literally means you'd have to take off a piece of armor or have armor 4 tiers lower. It's an insane difference, and is why I would normally attribute it to a lack of set bonus. Now, if you looked at his character sheet for less than 12 seconds immediately after he exited stealth, you could have seen the difference due to Dark/Shadow Protection, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you looked for longer than that and weren't fooled by that.

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