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Slinger/Sniper - Survivability ISSUE!


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I've really started to notice a lot of failed Leg Shots lately, even without cooldowns up. Unlikely but a good change would be to make Leg Shot unable to be resisted, parried, or dodged. The only time it should not root someone is if they have an immunity up or full resolve. Edited by kvandertulip
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I've really started to notice a lot of failed Leg Shots lately, even without cooldowns up. Unlikely but a good change would be to make Leg Shot unable to be resisted, parried, or dodged. The only time it should not root someone is if they have an immunity up or full resolve.


Yeah, deflected Leg Shot - story of my life... :rolleyes:


Honestly I don't expect any major Sniper changes this year anymore. The new ability we'll get with the expansion will probably be something that we won't need and I guess Engi Snipers won't get anything new AGAIN.

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They are definitely one of the strongest classes in team ranked and very good in warzones right now. They're also extremely strong in PvE.

Literally the only problem this class has is solo ranked.


Simple solution: Buff Engineering again, give them back the shield probe and roll reset. Maybe even give them a passive that allows them to roll while rooted. Engineering only. Don't touch ANYTHING else about this class. There is not the slightest *********** need for it.

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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They are definitely one of the strongest classes in team ranked and very good in warzones right now. They're also extremely strong in PvE.

Literally the only problem this class has is solo ranked.


Simple solution: Buff Engineering again, give them back the shield probe and roll reset. Maybe even give them a passive that allows them to roll while rooted. Engineering only. Don't touch ANYTHING else about this class. There is not the slightest *********** need for it.


Go and play Virulence in any area of pvp, then come back and tell me this isn't total bullsh*t. There is only one spec that does well in pvp.

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Just gonna pop in and say that around 80-90% of my matches this season have been in DPS spec,



So you telling me that your toppig the leaderboard as DPS merc? I somewhat believe you seeing you name in the past. However I can only see this in a few ways working.


1. You have friends in high places

2. You premade with "friends in high places"

3. Your server is filled with a bunch of *******

4. Your server gets mixed comps (classes, healz tanks)

5. Due to the high population (ToFN) you get many trolls or bads. (Works both ways)

6. You have "real" pvpers who know how to peel/support (on my server this never happens im normally the one doing it)

7. Your lucky (with your current track record I don't think this is the case)

8. Your very very skilled

9. You play with a large premade in hopes that some of you are on the same team then switch rooms. (This is pretty much what any large PVP guild does. Sometimes they let pugs into thier chat to increase the chances of winning.


As for me kerito this is what I deal with


1. Everyone plays assassin/PT/Jugg (mostly assassins and ops here and there)

2. Free for all.

3. No coms it's normally dps vs dps with a nice spice is 1. Above

4. And I suck...

Edited by Darth__Reaver
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Don't touch ANYTHING else about this class. There is not the slightest *********** need for it.


You scared of facing Snipers that will have a fighting chance again and have the ability to survive when you roflstomp them?


The entire class and all its disciplines/utlities can need a major patch and it's about time that it happens. They can't patch Sorc, Sin, PT and Jugg every month until the game shuts down...

At some point in the future they will need to shift their attention to Snipers and Mercs.


Or else there will be only a handful of players left that still play Sniper as their main... btw it's almost be like that already.

Edited by VdFExarKun
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The reason sniper works in group rank is complete team work.


The reason they work in regs is not as good enemies that don't realize to focus them down before the healer while some harass the healer at the same time, if there is even a healer to begin with.


It is what it is and it's a matter of opinion if you think that's ok or not. I'm not much of a fan of it so I moved on. This is actually a problem for mercs and marauders I hear as well.

Edited by Technohic
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Sniper has always been my main. In the past when Snipers were more effective it was when:


cover pulse - was more effective in moving away melee


covered escape - allowed you to roll away without interruption


leg shot - fewer classes were immune


Too many classes now have immunity and work a rounds to their defensive capabilities. Particularly the fotm assasin/shadows and juggs, they are fully immune to leg shot and coverpulse and the jugg can even interrupt the covered escape by choking the sniper.


personally - I think some highly skilled snipers owned inquistor/warriors on the PTS in the past and this is their revenge. :rolleyes:

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Sniper has always been my main. In the past when Snipers were more effective it was when:


cover pulse - was more effective in moving away melee


covered escape - allowed you to roll away without interruption


leg shot - fewer classes were immune


Too many classes now have immunity and work a rounds to their defensive capabilities. Particularly the fotm assasin/shadows and juggs, they are fully immune to leg shot and coverpulse and the jugg can even interrupt the covered escape by choking the sniper.


personally - I think some highly skilled snipers owned inquistor/warriors on the PTS in the past and this is their revenge. :rolleyes:


Couldn't tell you how often AOE Flashbang could save my *** as well.

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So you telling me that your toppig the leaderboard as DPS merc? I somewhat believe you seeing you name in the past. However I can only see this in a few ways working.


1. You have friends in high places

2. You premade with "friends in high places"

3. Your server is filled with a bunch of *******

4. Your server gets mixed comps (classes, healz tanks)

5. Due to the high population (ToFN) you get many trolls or bads. (Works both ways)

6. You have "real" pvpers who know how to peel/support (on my server this never happens im normally the one doing it)

7. Your lucky (with your current track record I don't think this is the case)

8. Your very very skilled

9. You play with a large premade in hopes that some of you are on the same team then switch rooms. (This is pretty much what any large PVP guild does. Sometimes they let pugs into thier chat to increase the chances of winning.


As for me kerito this is what I deal with


1. Everyone plays assassin/PT/Jugg (mostly assassins and ops here and there)

2. Free for all.

3. No coms it's normally dps vs dps with a nice spice is 1. Above

4. And I suck...


Nah, everyone sucks at peeling on ToFN except a few skankhealing operatives, bubblespamming sorcs or the occasional pt skanktank. As'ana is usually never doing a lot of damage; instead, he spands the majority of a match running around spamming medshot, whereas I usually take a more headfirst approach and do quite a bit more damage than As'ana. Of course, it'll also lead to me dying faster than him.


Which is better depends on whatever setup you're against. Lots of dotters? Go full commando, since you won't be able to sustain the dot pressure. Burst? Run around and LOS to draw out the inevitable burst death long enough for your team to do something meaningful. Of course, of all this is under the assumption that your team doesn't consist of 3 transferrers (they're mostly crap at solo ranked).

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Nah, everyone sucks at peeling on ToFN except a few skankhealing operatives, bubblespamming sorcs or the occasional pt skanktank. As'ana is usually never doing a lot of damage; instead, he spands the majority of a match running around spamming medshot, whereas I usually take a more headfirst approach and do quite a bit more damage than As'ana. Of course, it'll also lead to me dying faster than him.


Which is better depends on whatever setup you're against. Lots of dotters? Go full commando, since you won't be able to sustain the dot pressure. Burst? Run around and LOS to draw out the inevitable burst death long enough for your team to do something meaningful. Of course, of all this is under the assumption that your team doesn't consist of 3 transferrers (they're mostly crap at solo ranked).


Hey, doing 20-30k damage and taking 100-150k damage is something! :p

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You scared of facing Snipers that will have a fighting chance again and have the ability to survive when you roflstomp them?


No, because I don't play soloq at all, only team ranked, so I don't care. I just know Marksman is already extremely good in team ranked.

Like this guy said:


The reason sniper works in group rank is complete team work.


The reason they work in regs is not as good enemies that don't realize to focus them down before the healer while some harass the healer at the same time, if there is even a healer to begin with.


It is what it is and it's a matter of opinion if you think that's ok or not. I'm not much of a fan of it so I moved on. This is actually a problem for mercs and marauders I hear as well.


This is exactly the problem. If they buff Marksman even more it will be broken in team ranked, because Marksman thrives with support like no other spec in the game. Which is great, but ofc a problem in soloq, where you won't get much support if any. Hence my suggestion to buff Engineering. Because Engineering used to be the go-to soloq spec for Snipers as far as I'm concerned. Leave Marksman as it is and if you wanna play it, play regs or team ranked. You won't have every spec be equallly viable in all scenarios. No class in the game has that and it's practically impossible to achieve for BW anyway.

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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You know, the funny part is that after 1 year of topic people still expect the devs to do anything. After 7 months of xpac the balance is still one of the crappiest it has ever been and in 3~4 months there is another xpac coming, so I'd wait about a year before some actual balance happens.
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Because Engineering used to be the go-to soloq spec for Snipers as far as I'm concerned.


Actually I play Lethality in arena and so do some more Snipers.


Every spec would be fine in theory if Sniper would just get a bit of survivability but if that happens, the burst dmg of Marksman would need to be nerfed and I'm totally fine with that. Ambush does way too much dmg anyway.

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Actually I play Lethality in arena and so do some more Snipers.


Every spec would be fine in theory if Sniper would just get a bit of survivability but if that happens, the burst dmg of Marksman would need to be nerfed and I'm totally fine with that. Ambush does way too much dmg anyway.


I'd be willing to sacrifice MM for better ways to handle focus.


In before mercs come in and say they have it worse. They do. Need a focus on the range DPS classes in more ways than one.

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Actually I play Lethality in arena and so do some more Snipers.


Every spec would be fine in theory if Sniper would just get a bit of survivability but if that happens, the burst dmg of Marksman would need to be nerfed and I'm totally fine with that. Ambush does way too much dmg anyway.


Weren't you playing Engineering pre 3.0? But yes, I agree. I'd be fine with more survivability for snipers if they nerf Marksmans spike damage.

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Weren't you playing Engineering pre 3.0? But yes, I agree. I'd be fine with more survivability for snipers if they nerf Marksmans spike damage.


Nah, just played Engi for like 5 matches or so. I'm Lethality all the way, I just love to play that spec. :)

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Without reading too much of the original post i get the gist but ill say this.....


I have a sniper.....im a mass murdering killing machine in pvp, get me down quick or ill wipe our your whole team.....if i have a heal looking after me and heaven forbid a tank protecting me then you'd best all keep away.....if you are a sniper alone and you get focussed you die, quick and simple no you don't have the protection of a sorc with his bubbles and perma safe shield BUT the dmg oooohhh weeee....masses of dmg without the invicible shield, i love it.


Its fun..........and ps your biggest probs is melee so you have 2 knockbacks, with skill tree 2nd one, and slows and cc and interrupts and etc etc etc....its not all plain sailing against you and when focussed by enough we all go down pretty darn fast....its the time of Dps Burst Dmg

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Without reading too much of the original post i get the gist but ill say this.....


I have a sniper.....im a mass murdering killing machine in pvp, get me down quick or ill wipe our your whole team.....if i have a heal looking after me and heaven forbid a tank protecting me then you'd best all keep away.....if you are a sniper alone and you get focussed you die, quick and simple no you don't have the protection of a sorc with his bubbles and perma safe shield BUT the dmg oooohhh weeee....masses of dmg without the invicible shield, i love it.


Its fun..........and ps your biggest probs is melee so you have 2 knockbacks, with skill tree 2nd one, and slows and cc and interrupts and etc etc etc....its not all plain sailing against you and when focussed by enough we all go down pretty darn fast....its the time of Dps Burst Dmg


I guess players on your server never focus the healer or mezz him or push/knock him away especially out of guard range or maybe stunrape the sniper or throw a diversion on the sniper.

Also since you're talking about knockbacks I guess no one is filling the resolve of the enemy players then, so you can always mezz and knock them and they prolly only do 10 dmg on snipers even with bloodthirst.


Dreams come true huh?:rolleyes:

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I did 110 soloQ games on a plasmatech PT. it's generally considered the worst or practically the worst dps spec in the game. interestingly enough, I found that in 1v1 situations, it was very effective against sorcs (both specs) and snipers (MM and engi -- don't recall any leth). I take the extended HO, heal cannon, flame burst snare and the KO breaker. those, combined with all the standard PT tools, makes it so you cannot be controlled/punted.


anyway, I just thought that was a really surreal experience considering how terrible the spec is against melee (whom you'd think would be what a cleave spec wants to fight).

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Most classes have a way (or multiple ways) to deal with roots, apart from Snipers/Slingers. The fact that the root stops snipers from using their main defence, roll, is a big issue. Imagine if you couldn't use your defensive cds on other classes when you were rooted. That would suck.


Yeah... like once or twice if lucky.

But when you're being chain rooted, it doesn't matter, you just stay wherever they want you to stay and take it like a boss.


I play a Marauder, I think I know a thing or two about this.

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I had the rare occation of being healed by a rather competent healer in Unranked - and with that, I can really do damage to others.


But apart from that - without healing & protection, Gunslingers are toast. SAt least if they are not able to think far enough into the future to avoid melee attacks (Operative is especially boring for my Gunslinger : A few hits and my Gunslinger is dead, if not healed and / or protected. Plus, if I hit the Operative, he or she can easily stealth out and H2F).

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All disciplines for the class need a rework and the whole "glass cannon" for both merc and sniper needs to be dropped..this games pvp and population..ie tanks/heals to dps does not support it; or I should say the matchmaking does not support classes that require support and that is total B.S. and should be addressed. Edited by KingKalbo
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