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Slinger/Sniper - Survivability ISSUE!


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neither is the shield probe


They should buff this skill not "by 30%" but up to 100% and without all these utility points, just a base buff. Then we can use it like the real "oh ****" dc and not like "meh, lets absorb 1/3 or even 1/4 of the next big-hitter in the middle of the combat"...


why isnt the 6% more dmg reduction while in cover still not showing up in the character sheet? makes me think it doesnt even work at all.


Who knows! :rolleyes:

Edited by Glower
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I'm so glad I'm not the only one finding it a lot more difficult to survive now as a sniper, I feel like this game is too melee focused for me to survive in any proper fight, all battlegrounds are catered for Melee, especially with LOS.


As soon as a semi decent / geared assassin / opperative / jugg / marauder targets me in my melee range I have no escape route 1v1, I've tried so many times and used all my cooldowns and still die everytime.


I think snipers need a better escape mechanism.

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I'd like to change diversion to something similar as the smoke bomb of the rogue in wow.

Instead of copying the stealth of sents, we'd have our own way to breake free of being focused for a while. Basically it would be a portable LOS. But instead of it being automatically placed on the caster it should stay as it is now. This way it also would bring some additional group utillity for the gunslinger/sniper as in area deniying (throw it on that group of sorcs pillarhugging and they have to move into the open if they want to continue to do damage :cool: ), or helping a teammade who's being focused.


Drop it on you so you get a break from being targeted by ranges. All kinds of charges should not work into/ out of the cloud, so you can actually use it to get away from guards/juggs.


Not sure if keeping the utility of crippling diversion would be too much though :D



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I'd like to change diversion to something similar as the smoke bomb of the rogue in wow.

Instead of copying the stealth of sents, we'd have our own way to breake free of being focused for a while. Basically it would be a portable LOS. But instead of it being automatically placed on the caster it should stay as it is now. This way it also would bring some additional group utillity for the gunslinger/sniper as in area deniying (throw it on that group of sorcs pillarhugging and they have to move into the open if they want to continue to do damage :cool: ), or helping a teammade who's being focused.


Drop it on you so you get a break from being targeted by ranges. All kinds of charges should not work into/ out of the cloud, so you can actually use it to get away from guards/juggs.


Not sure if keeping the utility of crippling diversion would be too much though :D




That's a cool idea and I think it would fit with the overall feel of the class, but I highly doubt Bioware would put forth the effort to switch Diversion to a placeable AOE smoke bomb thing.

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Survivability in arenas is so bad right now. Can we get a timeline on when this is going to be fixed? After saying for a year that survivability needs to be buffed, I'm kind of getting tired of waiting.


Well, they can't balance classes only ecause they have problems in solo ranked.

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Well, they can't balance classes only ecause they have problems in solo ranked.


You sure? Because Juggernaut got Enrage Defense buffed after season 1 and because of the Juggernauts performance in solo ranked in season 1.


But the thing is, it is not only arena, we take our survivability problem with us.

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Has it been the same for you hoes both pre and post level 60? Also beyond that, I am wondering about when gear Is min maxed as that could effect the meta. I doubt they even look at it until that point but I could only picture it getting worder as no sniper or slinger will stack defenses.
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Definitely gonna support this 100%. I was a sniper from the get go of SWTOR's launch and honestly, it was one of the most satisfying PvP classes I played. Not because of the damage, but because of the overall feel of the class. Each level you felt like you got stronger, the new abilities made such a impact on both survivability and damage output. Now? I don't even know how to comment on it really.


I did a PvP match just a moment ago and was bombarded with so many stuns that I couldn't keep up. Slow, stun, root, you name it, it happened to me. Whether it be in cover, entrenched etc. However, the people "Juggs, marauaders, even sorcs." I fought, didn't suffer from the same impacting effects. I would purge a stun, mainly choke just to get away from the damn people surrounding me like I was a pinata, just to be stunned immediately after when attempting to roll away. I mean, if Bioware intended for snipers/gunslingers to be pinatas, then they succeeded. If not? Something went terribly wrong.


Sniping in the original PvP felt rewarding, this isn't even a chore. You might as well just keep a scorecard for the opposing team and tally it up as soon as you're seen.

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Lets establish a few facts:


  1. 1. Snipers are generally BETTER off now than before the expansion. More defensives, better offensives. I'm sorry but with AOE DMG Reduction given to all specs you simply cant say your survivability has been nerfed. Its buffed.
  2. 2. Imagine a scenario where sniper/slinger gets another "o-****-button-godmode" that many players are asking for. What happens when you add a healer+tank to that equation? Let me tell you - nothing. A complete stalemate of BORING. Your class is probably the absolutely HARDEST to kill under such circumstance.
    Since this point is slightly subjective lets just agree that you dont feel any issue what-so-ever when tanked and healed, ye?

From a Sabo/Eng standpoint, getting the option of a heroic utility is a buff? With the loss of DCD reset on sabotage. Sabos/engs lost second roll (to provide separation), lost reset on defense screen/shield probe, lost reset on hunker down 20 sec immunity to impairing effects while in cover.

The aoe reduction is not a given utility, like it seems you are suggesting, but rather an option. Which maybe at the expense of a traditional sabo/eng utility. The tradeoff for sabos/engs was better utilities for less damage output.

The 60% aoe reduction was already part of the SS tree before. so no real buff there.


If matches end in stalemate, how is sniper class the hardest to kill if no one is dying?

Edited by CaliKuch
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Has it been the same for you hoes both pre and post level 60? Also beyond that, I am wondering about when gear Is min maxed as that could effect the meta. I doubt they even look at it until that point but I could only picture it getting worder as no sniper or slinger will stack defenses.


Dinged 60 today. Had some speeders banked so got Head, belt, boots, main hand, off hand, relic. Went for the set first and am going to keep the armorings from conq in my chest and gloves when the time comes because I want to keep the increased shield probe I had on that 2 piece. Think that might be helping me, actually. If I did it all over again, I would have got my relics before both weapons but I wanted to see what MH, OH did in terms of damage. It does not really change much as the damage still gets bolstered.


Along with that, there seemed to be a decent trade off of a very small ammount of crit chance and bonus damage for much more health by removing a lot of my old purple cunning augments, but it seemed to give less health and take away more from the crit/bonus damage after about 4 or 5 of them.



So far I have done less damage overall than pre-60 but have felt decently durable. I think a lot of this has to do with not getting the relics first, stat optimization took a hit as I got more alacrity and less surge, and in some points more crit than power; which crit in itself seems to not take me very far, even on my DF Gunslinger that needs dot tics for energy, i just do not have energy management issues anyway. And I'm sure once I get my new augments crafted, they will be better than the old ones as far as tradeoff for health. And maybe that lost set bonus that provides 10% increase on damage reduction on shield probe helps.


As for MM and Sab. I did play around with them and they CAN hit harder, but Sab is hard to get your hits in against a decent player and I do not care for the casting of MM/SS and the durability takes a noticeable hit when you have a good DOT sorc or sin around. The games crawling with them, and count your blessings that most are mediocre, because you just cannot do anything to a good one that will LOS you. Always has been a bane for a slinger, but now those DOTs do so much damage and heals while safely hidden behind an object or just out of reach. Most of them seem to stand there in try to just turret away and they will melt.

Edited by Technohic
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If you need evidence that survivability is in the toilet, in any match look at the ratio of damage taken to deaths of any sniper compared to everyone else. The sniper will have the same or less damage taken and still have more deaths. It is ridiculous how little effort it takes to kill us now.
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If you need evidence that survivability is in the toilet, in any match look at the ratio of damage taken to deaths of any sniper compared to everyone else. The sniper will have the same or less damage taken and still have more deaths. It is ridiculous how little effort it takes to kill us now.


It's beyond hard in ranked for a casual like me in ranked. I see it so clearly that if you have any of your 2 worst anti-classes sin/op on the opposite team that your melee/ sages should focus them as soon as they appear..but it's not gonna happen in yolo. your left to your own survival..which is zero against those 2 classes.


Had someone tell me I should have used roll in one match after being opened on by an op b4 I could drop HD...Really? Your defensives have been totally negated this patch. Call me a QQ'er.. IDGAF. It's just time to roll with my FOTM classes. Then those same ******* telling me how to run my slinger; can compliment me on GJ/GG when I have all the advantages and can pick utilities that work excellently in whatever pvp match I find myself in(not sling/snipes which is heavily circumstantial to the point of derp-dom. SMH.

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They just need to limit the ability to remove a sniper from cover. Aka get rid of diversions cover exposure and stop physics from affecting covered snipers. I think that would probably be enough.


That would go a long way to helping. I would also like to see them get the slow release medpack from scoundrels toolkit as a replacement for the lackluster heal in cover utility.

Edited by KingKalbo
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Give double roll to all snipers and gunslingers.


No, we dont need better kiting. We need Shield Probe back to what is was, and also the Dodge/Evasion duration back to what it was. Why make it shorter to start with? Make it 4-5 seconds depending onw hat tree you're playing and make the new dmg reduction stay.

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give us 40 meters range..we are snipers it's not logic that other spec (lightning) can range like us


or give us snipe skill with 40+ meters range.


40 meters = 43.74 yards


I like new set-bonuses, but at the same time i really miss my 40m takedown. :(

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So what are you guys managing to eek out for damage in ranked arenas? I had one where I was focused and I crapped the bed and did all of 8 k, but other times I have hit around 50k damage before dieing and it seems I am not welcome there. How bout you?


I have only played Marksman in ranked so far, if I get focused hard then its just a matter of can I last longer than our focus target. That's all you can do in that situation really.

If I don't get focused too hard, then generally near top damage. And some good tools to peel for heals or whoever is getting focused.

If I am allowed to free cast on a healer, they go down pretty quickly.

Conversely, when we go down, we go down real fast. Had a game where the were 2 madness sorcs, and a hatred sin on the other team, was absolutely nothing i could do but watch my health tick away at an alarming rate. Also, found out that PTs if specced can pull form 40m now, that was fun. As always, super dependent on you team as a sniper.


As a side note, in around 20 ranked matches today, on sniper and operative, I only saw 1 other sniper, and only 1 merc.

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No, we dont need better kiting. We need Shield Probe back to what is was, and also the Dodge/Evasion duration back to what it was. Why make it shorter to start with? Make it 4-5 seconds depending onw hat tree you're playing and make the new dmg reduction stay.


Wrong, we do need better kiting. Just because the majority of sniprs couldn't kite if their life depended on it doesn't mean to say better kiting skills isn't what the class needs. If you don't want to give that double roll to marksman and lethality then I'm good with that but engineering could defiitely do with it.


As for shield probe, engineering has constantly seen nerfs with that but I agree with you...there's so much more they could be doing with shield probe. Evasion/dodge? Sorry but I find it a laughable skill, useful for sure but buffing evasion isn't the answer to go....we need an entirely new skill altogether. We know that, Bioware knows that. Everyone knows that.

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