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10 Good
  1. Hallo allerseits! ich suche einen Armormech, der mir eine lvl 55er Soldatenrüstung bauen kann: Underworld Supercommando’s Body Armor. Welche Raritätsstufe, obs die fronti- oder kommandoversion ist, ist egal - es geht bloss ums Kostüm! Die Fähigkeit diese zu Bauen hat man meines Wissens nach erhalten, wenn man die 55er pvp bzw. pve. Rüstungen dekonstruiert hat. Besten Dank und möge die Macht mit euch sein
  2. I'd like to change diversion to something similar as the smoke bomb of the rogue in wow. Instead of copying the stealth of sents, we'd have our own way to breake free of being focused for a while. Basically it would be a portable LOS. But instead of it being automatically placed on the caster it should stay as it is now. This way it also would bring some additional group utillity for the gunslinger/sniper as in area deniying (throw it on that group of sorcs pillarhugging and they have to move into the open if they want to continue to do damage ), or helping a teammade who's being focused. Drop it on you so you get a break from being targeted by ranges. All kinds of charges should not work into/ out of the cloud, so you can actually use it to get away from guards/juggs. Not sure if keeping the utility of crippling diversion would be too much though Greetings
  3. in my opinion the gs' iconic moves are way cooler the - nutkick for example. for me it also makes more sense running arround, two futuristic recolvers pulled while shooting evrithing with a flurry of bolts, than doing the same thing with a sniper rifle. so you probably are going to get uesed to. gunslingers are the coolest guys (and girls) the galaxy has ever seen
  4. @ Arn-Toras beim Markenhändler von Alderaan gibt es modifizierbare Hosen dieser Rüstungsklasse.
  5. Hallo allerseits, Wie im Titel steht, habe ich meine Mail bekommen und die darin beschriebenen Schritte ausgeführt. Will ich mich anmelden, steht im Launcher immernoch ich hätte kein aktives Abonnement. Wäre super wenn mir jemand helfen könnte =)
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