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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Who Is Still Playing Their Maras???


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Its not mara damage thats the problem. Its how easily they care to control with crowd control, coupled with how much anti melee abilities there are in the game now. 7 second guarded by the force is damn nice, but if youre stunned for the duration, or very near it, then its useless.
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I love how people are saying Carnage is ok. Its not. Marauders in general are not half of what they were in PVP. The burst is gone, the ability to control your oponent is gone (oh boy, wasting 2 utilities to try for a double leg slash to get a root is SUPER EFFECTIVE). Rolling around in your premade vs scrubs is no way to judge your effectiveness as a class. I've been PVPing since forever. I've been Carnage since launch. I do not suck. Carnage is crippled. Sure, I 1v1d a few people. Sure, I put out ok numbers. Used to be a lot easier. Now I get thrown around and evaded like its nothin. I want Deadly Throw back, I want Retaliation back, I want Gore back on 5sec, or at least 4 so I can get all ticks of Ravage because of damn server lag! With the lame utility set up I've lost HALF of the abilities that made my marauder what it was. Oh, and I get to shoot magic energy out of my sabers for some reason, because Force Scream was too cool to let us keep. Im trying real hard to find a reason not to let my sub run out, as my Carnage marauder was the only reason I really enjoyed the game. /disgusted
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The only positive thing about 3.0 is the new Force Choke (i actually use it now, before maybe once per WZ)


However, losing 3 abilities that gave us a figthing chance when facing certain enemies and certain DCD's is NOT okay.


I am probably still going to play a marauder, and maybe lvl 60 will balance things a little better. Fury spec seems decent enough but rather lacklusting to play it when Juggs does everything better. Carnage is pretty much ruined and is also less fun to play with because of fewer tools.


Wake up BW, don't let us marauder wither and die and kited to hell by sorcs, mercs and PT's on steroids (wth were you thinking of this HO on PTs btw?? LOL)

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Sorcs still are pretty easy for a burst class to take down. I hunt down sorcs all the time with my Infiltration Jedi Shadow and rack up the solo kills. Marauders can do tons of damage quickly, so i think its not as easy as you might think. It would be interesting to see a madness sorc vs a maruader and see who wins, cause mostly the huge dps numbers for madness sorcs right now that we are seeing is because dot specs usually do get large dps numbers against large groups, but when it comes to burst damage they are lacking. I've never had a hard time taking out sorcs 1v1 with a burst class.


lol @ this , you haven't encountered a skilled a sorc/sage (balance,madness) can melt you down in a rotation with all procs up and this was back in 2.8 , now that they buffed dots and you cannot cleanse them anymore it's gonna be even easier. I have been roaming with my full brut sage day in day out on TOFN especially on ORICON , the only 1v1 I lost was to a BH MERC sporting 40k+ in full pve gear due to not LOS'ing properly. Sorc/Sage is king in 1v1 if played well , if he has room to kite/los you are dead add a pillar in the way and it's even more easier :) there was a reason why only a famous sorc won all the 1v1 tournies on tofn back in the day.

Keep on truckin' boyz

Edited by offence
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I'm bad on my mara/sent anyway, but I spec'd into smash just for kicks (it has more breakers with obliterate). wow. it was a snare and root fest. the extra breakers were useless. you get rooted too often to do anything. all of the sorcs running around magnifies the issue cuz they're the main source of the roots (snipers have a powerful one too). it doesn't matter if you're actually going after a ranged or not. you still eat their roots. I can definitely see what the maras are complaining about.
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I have just run into Hairless *tips hat* from TOFN and he owned me no question about it. I am still in terrible PVE gear for sure, but there honestly wasn't a whole lot I could do. I am sage TK. (We are same level I think and I have no clue about his gear. He is a obvious a mara.)
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There are still plenty of people playing Marauders. I have been seeing generally half warriors and half inquisitors in the warzones(with a good mix of both advanced classes), not to many agents or Bounty hunters though. However thinking about it these warriors my just enjoy the warrior story line as it is the best in the game...
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I have just run into Hairless *tips hat* from TOFN and he owned me no question about it. I am still in terrible PVE gear for sure, but there honestly wasn't a whole lot I could do. I am sage TK. (We are same level I think and I have no clue about his gear. He is a obvious a mara.)


I'm only playing my marauder to max out my comms before I start leveling to 60 ^^

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