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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Who Is Still Playing Their Maras???


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I'm sticking with mine because I enjoy the class too much... I haven't gotten to 60 yet, so I know the jury is still out on how it is in real PvP, but so far it isn't brutal... I would say it's clearly and definitely behind Sins and Juggs, but it's still manageable... Plus, with the abundance of healers in regs right now you can really get into a good flow...


I don't see a reason to abandon my 2 maras like so many other people were saying they were going to...

Edited by howieloader
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I was pvping last night with my brother who is a healer and a friend who is a very good juggernaught tank. I was playing my Lightning Sorc. We had a few sorcs on our team. The other team had lots of maruaders. We. Got. Demolished. Marauders still have very good burst and I'm honestly scared to go against them when i play my sorc. I saw through numerous games that Marauders and Concealment assasins were getting top dps, usually in the 850k-950k damage range. So i definitely think Marauders are still good. It all comes down to player skill. If you are good at playing maruaders you'll do great. If you haven't hardly played a Marauder and just got him to level 55 during the 12XP , then i don't think its really fair to call the class terrible when these noobs get crushed because of lack of experience.
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I was pvping last night with my brother who is a healer and a friend who is a very good juggernaught tank. I was playing my Lightning Sorc. We had a few sorcs on our team. The other team had lots of maruaders. We. Got. Demolished. Marauders still have very good burst and I'm honestly scared to go against them when i play my sorc. I saw through numerous games that Marauders and Concealment assasins were getting top dps, usually in the 850k-950k damage range. So i definitely think Marauders are still good. It all comes down to player skill. If you are good at playing maruaders you'll do great. If you haven't hardly played a Marauder and just got him to level 55 during the 12XP , then i don't think its really fair to call the class terrible when these noobs get crushed because of lack of experience.


You wrong. I, like many, have been playing Sentinel for 3 years on a daily basis and it's brutal.


On my Marauder I only have serious problems against Sorcs. Way too much Stuns, roots and of course knockback.
Problem is with all other ACs that have: Stuns, Roots, and Knockbacks Edited by Ramtar
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Marauders still have very good burst and I'm honestly scared to go against them when i play my sorc.


I'm sorry, Sorc vs Marauder is a free win for the Sorc, if the Sorc has half a clue. That was before 3.0, it's even easier for Sorc now.

Edited by Vember
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Came across 2 maras today who were nearly unkillable and they were by themselves

Have they upped their survivability??

It was like fighting a Jugg... In an area match it Took 2 sages and myself (gunslinger) to finally kill him... I took a total of 400k damage from him in 3 rounds... He didn't leave me alone... He was the only one attacking me too... We demolished his team straight away in all 3 rounds and he was the last standing...

We 1v1 in the 2nd after my team was killed too... I hit him with everything and his health hardly moved from where it was at half way... I checked back on my combat log and I had done 32k damage and he still won

Anyway his stats at the end said he only took 100k damage and only put out 200k...

Is this some sort of bug that... Or some new build?

I want to know so I can use the same one... LoL

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I'm sorry, Sorc vs Marauder is a free win for the Sorc, if the Sorc has half a clue. That was before 3.0, it's even easier for Sorc now.


Sorcs still are pretty easy for a burst class to take down. I hunt down sorcs all the time with my Infiltration Jedi Shadow and rack up the solo kills. Marauders can do tons of damage quickly, so i think its not as easy as you might think. It would be interesting to see a madness sorc vs a maruader and see who wins, cause mostly the huge dps numbers for madness sorcs right now that we are seeing is because dot specs usually do get large dps numbers against large groups, but when it comes to burst damage they are lacking. I've never had a hard time taking out sorcs 1v1 with a burst class.

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I'm sticking with mine because I enjoy the class too much... I haven't gotten to 60 yet, so I know the jury is still out on how it is in real PvP, but so far it isn't brutal... I would say it's clearly and definitely behind Sins and Juggs, but it's still manageable... Plus, with the abundance of healers in regs right now you can really get into a good flow...


I don't see a reason to abandon my 2 maras like so many other people were saying they were going to...


the number of healers mean zero if they don't want to heal you, just like a tank. I have lost count of the regular warzones where I had to use my out of combat self heal because no healer would throw a heal my way. I was even told "if I want a heal, roll a healer"


Sorcs still are pretty easy for a burst class to take down. I hunt down sorcs all the time with my Infiltration Jedi Shadow and rack up the solo kills. Marauders can do tons of damage quickly, so i think its not as easy as you might think. It would be interesting to see a madness sorc vs a maruader and see who wins, cause mostly the huge dps numbers for madness sorcs right now that we are seeing is because dot specs usually do get large dps numbers against large groups, but when it comes to burst damage they are lacking. I've never had a hard time taking out sorcs 1v1 with a burst class.


roll a Sentinel/Marauder and see for yourself.

Edited by Ramtar
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Sorcs still are pretty easy for a burst class to take down. I hunt down sorcs all the time with my Infiltration Jedi Shadow and rack up the solo kills. Marauders can do tons of damage quickly, so i think its not as easy as you might think. It would be interesting to see a madness sorc vs a maruader and see who wins, cause mostly the huge dps numbers for madness sorcs right now that we are seeing is because dot specs usually do get large dps numbers against large groups, but when it comes to burst damage they are lacking. I've never had a hard time taking out sorcs 1v1 with a burst class.


I have a Sentinel and a Shadow.


You're wrong. The amount of control a Shadow has compared to a sentinel is shameful. Play a sent to 55, and you'll see a massive difference in the two classes.

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Sorcs still are pretty easy for a burst class to take down. I hunt down sorcs all the time with my Infiltration Jedi Shadow and rack up the solo kills. Marauders can do tons of damage quickly, so i think its not as easy as you might think. It would be interesting to see a madness sorc vs a maruader and see who wins, cause mostly the huge dps numbers for madness sorcs right now that we are seeing is because dot specs usually do get large dps numbers against large groups, but when it comes to burst damage they are lacking. I've never had a hard time taking out sorcs 1v1 with a burst class.


There's a world of difference between a Deception Assassin and any marauder spec currently.

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Came across 2 maras today who were nearly unkillable and they were by themselves

Have they upped their survivability??

It was like fighting a Jugg... In an area match it Took 2 sages and myself (gunslinger) to finally kill him... I took a total of 400k damage from him in 3 rounds... He didn't leave me alone... He was the only one attacking me too... We demolished his team straight away in all 3 rounds and he was the last standing...

We 1v1 in the 2nd after my team was killed too... I hit him with everything and his health hardly moved from where it was at half way... I checked back on my combat log and I had done 32k damage and he still won

Anyway his stats at the end said he only took 100k damage and only put out 200k...

Is this some sort of bug that... Or some new build?

I want to know so I can use the same one... LoL


Bug. Definitely a bug.

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700k damage, carnage marauder. First match at level 60 in full PvE gear.


Not sure what people are complaining about tbh.


Play your mara, then play a rage jug after and look at the difference. Same damage output with very different ability to survive.

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It would be interesting to see a madness sorc vs a maruader and see who wins, cause mostly the huge dps numbers for madness sorcs right now that we are seeing is because dot specs usually do get large dps numbers against large groups, but when it comes to burst damage they are lacking. I've never had a hard time taking out sorcs 1v1 with a burst class.

In 1v1 situations, my sage can own marauders any day. I solo'd one on Tuesday with my TK sage even, and I don't feel that the guy was clueless. He did go with the obvious leap-->ravage combo though...which was easily negated with a knockback. Balance vs mara is just as bad for the mara, if not worse.


The only time that my sage gets bursted down by maras is when there is a serious bolster difference or when I am getting hit by a mara plus others. In 3v1, you'll get burst down against anybody.


Sure, maras can still put up huge numbers. I was in a match yesterday with Kenji and he did just shy of 1 million damage in a quesh huttball (he was mara, I was pub). They had heals, our team didn't. He died maybe once, over 50 kills. However, any dps class is going to put up huge numbers if they are alive for that long. I've put up 800K on my poorly geared juggernaut in 2.0, simply because we had heals and I spent almost no time in respawn.


The issue with maras is bad defensive cooldowns compared to juggs. Without heals, maras cannot stay on the field as long as a jugg can. Just look at everything that a jugg can do and compare it with a mara. Maras have a higher theoretical damage output, but theory gets trashed when the mara cannot stay alive very long. So, if you are playing solo and are not sure if you will get heals, you are better off overall going with a jugg.

Edited by teclado
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Exactly, love when people say that....I did 700k in this one match one time...1v1 a decent..say ANY OTHER CLASS as a mara, they have to be good thouhg...you will get owned. and yes ..i know WZ's arent 1v1 but you have to win 1v1 battles for your team to be good, your job is to dps...if you're controlled constantly you cannot do your job.


Do a skill by skill comparison to a focus guardian to a concentration sentinel....I see no one is posting that at all.


Check and see how many root breaks each.

How many gap closers..the quality of the gap closers.

How many stuns / slows each and the quality of them.

How many defensive CD's and the quality of them.


go ahead and do that. then come back here and post that maras/sents are just fine as is. (PVP only)

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