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Why do I need basic PvP gear at all?


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if you want to be a legitimate contender in pvp, then yes, you will see an obvious difference. Even the highest possible level of pve gear vs. the lowest tier of pvp gear, the pvp gear will be superior, as bolster will never match the quality of dmg output or mitigation that full expertise does from pvp gear set (unless of course you figure out how to exploit the system, but only the doucheiest players play that way imho). Do you "NEED" it, as you ask? Of course not, that's what bolster is for. It ain't perfect and there have been ways to exploit it, and players will find ways to exploit it again after 3.0, but it does its job for the most part. Will a bolstered player match someone in full pvp gear in dmg output? Probably not, but realistically they shouldn't be able to. Do the math, you need almost 100,000 unranked warzone comms to get to a full set of top tier ranked warzone gear. Figure you make on average 100 comms per round if all you ever queue for is unranked zones (and please, as a pvp'er, don't ever queue for a ranked warzone in less than at least bottom tier pvp gear, unless of course you play a pub toon on the Harbinger server, then by all means, queue naked :), plus dailies/weeklies of course, that's a lot of rounds. So no, someone who worked that much to get that gear should be allowed a significant advantage, but still not enough so to make it unreasonable for new people to play some pvp from time to time. BW clearly understands that concept with their attempts at bolster, it's just not perfect, and honestly probably never will be, but that's ok with me as long as it keeps getting better, i'm ok with imperfection.


I look at it this way, in a completely ungeared dps toon, I'dprobably average 300-400k dmg per round in 8v8 warzones. In first tier of pvp gear, I'm more in the 600-700k range per round, and in full top tier, optimized gear, I'm 800-1mil or more in a good round. Would I steer away from pvp simply because I'm only doing less than half a million dmg in a 10 min round? Of course not, that's a lot of fun and a lot of damage.


So queue up you crazy ungeared toon, BW's doing their best to make you competitive with their mostly-functional bolster system. Get enough comms to grab at least your four clothing pieces that will give you the set bonus, and enjoy that 300-500k dps you're grabbing in every 10 min round. Because hey, those are other people you're slaying, and that's far more rewarding than killing the 1's and 0's that make up npc operations bosses.

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There actually are set bonuses tied to all 6 pieces now.


really? awesome, can't wait. since I didn't preorder in time I'm just stacking comms, since we can still do the pvp weapon dance (even though they bound all our previously held weps at 3.0 patch, we can start over now and stack them again on the standard 2hr timer).

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Personally, I have not bothered to get any PVE gear since sometime prior to 2.0, Rise of the Hutt Cartel. I have little to no interest in end game PVE other than running dailies when I want some credits. Augmented PVP gear tears through Section X, Ilum, black hole and does fine on Oricon and Makeb.


So, it really depends on what you want. If you want to get the best possible stats in a warzone, you will want the best possible PVP gear and the best augments. If you are more into PVE and don't really care about having the best possible stats in a warzone, you may prefer to just use PVE gear all the time.


However, I would caution you: you'll need to have a good understanding of how bolster will affect the PVE gear that you choose to use in a warzone. I know that in 2.0, the best PVE gear would bolster horribly. We would recognize the PVE geared folks by their huge health numbers, which one would think would be great, right? Well, no...because their expertise was terrible, and therefore their PVP damage reduction was terrible. Those guys would die really fast and were typically the first to fall in arenas.


Bolster is very complex, and nobody really has a firm grasp on how it is working in 3.0 just yet after the changes that were made. Just going in with high end raiding PVE gear is not the solution for warzones. If you read the stickied thread by L-RANDLE, you can see that certain combinations of blue mods gave the best stats in a warzone during 2.0. So, it is really hard to give a straight answer without going into a long-winded post like I just did...I told myself that I wasn't going to do this. :(

Edited by teclado
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Think of warzones as having 3 tiers


1. Bolstered stats

2. Basic pvp gear stats

3. Ranked pvp gear stats.


The bolstered gear will never be as good as the basic pvp gear stats, but it's not completely horrible like it used to be. Basically, if you have full basic pvp gear, you will do more damage and take slightly less damage than people in other kind of gear and being competitive through bolster.


Ultimately, it's all about motivation. If you don't mind having subpar stats, then there is no point in gearing at all. If oyu want your character to be superior, basic gear > bolster

Edited by lpsmash
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Personally, I have not bothered to get any PVE gear since sometime prior to 2.0, Rise of the Hutt Cartel. I have little to no interest in end game PVE other than running dailies when I want some credits. Augmented PVP gear tears through Section X, Ilum, black hole and does fine on Oricon and Makeb.


It's funny, but I also have done everything in my pvp gear, at least on my sin, my augmented brutalizer gear gave better stats than the 168's I had for her. I even parsed just fine on story mode DF and DP. Either tier pvp gear augmented is perfectly fine for all pve and story mode content.

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Doesn't bolster boost my stats as if I had PvP that I buy with basic commendations? Is there any point to buying this gear if you are not looking for upgrading it later to better gears?


Because PvP is gear based, but don't tell those guys in ranked gear who think they are good :p

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Because PvP is gear based, but don't tell those guys in ranked gear who think they are good :p


Yeah. And if it happens that my team and I are fully geared, I blame it on class imbalance. And if it happens that we are equally geared in a mirror match, I can always blame RNG. Nothing can disprove that I am the best, therefore I am.

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Think of warzones as having 3 tiers


1. Bolstered stats

2. Basic pvp gear stats

3. Ranked pvp gear stats.


The bolstered gear will never be as good as the basic pvp gear stats, but it's not completely horrible like it used to be. Basically, if you have full basic pvp gear, you will do more damage and take slightly less damage than people in other kind of gear and being competitive through bolster.


Ultimately, it's all about motivation. If you don't mind having subpar stats, then there is no point in gearing at all. If oyu want your character to be superior, basic gear > bolster


has this been verified? I ask cuz un max'd basic gear used to be worse than "max'd" bolstered gear (tricks with blue ears and such).

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Doesn't bolster boost my stats as if I had PvP that I buy with basic commendations? Is there any point to buying this gear if you are not looking for upgrading it later to better gears?


Please dear god tell me you are not wearing the basic commendations gear. Yavin gear gets you a nice HP number but leaves you with 1300 expertise.

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What gear is best for bolster when first entering to grind you pvp set? Should we simply make a level 49 blue set or something?


I haven't tried completely but 168's are a safe bet

Maybe even the blue 172's but much higher and you are nerfing yourself


The level 40's bolster exploit was fixed awhile ago as well as allowing the cybertech purples learned from trainer to not be nerfed (the level 54? ones)

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I haven't tried completely but 168's are a safe bet

Maybe even the blue 172's but much higher and you are nerfing yourself


The level 40's bolster exploit was fixed awhile ago as well as allowing the cybertech purples learned from trainer to not be nerfed (the level 54? ones)


No No No No


Alliance Gear (rating 162) already causes a drop in expertise down to 1800, PvE 168s or 172s would be bolster suicide.


I would say that the Makeb Modification commendation gear is the best.

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Your old pvp set.


Doesn't answer my question. I have no old pvp set. I am returning from a long break from the game and my old pvp set was 2 generations ago and on pub side hence why I am asking for pve gear bolster.


I'll slap some crafted late level greens in a legacy set and see where that bolster too or try makeb. Sadly I think I overwrote all my makeb even on companions but basic comms are cheap now.

Edited by Tamanous
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Think of warzones as having 3 tiers


1. Bolstered stats

2. Basic pvp gear stats

3. Ranked pvp gear stats.


The bolstered gear will never be as good as the basic pvp gear stats, but it's not completely horrible like it used to be. Basically, if you have full basic pvp gear, you will do more damage and take slightly less damage than people in other kind of gear and being competitive through bolster.


Ultimately, it's all about motivation. If you don't mind having subpar stats, then there is no point in gearing at all. If oyu want your character to be superior, basic gear > bolster


Ha-ha-ha, I have to assume you are a Bioware employee.

Or have you done the comparison yourself? If so, could you please provide any proof?

It seems to me you are refering to an ideal world based on developer statements.

Still, I would be happiest of all if you could confirm the gear strength order.

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Doesn't answer my question. I have no old pvp set. I am returning from a long break from the game and my old pvp set was 2 generations ago and on pub side hence why I am asking for pve gear bolster.


I'll slap some crafted late level greens in a legacy set and see where that bolster too or try makeb. Sadly I think I overwrote all my makeb even on companions but basic comms are cheap now.


Fwiw "makeb" mods are pretty cheap from gtn atm

I've been selling them for less than 10k a pop


At the end of the day you just need to get the wz comms to get the 1st entry set like we have already had to do (curious how bio is trying to reinvent the wheel with bolster to make things how they were with recruit gear in the first place) in the past

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No No No No


Alliance Gear (rating 162) already causes a drop in expertise down to 1800, PvE 168s or 172s would be bolster suicide.


I would say that the Makeb Modification commendation gear is the best.


That sounds like it hasn't changed from pre 3.0, I find that ridiculous when the minimum PvE set everyone at 60 should be in is 178 blues.

Edited by Morrolan
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Yeah but why have PvP gear at 168 and 174?


Because they had to drop the PvP gear rating and subsequent stat budget below the PvE gear range so people don't go do raiding in PvP like they did back pre-2.0 when you could do HM EC with a tank in full PvP gear.

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