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Operative healing *le sigh*


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Ok well wow that was awesome. Made it to level 60 as Medicine and I just tried a hard mode. I am not sure who suggested these 'balances' but this is just maddening.


Alongside me I had a Bounty Hunter level 60 who was alternating between some damage and a healer spec.

It seems that the nerfbat hit us into a Pre-Rakata era healing wise. And it seems that with the new 'AOE' heal we got turned us into a bad sage.


Our power was a great deal derived from our mobility. My mobile heals are just bad. Really really bad. But heck everyone could be nerfed right? Well introducing the NEW power on the block: The Bounty Hunter.

Where as I have mobile AOE healing that tick for 1.2-2.4k per tick; the similarly geared Bounty Hunter next to me throws a MOBILE AOE that heals for 2.1-4.2 healing per tick.


Thanks guys. .. I can barely heal through a Hard Mode run now. And when I do I am really dependent on being able to use the new STATIONARY AOE. So really thanks.. thanks for finally destroying the class that I played and enjoyed since the beta.


I find it hilarious.. the demographic showed that operatives and smugglers were the least played class. Lets see what happens when 95% of the Healers are Bounty Hunters in a few weeks. The developer stream said they test these statistics. I find that very hard to believe. All hail Bounty Hunters....:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

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The situation here is simple: The commandos had to heal with a bad healing class in the past, and you had to heal with an Ez-mode class.


Here's a post on Op Healers from another QQ thread:


When it comes to the healing changes, i had a talk to a player on TOFN named Kendrai who is one of the best operative healers i have had the pleasure to play with. His comments about 3.0 was "Lol, nerf?" And then he joined a pug game and did 3.7k hps without even breaking a sweat. Isnt the healing changes slightly overhyped if one of the best op healers in europe just smile at it and lol his way through warzones?
Edited by TACeMossie
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You're probably just bad at the game. Most Operative healers are because they've been playing an OP class for a year. It's like when Smash was nerfed - suddenly there were loads of bad Warriors/Knights in the PvP queue who didn't know how to play anything other than smashmonkey. They tried to respec to a new FOTM spec but their skill level was so mediocre that they quickly gave up and resorted to crying on the forums.
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Op healing is good enough to get through most content. But BH healing and Sorc healing are both better, and by a fair margin, so if you are looking to do a lot of grouping, level another toon or get DPS gear.


I just came back to swtor after 3 years (last week) never played an op saw the forums about nerfing op healing. But I was like, I like the stealth and hots. So I made one fast with the 12x xp.


One day before the patch I made it to lvl 55! After the 3.0 I tried a HM (never did a flashpoint before) and it was open I figured if my gear is too low it wont let me que so I qued for a HM flashpoint. When I went in I saw everyone hp 38k?! I was like whattt mine is around 20k. But I accepted the challange. Well the healing was very fun nobody died I never went out of energy. Kept on everyone 2x kolto probe when it needed a refresh depending on the situation I did another kolto probe (cheap) or did a surgical probe if it needed some extra healing. At all times when recuperative probe was out of cd I used it for the extra healing it gives! And playing with Diagnostic scan. When somebody went down fast, Kolto injection + Surgical probe = 3 x heals cause the kolto probe acts instant!


Imo op will be excellent group healers and can help out the tank healers when needed! Just spamm Kolto probe and recuperative probe and surgical probe! In warzone I was almost everytime n1 in healing with this method! I could run around and spamm all the hots and surgical probe and in bad situation use kolto injection + surgical. Cant wait for the new groupheal! To bad its casted (cant have everything)


Edit: Maybe it helped im using a razer naga, with the click macro, for example I click 1 on party/ops bar and he get healed without the need to click first on his bar!

Edited by Mikeyfree
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When it comes to the healing changes, i had a talk to a player on TOFN named Kendrai who is one of the best operative healers i have had the pleasure to play with. His comments about 3.0 was "Lol, nerf?" And then he joined a pug game and did 3.7k hps without even breaking a sweat. Isnt the healing changes slightly overhyped if one of the best op healers in europe just smile at it and lol his way through warzones?


Inclined to agree with this. Operative healers are stronger than ever now. Just requires a bit more energy management.

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Don't know about PVE, but on PVP I'm fine so far. I'm constantly breaking the 900k heals mark on normal games. On a regular arena, against very protected dps players, I did 2k hps quite easily. The healing output was decreased pretty heavily, it's noticeable, but the new rotation is quite interesting (even better imo, kolto infusion and rn gives you pretty good side effects, and kolto waves is awesome). On regular warzones it's super viable, and if we still had 8v8 ranked warzones, it would be as well. On ranked 4v4...only time will tell. But I believe it's possible.
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I'm constantly breaking the 900k heals mark on normal games.


This means nothing. It was always easy to pull big numbers on an Operative. Uncleansable DoTs mean that there is far more damage to heal through and less GCDs wasted on cleansing, which means more time spent healing. You're only going to see bigger healing numbers with 3.0.

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Ok well wow that was awesome. Made it to level 60 as Medicine and I just tried a hard mode. I am not sure who suggested these 'balances' but this is just maddening.


Alongside me I had a Bounty Hunter level 60 who was alternating between some damage and a healer spec.

It seems that the nerfbat hit us into a Pre-Rakata era healing wise. And it seems that with the new 'AOE' heal we got turned us into a bad sage.


Our power was a great deal derived from our mobility. My mobile heals are just bad. Really really bad. But heck everyone could be nerfed right? Well introducing the NEW power on the block: The Bounty Hunter.

Where as I have mobile AOE healing that tick for 1.2-2.4k per tick; the similarly geared Bounty Hunter next to me throws a MOBILE AOE that heals for 2.1-4.2 healing per tick.


Thanks guys. .. I can barely heal through a Hard Mode run now. And when I do I am really dependent on being able to use the new STATIONARY AOE. So really thanks.. thanks for finally destroying the class that I played and enjoyed since the beta.


I find it hilarious.. the demographic showed that operatives and smugglers were the least played class. Lets see what happens when 95% of the Healers are Bounty Hunters in a few weeks. The developer stream said they test these statistics. I find that very hard to believe. All hail Bounty Hunters....:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(




Nylira, what is your gear like? I am going to wait to be 'fully' augmented on both my powertech and my Operative before I set foot in a Hard mode and will farm tacticals for a few more pieces of Elite gear.


My question is what is every operative Augmenting for? I see preliminary information that Sorcs are having a rough time and that prioritizing for Alacrity has really helped them put back up numbers that were similar to pre 3.0.


I see a thread here that says its not worth it to stack alacrity but I want to know is what is everybody having luck with?


I have crafters and I am working on making my own augments. I am 'leaning' to alacrity which I predict may be the new stat for most classes.


Time will tell.

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I'm only level 42, but I have discovered that it's more a matter of learning to play the class better so far. There's some great information in this thread and another member helped me on my own thread. It's all about staying on top of things and knowing what to use and when now that things have changed a little. I've also thrown alacrity on all of my gear that I can. I was super squishy until I read the suggestions above. Best of luck. :)


Honestly, I did think that we were a little overpowered. I remember going up against Darth Jadus 2 yrs ago and it being so difficult that I needed a friend to assist. I did the quest last week again, and this time I basically just sat back and easily defeated him. It was a breeze and I was severely undergeared. Now, things take a little more skill, but once you learn, it's definitely manageable. I may change my tune at 55-60 but so far, it just seems like a new learning curve.


PVP wise, I did 300k in heals at level 40. I had a bit of lag, but that's honestly better than before. (I'm not sure if that's lame but I'm improving as I learn. :) )

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I think we're just getting lost on the fact that the new hardmodes are tuned to a higher difficulty since we're all now in "basic" gear again. I just hope that the difficulty levels of these new flashpoints and future ones don't get dumbed down like Lost Island did back when. The Op healer is fine overall. The biggest change I've had to condition myself to is that it's more of a stand around healer now, and that's fine with me. The second biggest is that I can't rely on surgical probe as much anymore which is also fine with me. Kolto waves is an awesome awesome awesome new ability. Another person said it best, before as an Operative healer it was auto pilot that required virtually no thinking. Now, you actually need to know what your heals are meant for situation wise. I love the fact that I'm not basically spamming a button while watching tv or basically not paying attention. The class seems fun again. And honestly, I've seen that after getting two pieces of 192 gear to go with the full 186 stuff, my heals aren't suffering for strength. They're healing people just as well as before (as long as someone isn't doing something stupid like eating damage when they shouldn't be as a dps...the fight with the droid on korribon excursion makes me think of a lot of dps who i've seen eating the red circle damage, or stepping on mines all the time).
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My question is what is every operative Augmenting for? I see preliminary information that Sorcs are having a rough time and that prioritizing for Alacrity has really helped them put back up numbers that were similar to pre 3.0.


I see a thread here that says its not worth it to stack alacrity but I want to know is what is everybody having luck with?


I have crafters and I am working on making my own augments. I am 'leaning' to alacrity which I predict may be the new stat for most classes.


Time will tell.


I actually don't know what to use for augments to be honest. We may just need to credit sink it to figure out how things look, or just wait for someone to do that for us :)


I have a suspicion that maybe mixing power and alacrity augs in there would be good?

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We did a SM blind clear yesterday for the Walkers and the Underlurker in TOS with 2 Scoundrel healers.


Due to how spread out everything is for the walkers, Tanks and DPS absolutely could not take any unnecessary damage, but it was doable. I don't think I would be willing to pug this with 2 scoundrels until everyone is geared up a bit.


After the walkers, though, thankfully the Underlurker was a grouped up AoE heal-fest. 2 Scoundrels worked fine as long as the mechanics were executed correctly.

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Operative/Scoundrel healing got cut back a bit, and healing dynamics got a bit more difficult.


Someone else pegged it. you just got used to healing on an OP EZ-mode class. i heal on all 3, and Op had it so easy it wasn't funny. healing on an OP class will make even a good player lazy unless they watch what they are doing. so now you have to work like the rest of them. Oh well.


it'l take a bit for the dust to settle and people get used to the classes, and then well really know where each one sits.

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I haven't played through to 60 yet, but if what I am experiencing in 3.0 so far as an Ops healer doesn't improve by then, I will shelve it and play something else. I know I am not alone in this assessment. Guild players are already dusting off their mercs and respecting their sorcs, if they are bothering to stick with heals at all.

Too early to say if we are going back to when you couldn't fine a healer in pvp and we had to cancel Ops for lack of healers being online.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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Not that this is the greatest example, but I healed Temple of Sacrifice in SM/8 yesterday on my Operative. I was paired with a Sorcerer.


I was undergeared in full min/max 180s, and had not trained a single ability from when 3.0 launched, as I was waiting for the training costs to be removed with the patch today.


Even under these conditions, I had no problems at all.


Boss 1: 5,558 (43% effective)

Boss 2: 3,663 (65% effective)

Boss 3: 3,713 (73% effective)

Boss 4: 5,071 (28% effective)

Boss 5: 6,051 (41% effective)


Operative healing is perfectly fine for all HM FPs and SM operations. I have not healed one of the new HM operations yet, so I can't comment on that aspect.

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Man, I was ready to reply and you beat me (had a sudden issue to solve). Reading the previous posts I felt like living in a totally different dimension.


While healing this week in the new ops with my scoundrel, the first thing i said was : "what the hell is a nerf, numbers are up ?".


Even with kolto cloud nerfed a lot, kolto waves is a beast. Even without using targeted heals, it's really easy to get high hps just using SRMP, kolto waves and kolto cloud.


Emergency medpack refreshing stacks of SRMP is really nice too, once you get used to it you can both gain some energy (spend 5 energy instead of 10), give some heal and refresh your SRMP.


I'll concede two things : first we lost some burst, and yeah we're less mobile, which is perhaps a loss PVP wise (but scoundrels and operative are still very strong in that aspect).


I think most people here are feeling the drawbacks of the 3.0 more than issues with scoundrel / operatives healing, namely that even in SM ops or HM flashpoints, if your DPS or your tank does a mistake, they'll die, there's no way you'll be able to cheese mechanics with any healing class.

Edited by oturak
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Ehm, don't ? I think i'm misunderstanding what you mean, because it's the worst moment to use it. Could you elaborate ?


When there are ground AOES, first people are supposed to run the hell out of them, so casting anything inside is useless. Let's suppose you still want to deal some healing while running, you still have your probes, your kolto cloud and emergency medpack.


Even with the new raids being very mobile (and I enjoy it immensely), it was not an issue at all using kolto waves on cooldown.


Let's be clear, the scoundrel / operative mobility was nerfed a bit, and the rotation requires a bit more thinking. It's intentional. Maining one, I cannot say i didn't see it coming, the class was just too good.


But thinking the other classes are way above us now ? I call bull****. The commando healing rotation is still as tight on energy as it was before, and their probes are toned down a bit too. They got great burst, but managing wide raid damage which is very present in all new ops requires lots of attention. Their new aoe ticks for a lot, but they got globally less ticks than the scoundrel ones.


I cannot speak for the sages / sorcerers, coudn't get mine to 60 yet and i'm a bit perplexed about roaming mend.

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