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Forced to use Mag Shot?


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I don't see why I have to be forced to use Mag Shot over Rail Shot. I like the sound effect of Rail Shot, and the smoke stream, I just like it. Why cant we just choose which ability we want to use? It's not like they have a different effect on the target.

Simple just make Rail Shot match Mag Shots damage.

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I don't see why I have to be forced to use Mag Shot over Rail Shot. I like the sound effect of Rail Shot, and the smoke stream, I just like it. Why cant we just choose which ability we want to use? It's not like they have a different effect on the target.

Simple just make Rail Shot match Mag Shots damage.

I dont mean to be rude but...i dont like rocketpunch, i want it to be a rocketkickunicornrainbow, change it plx
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Hehe no my point is that your personal preference in regards to one ability however important it may be for you, is of very little interest to BW and thats pretty obvious. Lots of people have complained about X/Y ability animation and through our entire history only Tracer Missile got a change (for very obvious reasons).


Too much work for too little reward for BW. They cant make everyone happy sadly.

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Mag shot looks and sounds like garbage compared to rail shot. (pretty sure everyone can agree with that.)


Ability animations aside..... this spec has changed so much..... what my animations look like are the smallest of my concerns.


Micromanaging 4-5 dots while trying to get a Mag shot off every 7.5 seconds is pretty frustrating. Not to mention the 6th dot... Supercharge. Or the 7th dot... Electro Net.


Fusion missile is totally reworked. Way less damage, short CD with a much less energy cost. Is it even worth keeping up?

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Mag shot looks and sounds like garbage compared to rail shot. (pretty sure everyone can agree with that.)


Ability animations aside..... this spec has changed so much..... what my animations look like are the smallest of my concerns.


Micromanaging 4-5 dots while trying to get a Mag shot off every 7.5 seconds is pretty frustrating. Not to mention the 6th dot... Supercharge. Or the 7th dot... Electro Net.


Fusion missile is totally reworked. Way less damage, short CD with a much less energy cost. Is it even worth keeping up?


4-5?? You have two main DoTs.. Serrated Bolt and Incendiary Round. Assault Plastique isn't a DoTs anymore but still need to be kept on CD... Plasma 'Nade just hits for about 30% more than a Charged Bolt.. So not important enough to be used without room in your rotation... Full Auto higher cost is much more concerning IMO

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I don't see why I have to be forced to use Mag Shot over Rail Shot. I like the sound effect of Rail Shot, and the smoke stream, I just like it. Why cant we just choose which ability we want to use? It's not like they have a different effect on the target.

Simple just make Rail Shot match Mag Shots damage.

are you seriously whining about a video game animation?



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Hey at least we didn't get shafted like pubs did. It is so obvious after leveling one of each class that imperial side animations got done first and pub side got done last and on a deadline. Like 95% of everything is better over here. Many are so bad I don't even like playing my pub characters, so I know where he's coming from.


Maybe try finding and renaming the audio file so mag shot sounds like rail shot? Wont help for the animation tho.


I'm just about to level my merc so I now have this little disappointment to look forward to :(

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You can still use Rail Shot can't you? I have leveled my Merc yet, but most of the replacements aren't so much better that it will kill you to use the original. Maybe you can just use Mag Shot when you really need.




Small details though....


Mag shot can hit a target without a debuff

Mag shot procs/refreshes combustible gas cylinder burns on the target

Mag shot makes your next power shot instant

Mag shot hits harder

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