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[BUG] GSF is Broken


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The problem with threatening to drop sub is that there's so few players who prioritize GSF that it's really not a huge deal


This is a common line from those who think that we pilots shouldn't mind that OUR FREAKING GAME IS UTTERLY BROKEN.


Ahem. Speaking from my experience in commission-based sales, it's necessary to treat ALL customers with the same level of value and respect, regardless of how much money they have spent or whether they are interested in the best-selling products or little-known items.


Think about it: if they really thought that those paying customers who play GSF are not as important as other paying customers, wouldn't that say something about how they view ALL their customers, including you?


Apologists need to stop telling us that we're not important because we're a minority--aside from the fact that there's no way for players like you to have the faintest idea how many players do any given activity in the game, it's hypocritical and dismissive.

Edited by Ymris
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In case people are following only one thread, I thought I'd repost this here:


1.) What went wrong?

There was a code bug in 3.0 that broke how some of the abilities (such as Engine Suppression on EMP Missiles) check to see if the character has unlocked the required upgrade. This resulted in the character having the ability, the player using the ability but the ability not activating all effects because it didn't see the character having the upgrade.


2.) When can we expect a fix?

As of this moment the fix is slated for 3.0.1 but it hasn't gone through QA approval yet so if they find issues there is potential for a delay.


3.) Will the fix include just things that broke in 3.0 or all the stuff broken for the last 7 months?

The fix will just include the abilities that broke in 3.0 via this code bug. I will give updates on other GSF issues down the line as I have updates.


I apologize for this issue to all our flyboys and flygirls. Cheers! :csw_xwing:

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I am totally on board with all of you... however...


GSF has clearly been dumped by the side of the road... The new ship role and new maps have been put on hold with nothing said about them since...


Much like the space on rails shooter, we may never see another thing done to GSF, ever... what you have is what you'll always have...


Do I like it? No... frankly I see the potential, but it was such a botched rollout and launch and there was no PvE part to allow people to practice, and frankly matchmaking is horrible, so people try it, get murdered, and give up...


So forget it, if space shooters are what you want, this may not be it...

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This is a common line from those who think that we pilots shouldn't mind that OUR FREAKING GAME IS UTTERLY BROKEN.


Ahem. Speaking from my experience in commission-based sales, it's necessary to treat ALL customers with the same level of value and respect, regardless of how much money they have spent or whether they are interested in the best-selling products or little-known items.


Think about it: if they really thought that those paying customers who play GSF are not as important as other paying customers, wouldn't that say something about how they view ALL their customers, including you?


Apologists need to stop telling us that we're not important because we're a minority--aside from the fact that there's no way for players like you to have the faintest idea how many players do any given activity in the game, it's hypocritical and dismissive.



wow. just... thank you.

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3.0.0b and still buggy? they've changed only one small thing according to patch note................


It's a fix for 3.0.1, which will not just be a set of hotfixes. They told us that already, with the caveat that it MIGHT get pushed back a bit further if they aren't done by then. Either way, we are generally talking about next week.


Much like the space on rails shooter, we may never see another thing done to GSF, ever... what you have is what you'll always have...


That is likely not the case, but if it were, it would still not excuse a patch that breaks 30% of the game.


Personally, I'd like to see them do a bit of a balance review. I've written big posts on it, but even a few small changes, such as changing some cooldowns, could make a big difference.


Do I like it? No... frankly I see the potential, but it was such a botched rollout and launch and there was no PvE part to allow people to practice, and frankly matchmaking is horrible, so people try it, get murdered, and give up...


The lack of a PvE part is a huge deal, but it's also a huge thing to make. It would be large design and development at every level to add that, and they were clear from the beginning that it wasn't going to be that.


But you also do the thing where you pretend that the game is just so hard and the bad players couldn't possibly improve, so they quit. When this game isn't rendered technically unplayable, queues are consistent across either all or almost all servers. In my opinion, the inability of the game to appeal to people who can't fly in three-space is a feature, not a bug.


I think better tutorials would help, but the GSF community has responded by posting all manner of guides:




One-on-one tutorials:











And quickly responds with advice. We can't help that the game doesn't let you queue into a test mode with your ship and upgrades, or has anything like that, but we can do a lot.



So forget it, if space shooters are what you want, this may not be it...


I really like it. I'd like to see them develop on it, especially new maps, some new cartel ships, a bit of a balance pass, and eventually even new ship types- but that's a whole different pickle than logging in, thinking that you had a bunch of cool balance changes to test out and a fresh new meta, and find out that really everything is just totally broken and an unholy mess.



And cross server would really help matchmaking, but obviously that is very difficult technically or it would already be in. Cross server is a huge boon to all pvp, and more controversial but a general aide to pve as well. But that would fix matchmaking- the matchmaker can't really do a lot more than it already does, after all. IMO, if new players don't want to be food ships, they can either know how to fly, got the forums, type it into google, ask anyone in general chat, whisper pilots that killed them, or generally do anything except fly at 12km firing rapid fire lasers into space and then quitting. If they can't even be bothered to type the twenty keystrokes needed to access all the community created stuff they were never going to contribute to a fully pvp based community in the first place.

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I really like it. I'd like to see them develop on it, especially new maps, some new cartel ships, a bit of a balance pass, and eventually even new ship types


So would I, I play GSF every week...


But hoping for it is just wishful thinking, I don't see it happening...

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