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GSF - 3-dot Ninja Changes


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It's just going to make scouts user Power Dive, and you'll be seeing a lot more T1 scouts running EMP field if it's not fixed.


All this change does is screw over gunships, really... and after barrel roll got nerfed, that's a problem.


I actually have done quite well in my Jurgoran today. I think it is causing those who know about the bug to choose other, arguably more interesting shield components... or to use DF simply for the evasion... but I am glad to see missiles actually matter even if it does mean I die a bit more. Depending how long it takes for the bug to be fixed, we might see a lot more strikers flying around; I always thought strikers should be the most numerous ship, anyway--I mean, aren't they the vanguard ship?


The most serious and urgent bug, to me, is the lack of game instructions on loading screens. How are we ever going to get more people into GSF with those broken? "You can upgrade ships faster! But you can't know how to win matches beforehand."

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I, um. I hate to say this because I myself am a scout pilot... but I think that DF not breaking missile locks might be a good thing. Definitely makes missiles more... relevant to the game.

In the abstract, you might be correct. However, tell this to the bomber out there rocking 3 seeker mines and a Missile Drone around a sat. From the perspective of dog fighting and strike fighters, you very well may be right. But in a bomber heavy domination match, you can no longer even attempt to take a sat in a scout with a bomber dug in.


I went without Disto on my Scout for a LOOOONG time, and the Seeker Mines, to me, were what required the change to Disto. You're right that missiles are now more relevant. But I do think bombers just got a lot more powerful with these... features.


It's just going to make scouts user Power Dive, and you'll be seeing a lot more T1 scouts running EMP field if it's not fixed.

You will never, NEVER get me to stop using Retro Thrusters. You might be on to something with the T1 Scouts rawkin' EMP, though. That's not a terribad idea, to be honest.


And should be up to date on the main list. Sorry, would have updated through the day, but forgot to take my security key thing to work, so couldn't actually log in to post/update.

Edited by nyghtrunner
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I've reported this post in order to ensure that an actual BioWare employee reads it. In my report I noted that it was nothing wrong with the post, but instead called out that 3.0 included several ship and component-breaking bugs to GSF.


I recommend others do the same. This must get acknowledged ASAP.


If you don't want to report the OP, then report this reply--anything to get this thread into the system.

YOU HATE ME!!! You really, REALLY hate me! :(


Just kidding. :D



The thing that really kind of scares me is that this is just the stuff we can test/notice. What about all the passives for T3 Engines? Or the passive shield bonuses? Or things like the extra crit chance for Quads/Light Lasers, etc. There's a LOT of stuff we can't even test. And so far, I'm sure like 3-4 things are actually working (BLC armor reduction, Double Volley on Clusters, Ammo on Clusters...), and have 19 things on the reported and confirmed lists... How busted is this game right now? I mean, of the 25 or so items looked at/reported, 3-4 things are actually working? That's 16% of the abilities that can be quickly/easily tested that are NOT broken... And we largely only know about them because they are some of the most used components. What have we not picked up on?

Edited by nyghtrunner
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Does anyone know... Tensor field used to give buff icons for both Turning and Speed, right? I know it did for the right side choices, and I think the left side choices are busted based on that as well... But don't remember if the other 2 buffs give icons...
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I'm curious--do we have confirmation that any upgrade effects related to use of an active ability (i.e. not those which just increase passive shield capacity or damage) still work?


So far, it seems like pretty much any upgrade related to the active use of an ability or weapon is borked.


Actually, has anyone even verified that the passive upgrades work? Once in flight, we have no way to know our real shield health, hull health, speed, energy capacity, or evasion. The only things we have numbers for we can judge is weapon damage and damage reduction.

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I'm curious--do we have confirmation that any upgrade effects related to use of an active ability (i.e. not those which just increase passive shield capacity or damage) still work?


So far, it seems like pretty much any upgrade related to the active use of an ability or weapon is borked.


Actually, has anyone even verified that the passive upgrades work? Once in flight, we have no way to know our real shield health, hull health, speed, energy capacity, or evasion. The only things we have numbers for we can judge is weapon damage and damage reduction.

This has been a concern as well for me, especially the bit about the passives. One of the reasons I've put some things in an unverified category.


EMP Field T5 Engine Supression works. That much I know. And pretty sure the T4 does, but I'm not 100% on that.


Edit - Now what the range on EMP Field actually is... I do not know. It seems less than 2500m, though.


Re-Edit - I was wrong... EMP's missile break is not working.

Edited by nyghtrunner
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Just played one game. Listing everything I noticed to confirm known issues or to let you know what may need further attention.


Have Clusters in my Flash, additional ammo (t4r) and volley (t5l) seem to be working as they do damage twice (didn't pay attention to the amount of damage) and i still have 18 ammo.




My Clustercount on my Sting is 12 with said upgrade. Do you have the "Ammo"crewmember in your ship (would be Pierce on impside, don't know his equivalent)?

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My Clustercount on my Sting is 12 with said upgrade. Do you have the "Ammo"crewmember in your ship (would be Pierce on impside, don't know his equivalent)?


Got ammo talent and ammo crew member (Pierce/Kira). As I only played one game, I just tested the Flashfire. Maybe factions/ships are affected in different ways.

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Got ammo talent and ammo crew member (Pierce/Kira). As I only played one game, I just tested the Flashfire. Maybe factions/ships are affected in different ways.



So, I flew a few games:


Sting without any ammo upgrades: 10 Clustermissiles

Sting with T4 ammo upgrade: 12 Clustermmissiles

Sting with T4 ammo upgrade AND Lt. Pierce: 18 Clustermissiles

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This is certainly an impressive series of bugs. It doesn't even have the decency of making sense (like all right side upgrades not working, which might lend credence to things going wrong with the trees).


Looks like it's time to fly stock. :)

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All this change does is screw over gunships, really... and after barrel roll got nerfed, that's a problem.


I think not. The best thing against gunships was always BLC/Quad + Pods burst with TT and now that's significantly less effective. Plus GS can more easily hide behind seeker mines now.


If anything it closes the gap a bit between the T1 GS and T3 GS because powerdive doesn't miss DF break nearly as much.

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I think not. The best thing against gunships was always BLC/Quad + Pods burst with TT and now that's significantly less effective.


Let me assure you that these changes are massive nerfs to gunships. I play a lot of gunship, and the loss of distortion missile break is a huge defensive and offensive nerf, especially as regards cluster missiles. Do you really feel stronger on your gunship post patch? Because that seems like madness to me.


However, this is all confirmed as a bug set.






I think there's a lot of ways to fix the meta, but "accidentally breaking everyone except bombers" seems poor.

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I think Booster Recharge T2 (Increased Boost Regen) is not working. On one of my builds (without Efficient Maneuvers in engineering) I run out of energy even while recharge is active. On another build (with Efficient Maneuvers in engineering) the energy stays the same instead of slowly getting more.
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These breaks are good...temporarily of coarse, having no ability help will force players to learn and improve the basics such as defensive and evasive flying....but they can fix it any time now hah


Definitely - as a GS pilot (I believe I've played against you in one), it's a lot easier to avoid missiles when.... ya know, you can break them more than once every 30 seconds. This nerf, while unintentional, does exactly as you said - reinforces the basics. The opportunity cost is higher than ever: Do you pull the trigger, squeezing out that last bit of firepower that you have while your shields are taking a beating and your BR is on CD for another 6 seconds, or do you adjust your decision making because you realized in your delusional thoughts of grandure, you could 1 v 12 the entire team in this 1-break only world.


I don't think it would be better than playing with all the abilities because in terms of learning, the newbs would benefit from getting time in with the environment they'll be battling in with the same talents, but the offshoot side is that the current (broken) meta is that missiles are really deadly right now and super defensively flying will only improve your overall performance now AND later. Very interesting BW - NOW FIX THIS SHYT!

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Patch 3.0: Something something ground game, and GSF is broken


Ground game:

Words words words x 50 kilobytes


>Fixed a bug where cluster missile tones were not playing constantly in the ear of every pilot.

>Due to performance differences between veterans and new players, removed most upgrades.

>Changed most text to tiny boxes. See if you can solve the puzzle!

>Changed the font describing enemy ships arbitrarily to something smaller and thicker for some reason.

>Greatly increased the lag for just some players somehow.

Edited by Verain
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Patch 3.0: Something something ground game, and GSF is broken


Ground game:

Words words words x 50 kilobytes


>Fixed a bug where cluster missile tones were not playing constantly in the ear of every pilot.

>Due to performance differences between veterans and new players, removed most upgrades.

>Changed most text to tiny boxes. See if you can solve the puzzle!

>Changed the font describing enemy ships arbitrarily to something smaller and thicker for some reason.

>Greatly increased the lag for just some players somehow.


About the censored text..... I think it's just a display of the new font...

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These breaks are good...temporarily of coarse, having no ability help will force players to learn and improve the basics such as defensive and evasive flying....but they can fix it any time now hah


Keenz! Didn't know you posted here, good to see you.


On topic, as Leggo said, on a certain level I agree - there's a class of pilot that these upgrade failures will actually help. But I'm pretty sure that type of GSFer - the "mid-tier" pilots who have a basic grasp of the game - are going to be dwarfed by the throngs of players that are turned off, and/or throw up their hands in disgust. I'm finding myself edging towards that latter group myself, which is depressing. It's not just that stuff doesn't work; it's the apparent total apathy on the part of the devs. I guess the writing's been on the wall for months, but this latest utter broken-ness kind of drives it home.


I'm at 99% completion on GSF achievements. I'll grind out the last 1% (a dozen saviors, I think) and then probably take a step back. I've put so much time into GSF (I hesitate to add up the actual numbers, I think I'd terrify myself), this whole mess just kills me.

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  • 10 months later...

On the eve of 4.0, I just thought I'd necro this thread to remind people that, aside from the component glitch, the last time there was a major update to the system (2.x => 3.0), GSF had about a billion, somewhat game-breaking bugs introduced to the system. It's not quite a checklist, but it might not be a terrible idea to go back and check all of these when the new content hits, just to make sure that none of these bugs were reintroduced.


Yes, I'm the Eternal Optimist. :D (That should actually be a real title...)

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