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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Just spent around 50k at the trainer for skills that I already earned.


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I'm just unclear why abilities that were once specced via the skill tree now cost money on all of my 55s. They were generally skills that were in other trees but have now been moved to specific disciplines, but if they are part of the discipline I can't understand why there's a cost associated. I'm also unsure why the cost is so high other than just for kicks and grins.
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Yes, this peeved me off. Not the best thing for me to log in to see.


But I'm not leaving the game over it. I like this game very much....I don't love it yet, but I have to say, thanks to the new dev team I have grown to really like this game, even when it stumbles a bit.


GSF was disappointing period. A real letdown. GSH let me down with hooks at first, but redeemed itself with the QoL improvement (which was huge IMO).


I truly enjoyed the game for the first time ever with the 12XP event. That was my favorite time with the game.


This was a real buzz kill. I have to step away for a few days to let the drama drop a bit, so I can log in, respec and wait for this mistake to be corrected.


I really REALLY do not want to repurchase or pay for skills I already had....I likely will, but I REALLY do not want to. The whole idea of it gives me a fire rash.


I'll probably feel better in a few days. But I shouldn't have to put down a game for two days on the DAY the expansion hits.


All I can say to Bioware is this....free advanced abilities. It is the right thing to do.

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The Commando in General is the worst offender of this whole Skill-Buy Bug. I have lots of Alts. Three of them are Troopers. One Vanguard, and a DPS and a Healer Commando. The Vanguard is in the category of the "General Conversion"...no problems. Yeah, there were 1-3 things from the Class trainer most characters have had to buy as "new" or rebranded things in the Discipline conversion. but the Commandos.....the ENTIRE Advanced Class Skill tree is expecting to be repurchased for Credits from the Class Trainer.


No. Way.


This particular aspect is clearly a bug, and a bad bug at that. They failed to link the conversion code on "Commando" to the conversion and everything you thought you already had is being recast as new. FOR ALL RANKS in those already purchased things. So yeah, we are really gonna raise a Sithstorm over this one.

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I really fail to see why some think this is acceptable. Imagine if they fixed/changed speeder piloting 1, 2 and 3 so that Capes would not extend below the speeders. But post update you log in and you have to retrain speeder piloting 1, 2 and 3 over again at full price just to use your mounts. Yes they changed the way it works, so what!


I have no problem if they are NEW skills. But most of these are not new, they are just slightly different. They do generally the same thing.


This type of training should cost Zero, Nothing, Nada. :mad:

I have 25x, 55's that I have to go through and re-train to 55's. you think I can possibly do this, and buy the new 50K advanced class etc. No way. :mad:


Worse is some classes have < 50K in training. Some need >150K And they were all fully trained and identically speced.


Taking a break from the game starting now.

Edited by DakotaDoc
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It would be awesome to get some followup on Eric's message, to clarify whether or not this is a mistake, and how it will be corrected. I'm not trying to be dramatic here, but if they do intend for us to pay again for stuff we already paid for, I'm probably going to unsubscribe. It's the principle. I just don't like giving my money to companies that treat me like that. And if they do this once and get away with it, they will do it again. Their response to this situation will greatly affect my opinion and the level of trust I have for the company.


Meanwhile I'm taking a wait-and-see attitude. I hope they know that every day I'm not playing due to this problem is a day I might find a different game to get hooked on. (Or, heck, I might even decide to go out and get a real life instead! Nah...) :)


So if it comes down to it, no more sub, no more cartel coin purchases, and I'll choose my favorite couple of toons to maybe come back and RP with once in a while as a preferred user.


I know I'm only one subscriber (since early access) in a sea of subscribers, but if the only way I can vote is with my wallet, then that is what I will do.

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Was there an answer to this? I have 9 toons, I paid for a lot of those skills (even before the 12X experience). Why the hell do I have to pay a hundreds of thousands to fully level all of them when I already leveled them? I already spent nearly a million on buying the crew skill upgrades alone.


credit sinks.......come on man there are better ways than this.

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Hey folks,


Although there may have been some skills that would require training with the implementation of Disciplines, it does seem (due to these reports) that it may be wider spread than that. We are looking into this now and once I have more info I will pass it on.




Yes, the various skills that we have already trained that we're having to train again need to be fixed. Especially the commando, it's just nuts.


But quite frankly, no, we should NOT have to be training the skills you changed away from the talent trees on existing characters. I'm going to use the Operative as an example here. First, you take away Kolto Injection, something we all trained up the ranks, without giving us a refund for the cost. Then, you replace Kolto Injection with Kolto Probe, basically just switching one to the tree and one to the baseline. Now, this would have been find if you had just swapped them out and gave us Kolto Probe at whatever level we had Infusion at previously, but you didn't. So now you have Operative healers that have been healing with both their fully ranked Kolto Injection and talent based Kolto Probe for ages now having to pay for multiple ranks of a skill they have been using to heal flashpoints and operations without giving any compensation for the giant credit sink of all the ranks in Kolto Injection.


For NEW characters? Bloody fine, everything is 100% dandy. But for every existing character forcing us to pay to train skills that we have been using, regardless of the -new- talent system is just flat out rude. Either ensure that every existing character has no skill costs up to their current level, or like someone else has mentioned (And created a thread with quite a bit of feedback on) give us 30 days or what not of no cost training across the board (Up to 55 of course, new ranks from the expansion should naturally be at normal cost) so that people with active characters can have time to make sure they are all caught up, and it may help entice people back for the expansion a bit more since they wouldn't be staring down a giant credit sink on top of all the changes.


I've really been wanting to play since yesterday morning, but I'm sitting here staring at all these missing skills and the credit cost to fix it and I just can't justify playing my long established characters.

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I'm sure I saved WAY more credits with speed leveling a ton of alts to 55 over the last few weeks ( zero credit skills from the skill trainer ) that I'm not terribly worried about this at this point.


Especially if Bioware looks at it and makes an adjustment.



You don't HAVE to train every toon in the advanced stuff on day 1.


No, you didn't save anaything since you've also gained way less money from speed leveling, which was the whole reason behind the zero credit cost.

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Well that's just great....I've got early access to SoR, but I can't try it because I can't afford to buy all these (now missing) abilities again. :mad: So instead of jumping right in and playing, I've gotta use what little time I have grinding dailies to make money to buy abilities I've ALREADY earned/paid for..... :mad:


Riiiiiiight.....call me when y'all get this bs fixed.


*Drops mic and goes to play DA:I

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Well that's just great....I've got early access to SoR, but I can't try it because I can't afford to buy all these (now missing) abilities again. :mad: So instead of jumping right in and playing, I've gotta use what little time I have grinding dailies to make money to buy abilities I've ALREADY earned/paid for..... :mad:


Riiiiiiight.....call me when y'all get this bs fixed.


*Drops mic and goes to play DA:I


Why is everyone freakin broke? Characters that I power leveled to 55 during 12x XP have 300k and I literally logged in, leveled them, and logged out. I understand wanting to make sure you aren't repaying for things for no reason (if there are some legitimate bugs), but I'm yet to see anything needing to be purchased unless it was new on any of my characters so far.

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Yes, the various skills that we have already trained that we're having to train again need to be fixed. Especially the commando, it's just nuts.


But quite frankly, no, we should NOT have to be training the skills you changed away from the talent trees on existing characters. I'm going to use the Operative as an example here. First, you take away Kolto Injection, something we all trained up the ranks, without giving us a refund for the cost. Then, you replace Kolto Injection with Kolto Probe, basically just switching one to the tree and one to the baseline. Now, this would have been find if you had just swapped them out and gave us Kolto Probe at whatever level we had Infusion at previously, but you didn't. So now you have Operative healers that have been healing with both their fully ranked Kolto Injection and talent based Kolto Probe for ages now having to pay for multiple ranks of a skill they have been using to heal flashpoints and operations without giving any compensation for the giant credit sink of all the ranks in Kolto Injection.


For NEW characters? Bloody fine, everything is 100% dandy. But for every existing character forcing us to pay to train skills that we have been using, regardless of the -new- talent system is just flat out rude. Either ensure that every existing character has no skill costs up to their current level, or like someone else has mentioned (And created a thread with quite a bit of feedback on) give us 30 days or what not of no cost training across the board (Up to 55 of course, new ranks from the expansion should naturally be at normal cost) so that people with active characters can have time to make sure they are all caught up, and it may help entice people back for the expansion a bit more since they wouldn't be staring down a giant credit sink on top of all the changes.


I've really been wanting to play since yesterday morning, but I'm sitting here staring at all these missing skills and the credit cost to fix it and I just can't justify playing my long established characters.



^^^ another of the 'entitled' generation. Whiners gotta whine. Go to Ilum and Oricon since you are an 'established' toon. Whatever the reason get over it. Pay the credits, do the time sink. Nobody is going to refund you and to quote you...'Frankly nobody cares'...

Edited by Larsenex
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Why is everyone freakin broke? Characters that I power leveled to 55 during 12x XP have 300k and I literally logged in, leveled them, and logged out. I understand wanting to make sure you aren't repaying for things for no reason (if there are some legitimate bugs), but I'm yet to see anything needing to be purchased unless it was new on any of my characters so far.


I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I'm broke because I spent most of my money keeping alts geared during 12xp. These are characters I made because I wanted to see the class stories again without grinding thru hundreds of hours of planetary quest.

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I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I'm broke because I spent most of my money keeping alts geared during 12xp. These are characters I made because I wanted to see the class stories again without grinding thru hundreds of hours of planetary quest.


Did the same, bought gear when needed. Each of those characters still has ~300k credits on them after hitting 55. Spent no money from any of my already existing characters to assist them.

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It would be awesome to get some followup on Eric's message, to clarify whether or not this is a mistake, and how it will be corrected. I'm not trying to be dramatic here, but if they do intend for us to pay again for stuff we already paid for, I'm probably going to unsubscribe. It's the principle. I just don't like giving my money to companies that treat me like that. And if they do this once and get away with it, they will do it again. Their response to this situation will greatly affect my opinion and the level of trust I have for the company.


Meanwhile I'm taking a wait-and-see attitude. I hope they know that every day I'm not playing due to this problem is a day I might find a different game to get hooked on. (Or, heck, I might even decide to go out and get a real life instead! Nah...) :)


So if it comes down to it, no more sub, no more cartel coin purchases, and I'll choose my favorite couple of toons to maybe come back and RP with once in a while as a preferred user.


I know I'm only one subscriber (since early access) in a sea of subscribers, but if the only way I can vote is with my wallet, then that is what I will do.


I am with you. this is BS. :mad: It is more principle than having to grind out credits to play trained at 55 again. Just so I have a chance to proceed to 56.

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So now it's "entitlement" to expect things not to be taken from you without compensation?


I'm really glad I don't live in your neighborhood. :rolleyes:


^^ You never had anything to begin with. We are in a new game new expansion. If they made you pay for EVERY ability and said folks we want your money they can and I would be happy with it simply because it would annoy every cry baby here.


As I said, Credits fall like rain here. If you are actually going to whine about not having enough money in this game perhaps an easier game is more your speed.


I started yesterday COMPLETELY without ANY credits also due to crafting for 12x alts. I simply sent all of my established toons to all our regular areas, Makeb, Ilum, Oricon, CZ and got plenty of credits and 3/4 of a bar to 56.


Currently I am 58 from just last night alone doing the prelude.


Again you are not entitled to anything in a game. This is not real life, and if you feel this 'service does' go back and read your EULA....

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Did the same, bought gear when needed. Each of those characters still has ~300k credits on them after hitting 55. Spent no money from any of my already existing characters to assist them.


I bought mainly mods. My collections tab is full of armor and weapons I've unlocked. But still....all of my characters except for 2 have less than 20,000 credits. The 2 that do have credits have about 100k each. Even after nearly 3 years of playing, I still haven't seen a million credits.


....If they made you pay for EVERY ability and said folks we want your money they can and I would be happy with it simply because it would annoy every cry baby here.


As I said, Credits fall like rain here. If you are actually going to whine about not having enough money in this game perhaps an easier game is more your speed....


And this is the most moronic, elitist, just plain dumb*** statement I've seen today. How long do you really think this game would last if everyone who's got an issue with this took your advice, unsubbed, And left? You'd be happy for about a month, then the servers would shut down.

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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50K..... hell I just spent over 100k on my Smuggler! And I even spec'ed into what I THINK was the same tree he had.


Between class name changes and ability changes its hard to tell if you are in the same class, let alone same talents.


This is no bueno.... :mad:

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I had to retrain resurgence and I haven't even picked a discipline because of the atrocious things done with it.


Oh and Thrash is also missing now and can't be retrained. I'm sorry, was flailing my lightsaber around once in a while upsetting your poor little balance?


Look in your abilities. I thought the same thing... but it was actually there, just removed for some reason.

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Same here, I have spent a lot of money the last few days augmenting and what not, really don't want to pay again for skills I've already paid for.


I'm sorry, but I just have to ask. Why would you augment just days away from a new expansion when that gear becomes obsolete?


You then end up spending money removing mods on other gear to put it into what you augmented.


I would just think you would wait until after the expansion hits in case you find gear you like better. Just seems like you just married yourself to a gear set you probably will not care for in another week or so.

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Well, it seems most folks in this thread agree this is a very odd and frustrating move. My main issue with this is that they should have known better....this has been an unwritten rule in MMOs forever....never make a player pay for something twice.


Generally speaking this is not something that gets a good reaction from players.


However, that aside, at least reporting the reasons for this (which they should have done before the expansion launched IMO) would help to reduce some of the fervor over it.

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