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Assault on Tython Solo Not Functioning


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Harbinger Server


I started the Prelude mission, finished the Korriban Incursion solo and preceded to Assault on Tython,


When it loaded it was empty, no NPCs no objectives


I reloaded, same result.


In an attempt to fix I reset the mission. Now I have to do Korriban Incursion again. Only now I can't solo it. And it isn't in group finder...

Edited by AardvarkTongue
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I am having similar issues. The NPC and objectives for tython are all there, but my abilities are lagging like hell. False GCDs like crazy, the game claims I was only at 30 ms of server lag. I asked in gen chat and everyone said they had the same issue.


This was on Ebon Hawk.

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I am having similar issues. The NPC and objectives for tython are all there, but my abilities are lagging like hell. False GCDs like crazy, the game claims I was only at 30 ms of server lag. I asked in gen chat and everyone said they had the same issue.


This was on Ebon Hawk.


I'm seeing a lot of ability delay or abilities not working even outside of the FP. My first thought is this has something to do with the UI being a little buggy. Previously when you would bind keys to a Razer Naga mouse it would indicate which number it's been bound to. Now for me it's just random words.


I also wonder if this isn't an issue with the way the UI is showing the GCD procs and the ability animations. If you remember at launch part of the ability delay issue was how they tied in animations with when you tried to cast an ability. Which is pretty stupid. They need to be separate; the obvious reason for this is if I cast X and need to stop to cast Y, I need the ability to actually stop and that includes the animation.

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Well, thank you so much for making unavailable new planet for those of us who haven't done this 3 flashpoints and now because of your incompetence we can't do them solo and group queue for them is only from 56 lvl. It's the best decision :( after trying for 2 hours to load at least NPC in Assault on Tython I've give up... I can run the game but can't go to the new planet! Thank you so much BioWare. I'm going off now. I hope you can fix this till tomorrow :\ Such a waste of start of the new expansion... biggest fail in my history of MMORPG :(
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Had similar and further issues myself. I started the prelude and completed the solo mode Korriban Incursion flashpoint, and got to the go talk to Colonel Darok step after, but then could not talk to or interact with Colonel Darok in any way. Relogging and restarting the game did not fix the issue. Tried resetting the mission to try it all over, and now I require but can not obtain the solo mode of Korribain Incursion again.
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I am also having this problem. There are dozens of people I have talked to in chat with this and similar issues. It is really quite disconcerting that we pre-ordered only to be barred from "early access" to enjoying the new content while they work out the bugs.


Specifically, I was able to play Korriban Incursion solo but then Assault on Tython was suddenly given to me as a [Tactical] FP instead of the [solo] version. I tried dropping it and picking up the [solo] version from the FP droid in front of the instance but the option to [start Solo] wasn't present as it should have been with the prelude quest. I reset the Prelude quest not knowing that I would then need to do Korriban incursion again. Now, I cannot pick up the [solo] version of Korriban incursion. I can start the [Tactical] FP's (they are what is now given to me when i retake and try to progress through the prelude quest), but finding a group for this has been next to impossible and I cannot queue for them due to not being lvl 56.


On a side note, all the FP's have worked perfectly on one character but not the one I wanted to play to 60 first. This makes me very sad and I hope it is fixed soon. Hopefully, I can pass the time until this gets fixed by playing my other toons if it will work for them.

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On a side note, all the FP's have worked perfectly on one character but not the one I wanted to play to 60 first. This makes me very sad and I hope it is fixed soon. Hopefully, I can pass the time until this gets fixed by playing my other toons if it will work for them.


^This. Futzed around for an hour trying to get into the Solo Assault on Tython before I gave up and did it on my sage. Hopefully they can resolve this soon.

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I think I have sorta figured this out, but I am still bugged.


I have completed Tython and Korriban, but because of an abandon/reset the quest guy Arkous stuck at starting me all over at Tython. Since it has already been done in Solo I can't get it again.


I believe My next step is to talk to Beniko in the Cantina to progress to Forged Alliance Part 2, but I can't get that part of the quest.

Edited by Nostramas
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This is seriously ridiculous. So, if you haven't done the line of quests you are basically COMPLETELY wasting your early access. If you level up to 56 somewhere you can't que for it, you can't SOLO it with this lag...i even dropped it and went Tactical and que'd...got a group, went in and still laggy. Total waste. I think your update has good content, but I want my money back for realz.
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I didn't have the lag issues, but the game wouldn't allow me to do Assault on Tython in solo mode. If I completely drop the Forged Alliances and SOR quest, it makes me do the Korriban Incursion in group mode and not solo mode. So I've only been able to do the expansion on the characters who have previously completed the three parts of Forged Alliances. Please fix this tomorrow.
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I had the same as I completed both flashpoints in solo then couldn't get the conversation to progress it. Ended up resetting and got put back to Korriban flashpoint in TACTICAL only. Since I've got to 56 I can't use group finder either meaning spamming in general chat on the offchance someone will group.


Worked ok on two other characters I tried. Logging a ticket gets the standard response over dropping mission and resetting it.

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I had completed Korriban Incursion solo with the droid. But when I went to do Assault on Tython the next day, I had lost the droid and couldn't get it back. I asked on the fleet and read the forums. According to the info there, I needed to abandon the mission and start over. So I abandoned the Prelude mission, picked it up back on my ship. It turned out that I had to re-do Korriban Incursion Flashpoint again but I couldn't solo it. Luckily, I was able to find a group. Once I completed Korriban Incursion again, Assault on Tython came back with solo mode.


If any of you need to re-do ANY of these Revan Prelude flashpoints and need a group, you can contact Wicked-Wahine on The Harbinger and I'll be happy to help until they fix this STUPID BUG!!

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Yeah this is really unnerving for me too. There are so many bugs in this game, some from launch and others from that point all the way up to today. I see a lot of bioware folks saying they're aware of it and are checking it out but a lot of them haven't been fixed still. The broken decorations and heroic moment are still a problem:(
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Is the droid assistant for initiating these quests on Korriban still bugged? I have tried everything I can think of to run with him, but he does not spawn for me like he did on my first toon. I asked in general chat and someone told me we were never supposed to have his assistance, that he was a bug that has been fixed, leaving us to solo everything on our own.


Can anyone provide me with confirmation of this, an update on what is happening or any possible work-around?


Thank you in advance.

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