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Petition to Change "Famously Furious" Top 96 Title


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Proving exactly what I said in my last reply to you. Terrible attitude.


How is it a terrible attitude?


You have a system that has no gate, no moderation, no playoffs and no championship.


At least the old BCS system had a farce of a championship game. This system attempts to tell you that your rating is your value and you've been lumped in to a group and labeled "t1" or "t2" or whatever else they come up with, all the while not allowing essential head to head matches to determine the ratings across servers.


As it stands you cannot rate players on Harbinger in the same scale as you would rate players on Pot5 or Jung Ma or TOFN or any other server, so a top 96 is absolutely ridiculous; You may be #1 on your server, but Ohio State is #1 in the Big 10 conference. We all know how they would fare vs. the SEC or Big 12 (even the Pac 12).


See, each server is like a different league and it should be treated as such if no head to head match-ups can happen and they absolutely refuse to open the PTS for a week at the end of a season and institute a playoff system.



All of this is made more laughable by the fact that literally EVERYONE gets a participation reward, and that reward is better than the "top tier" reward.


I don't have a bad attitude, I'm just telling you how much of a silly notion it is to think that a "Top 96 title" means anything given the current landscape.

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How is it a terrible attitude?


You have a system that has no gate, no moderation, no playoffs and no championship.


At least the old BCS system had a farce of a championship game. This system attempts to tell you that your rating is your value and you've been lumped in to a group and labeled "t1" or "t2" or whatever else they come up with, all the while not allowing essential head to head matches to determine the ratings across servers.


As it stands you cannot rate players on Harbinger in the same scale as you would rate players on Pot5 or Jung Ma or TOFN or any other server, so a top 96 is absolutely ridiculous; You may be #1 on your server, but Ohio State is #1 in the Big 10 conference. We all know how they would fare vs. the SEC or Big 12 (even the Pac 12).


See, each server is like a different league and it should be treated as such if no head to head match-ups can happen and they absolutely refuse to open the PTS for a week at the end of a season and institute a playoff system.



All of this is made more laughable by the fact that literally EVERYONE gets a participation reward, and that reward is better than the "top tier" reward.


I don't have a bad attitude, I'm just telling you how much of a silly notion it is to think that a "Top 96 title" means anything given the current landscape.


So you are actively discounting the people who are top of their servers, and those who are top of all servers because.....no cross server? Then go to say you do not have a terrible attitude......right.


So no one should get pvp rewards until cross server comes out is what you're saying? How did you stack up against the other players on POT5? Or were they all win trading q synching scrubs who didn't recognize and amazing player such as yourself as well?


Very interesting to see someone who does not play ranked give so much input into the ranked rewards.

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So you are actively discounting the people who are top of their servers, and those who are top of all servers because.....no cross server? Then go to say you do not have a terrible attitude......right.


So no one should get pvp rewards until cross server comes out is what you're saying? How did you stack up against the other players on POT5? Or were they all win trading q synching scrubs who didn't recognize and amazing player such as yourself as well?


Very interesting to see someone who does not play ranked give so much input into the ranked rewards.


No, what I'm telling you is that the "rewards" are what they are and they are all you or anyone else has earned. You cannot complain about mediocre consolation prizes (which is what they are) with the system we have.


And yes, PvP rewards are pointless. For the very large majority it would seem, they represent nothing more than playtime and system gaming. They are not given out to those select individuals who happen to excel at something; They are given to everyone who bothered to queue 10 times. The best reward is the crystal and it's given out like candy at a Christmas Parade.


Bioware made the conscious decision to court the majority of players and this is what you get: Mediocre rewards, with the lowest tier being as notable (moreso in my opinion) as the highest tier.


What I'm telling you is that if you want great rewards for having a high rating, this is not the game for you. You know this already. For the record I agree that the titles are lame, but like I said.. you get what you get.


On a side note, not once did I attack you as a person or question your playing ability. I do apologize if it came off that way, but there is no reason for you to correlate my move to Harbinger (which borders on a year ago) with this discussion. I know this is the PvP forum and I'm probably asking waaaaaaay too much, but let's be a little more civil and on topic.

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No, what I'm telling you is that the "rewards" are what they are and they are all you or anyone else has earned. You cannot complain about mediocre consolation prizes (which is what they are) with the system we have.


And yes, PvP rewards are pointless. For the very large majority it would seem, they represent nothing more than playtime and system gaming. They are not given out to those select individuals who happen to excel at something; They are given to everyone who bothered to queue 10 times. The best reward is the crystal and it's given out like candy at a Christmas Parade.


Bioware made the conscious decision to court the majority of players and this is what you get: Mediocre rewards, with the lowest tier being as notable (moreso in my opinion) as the highest tier.


What I'm telling you is that if you want great rewards for having a high rating, this is not the game for you. You know this already. For the record I agree that the titles are lame, but like I said.. you get what you get.


On a side note, not once did I attack you as a person or question your playing ability. I do apologize if it came off that way, but there is no reason for you to correlate my move to Harbinger (which borders on a year ago) with this discussion. I know this is the PvP forum and I'm probably asking waaaaaaay too much, but let's be a little more civil and on topic.


You said that everyone with high rating achieved it by gaming the system, not due to player skill.


You agree that the titles are lame, that is the entire point of the thread, thank you for your support.

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You said that everyone with high rating achieved it by gaming the system, not due to player skill.


You agree that the titles are lame, that is the entire point of the thread, thank you for your support.


So you ignore the entire point of what I was trying to say and only extrapolate that I concede the titles are a little on the cheesy side? Way to go, guy.

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As it stands you cannot rate players on Harbinger in the same scale as you would rate players on Pot5 or Jung Ma or TOFN or any other server, so a top 96 is absolutely ridiculous; You may be #1 on your server, but Ohio State is #1 in the Big 10 conference. We all know how they would fare vs. the SEC or Big 12 (even the Pac 12).


wut tha...


ok. I'm a neutral observer here (notre dame fan). there's no way the big 12 belongs ahead of the pac 12. those b12 teams are utterly defenseless which inflates their offensive numbers horribly. you gotta switch that (even the Pac 12) bit around. :p

Edited by foxmob
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wut tha...


ok. I'm a neutral observer here (notre dame fan). there's no way the big 12 belongs ahead of the pac 12. those b12 teams are utterly defenseless which inflates their offensive numbers horribly. you gotta switch that (even the Pac 12) bit around. :p


TCU and Baylor would put the wood to any Pac12 team there is. Stanford, Oregon.. you name it. OSU and Oklahoma would have a 50/50 chance.



So much for the Big 12 not playing Defense. TCU has been lights out D for 5 or 6 years. This year they are a little behind on pass coverage but they more than make up for it in the front AND their offense is top 3 by most polls, #1 by some.

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So you ignore the entire point of what I was trying to say and only extrapolate that I concede the titles are a little on the cheesy side? Way to go, guy.


The only relevant point, that is the entire point of the thread after all. Everything else you have been saying is entirely irrelevant.

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Edit: Would you like to share your ign Ronnie?


Not that it would matter - I've barely done ranked at all, and not enough to get a rating. I've not done a lot of ranked since whenever 8v8 was yanked.


They do not want Bioware to change it because of the angst they hold towards the top players. They are happy about it, and recognise it as more or less a troll.


In no way is that what anyone has been saying - we're saying it wont get changed, nor should they put dev time into it, since like Mav says - it's a participation trophy, and in absolutely no way does it show that you're the best sentinel around. Best sentinel on your server, yes, possibly. At least by rating. Best sentinel in the world? Hardly.


I'll try and spell it out plainly for you, as this discussion is getting tedious:

- Not trying to diminsh you or your guild / guildies. I (and Mav it seems) are trying to make you understand that having this rating doesnt make you a top player, in the same way it doesnt make the TRE wintraders top players.

- Without x-server, championship or a similar system, ranked can be gamed, and thus 'Top 96' are meaningless


The title is silly, but imo, so was the previous titles. I still think 'Furious Wintraders' would be better, and probably more accurate, since at least 50% of the players with the title will have wintraded their way to the top.

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Not that it would matter - I've barely done ranked at all, and not enough to get a rating. I've not done a lot of ranked since whenever 8v8 was yanked.




In no way is that what anyone has been saying - we're saying it wont get changed, nor should they put dev time into it, since like Mav says - it's a participation trophy, and in absolutely no way does it show that you're the best sentinel around. Best sentinel on your server, yes, possibly. At least by rating. Best sentinel in the world? Hardly.


I'll try and spell it out plainly for you, as this discussion is getting tedious:

- Not trying to diminsh you or your guild / guildies. I (and Mav it seems) are trying to make you understand that having this rating doesnt make you a top player, in the same way it doesnt make the TRE wintraders top players.

- Without x-server, championship or a similar system, ranked can be gamed, and thus 'Top 96' are meaningless


The title is silly, but imo, so was the previous titles. I still think 'Furious Wintraders' would be better, and probably more accurate, since at least 50% of the players with the title will have wintraded their way to the top.


This is accurate.


I would venture to say that more than 50% gamed the system in some fashion and it's a little sad because I do understand what Illysia is saying in that the top players DO deserve some sort of reward. Unfortunately there is no way to determine the top players and the entire ranking system (however flawed it was from the start in concept alone) has been demolished by those who would use workarounds to get higher rating.


In essence: the integrity of our system is nonexistent and the rewards for all participants should be less than what you would give otherwise because of it. A few bad apples.... except in our case where the bad apples outnumber the good ones by a wide margin.

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All galaxy was already used last season. Needs to be different from season to season. Bc then in like s 7 an all galaxy would be a lot different than an all galaxy from s 2 when ppl still played the game.


Yes agreed ALL-GALAXY CINNERJIZZ. These "Johnny" come latelys win trading to get to 2k deserve a sweet title like "I win traded in S3 and all I got was this title." The ALL-GALAXY title was worn when men had hair on their chest, and thankfully these win trade

Comps won't get it.

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Yes agreed ALL-GALAXY CINNERJIZZ. These "Johnny" come latelys win trading to get to 2k deserve a sweet title like "I win traded in S3 and all I got was this title." The ALL-GALAXY title was worn when men had hair on their chest, and thankfully these win trade

Comps won't get it.


Don't mind him, he's just a little upset I got 300 rating off of him.

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I wonder if BW will listen.


I mean all they need for this change is the opinion of the top 96 people.


It's not like that the majority of the community is happy with the top 96 title since the majority of the community won't get it.


Doubt it will happen if we knew a month before hand then maybe, but with only less than a week left the chances are extremely slim

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It is no wonder that the people at SWTOR can't take anyone in the PvP community seriously. I mean, you guys seem to turn even the most benign posts into flame wars because you "don't like the OP". I mean heck, you can even agree with the OP on all counts and still turn a thread into a pile of rubbish if you hate the person.


It is very easy to miss the point of a thread when after the OP's post it becomes a bunch of "You suck." or "You win trade" or whatever South Park mob sounding ridiculousness you guys prattle on about. Yet you all wonder why NOTHING GETS DONE ABOUT IT...


When a dev or whoever reads this, all they will see is "Oh god another post turned into a flame fest." and lose sight of any of the constructive feedback given because it gets lost in everyone whining about eachother.


P.S. I am not getting any of these titles (I think) and even I feel sorry for whoever gets them. There is almost no creativity to it. I dunno if they thought the titles were "cute" or "funny" but they suck. It just further increases my apathy toward the competitive scene.

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It is no wonder that the people at SWTOR can't take anyone in the PvP community seriously. I mean, you guys seem to turn even the most benign posts into flame wars because you "don't like the OP". I mean heck, you can even agree with the OP on all counts and still turn a thread into a pile of rubbish if you hate the person.


Nobody said they didnt like the op - he's probably completely adorable, with pink fluffy ears. And I only partially agree with him - the title is silly, but

a) They wont change it


b) They shouldnt spend dev time on it.


Now, I know everyone says 'Not like it would take time', but guys.. These are the people that needed 1 year+ (2.4-now), before they made an announcement about going to make an announcement about knowing that ranked isnt in a good place. No solutions, very technical. But they will announce that they know about it.


Considering this, do you honestly believe changing the titles is trivial? I expect them to need a rewrite of the entire ranked code for this.


Idunno why people think the OP is getting attacked - beyond the posts from that random face early in the thread about wintrading, nobody has accused the OP of anything, except shoot down his claims to be #1 sentinel world when he's only played a miniscule amount of the sentinels in the world. As of this writing, there are 757 sentinels that have done group ranked, world wide. Out of those, 28 are from POT5. That means the OP has played vs 3.7% of all sentinels in the world. Again, he's better than those 3.7%, but that doesnt make him better than the remaining 96%. That's not to diminish the OP, that's just the facts, and as long as he can't play the remaining 96%, there is no use in spending time on the top 96 titles.

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