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Bioware says NO LFD TOOL.


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At least for the foreseeable future anyway, which is just fine by me. Read and weep:




Stephen Reid:


We're aware of this desire, but we actually believe that finding others on the same planet as you encourages social interaction a bit more than a general 'group finder'. We're not saying it'll never, ever happen but again, not high priority right now.


Kudos to Bioware for not giving in. I won't be so crass as to tell players who want this to go back to WoW, but I will point out that you now have a clear choice.


As it should be. Kudos to BioWare.

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Don't be naive. SWTOR is here to make money; their decisions will be based on what they believe will make them the most money. If LFD improvements mean maintaining more subs, the game will get LFD. The game is run by Electronic Arts, who are one of the most money hungry game developers there is.


Was it not EA that said they only need 500K subs to maintain the game? You LFD people think that you are the majority of the game. You are Dead wrong, you only rule the forums because you refuse to do what it takes to get a group in game. That is the truth. If you put this much effort into making friends as you do about posting that you want one, you would really have almost no need for a LFD tool.

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LFG was a cancer in WoW.


Nothing like a bunch of non-dungeon-finding people who couldn't dps their way out of a wet paper bag, know mechanics, or any of the fights, who wanted to run dungeons in 10 minutes to reap epics with no threat or worry of dying.. ever.. and who quit at the first sign of adversity, and yet had the gall to harass people for their dps or playstyles, because there was no repercussion or reputation to worry about.


No.. I don't miss it much, and it will be a sad day when they bring it to this game.

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I know several people on my server in different guilds that I have talked with will leave the day its implemented. Way more then your people that want one. A full 200+ people including myself cancelled our subscriptions the day a LFD tool came out in Rift. Within a Month our server was used for the Noob server because everyone people did not want it. You guys think I am bull******** but look at what happened to Corthina in Rift.


Keep it up, BW has spoke. No LFD tool. Keep Posting how bad you want it. Cancel your accounts. Do what ever you want. LFD does not belong in a MMO. You can keep pointing at WoW but really you are pointing at a game which Raiding guilds are taking on Deathwing the day the last boss the the expansion came out. Thats Laughable at best.


This goes on and on i have talk to several ppl on my server to and most of them really want a better lfg tool then the one ingame at the moment. now here we are again with 2 totally different view points neither of which has any facts to back them up.

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Was it not EA that said they only need 500K subs to maintain the game? You LFD people think that you are the majority of the game. You are Dead wrong, you only rule the forums because you refuse to do what it takes to get a group in game. That is the truth. If you put this much effort into making friends as you do about posting that you want one, you would really have almost no need for a LFD tool.


You are making massive, sweeping generalisations.


You are also trying to assert that because the game can be sustained on x number of subscriptions, that it isn't in EA financial interest to keep subscriptions as high as possible through whatever means necessary.


You can be safely ignored.

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PS i will now stat that lfg saved wow for many ppl, notice i dont have any facts to back this up with but because i said it clearly it must be right!!


Ok I will give you that, however the Many people that you say it saved WoW for is smaller then you think. In my guild right now it saved WoW for 1 of my officers, it was only because he was in the last guild I was in was a ****** guild. The GM was a controlling *****, I got chewed out by her because I was starting a Raid on a sunday night after no one had raided all week long and they were not raiding on monday. But she had to run the raids or else you got Gkicked. Well when She started that her raid group fell apart, why simple 8 members of the raid group were my friends including this guy.


Anyways. He is 1 person in 40+ people that liked WoW LFD tool. The rest of my guild Dont get a **** for it and hate it. Its talked about everytime someone in general chat *****es about no LFD tool. My officer can very easily live without a LFD tool here, why its simple, he runs the instances 2 days a week as scheduled runs so he knows he can go. He gets what he needs done as a group. He wanted to make sure he got to run stuff, so guess what, he stepped up and took on the role as Flashpoint leader. WOW what a novel idea, join a guild or get friends and schedule some runs.

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Was it not EA that said they only need 500K subs to maintain the game? You LFD people think that you are the majority of the game. You are Dead wrong, you only rule the forums because you refuse to do what it takes to get a group in game. That is the truth. If you put this much effort into making friends as you do about posting that you want one, you would really have almost no need for a LFD tool.


Here you go again you are assumsion stuff about us without even knowing us. I dont have problems finding grps ingame at the moment but i still think a lfg tool would improve grp forming over the /1 lfg spam.

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Ok I will give you that, however the Many people that you say it saved WoW for is smaller then you think. In my guild right now it saved WoW for 1 of my officers, it was only because he was in the last guild I was in was a ****** guild. The GM was a controlling *****, I got chewed out by her because I was starting a Raid on a sunday night after no one had raided all week long and they were not raiding on monday. But she had to run the raids or else you got Gkicked. Well when She started that her raid group fell apart, why simple 8 members of the raid group were my friends including this guy.


Anyways. He is 1 person in 40+ people that liked WoW LFD tool. The rest of my guild Dont get a **** for it and hate it. Its talked about everytime someone in general chat *****es about no LFD tool. My officer can very easily live without a LFD tool here, why its simple, he runs the instances 2 days a week as scheduled runs so he knows he can go. He gets what he needs done as a group. He wanted to make sure he got to run stuff, so guess what, he stepped up and took on the role as Flashpoint leader. WOW what a novel idea, join a guild or get friends and schedule some runs.


Unless we get some real numbers of this you cant tell one way or the other. but you are still thinking that your view and your way of playing is the only right way to do this.

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You are making massive, sweeping generalisations.


You are also trying to assert that because the game can be sustained on x number of subscriptions, that it isn't in EA financial interest to keep subscriptions as high as possible through whatever means necessary.


You can be safely ignored.




Its very simple. Blizzard made the same deal back when EQers were QQing about the game. Blizzard said they can survive on X amount of players. Yea they wanted more. You know how it became such a popular game without Activation. VERY SIMPLE. They were loyal to its member base and have good content. People enjoyed the game and they focused on thous people. Even when people said they didnt want 20 mans to equal 40 man gear. They did what they did and made both sides very happy. They made a fun game. Activation is the ones that started pandering to people.

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Unless we get some real numbers of this you cant tell one way or the other. but you are still thinking that your view and your way of playing is the only right way to do this.


I told you 1 person it saved WoW for them. I have over 40 members. Many of them hate the LFD tool. So go a head and say that is saved WoW for Many. Often times, that Many just refused to find a group of people. Ever have a guild member leave you guild and ***** they never get any help running stuff? But when you ask they are always busy and never ask for help in the guild? Yea thous are offend the guys that wanted a LFD tool. Cause they dont want to do the required work to be successful. Same as someone complaining that this game was too hard and they dont like all their abilities.

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I told you 1 person it saved WoW for them. I have over 40 members. Many of them hate the LFD tool. So go a head and say that is saved WoW for Many. Often times, that Many just refused to find a group of people. Ever have a guild member leave you guild and ***** they never get any help running stuff? But when you ask they are always busy and never ask for help in the guild? Yea thous are offend the guys that wanted a LFD tool. Cause they dont want to do the required work to be successful. Same as someone complaining that this game was too hard and they dont like all their abilities.


Even if you knew 100 your sample size is to small to know if ppl dislike or like the lfg tool. you need a far bigger sample, did you ever wonder why a game like rift that didnt have a lfg tool start with added one? they did surveys of their playbase and found that most had problems getting grp for instances and grp quest. they had a much large datasample to work with and it will be the same for bioware if enough of the playbase are having problems getting into flashpoints and heroic quest they will have to do something to fix that.

Edited by wezzan
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Its very simple. Blizzard made the same deal back when EQers were QQing about the game. Blizzard said they can survive on X amount of players. Yea they wanted more. You know how it became such a popular game without Activation. VERY SIMPLE. They were loyal to its member base and have good content. People enjoyed the game and they focused on thous people. Even when people said they didnt want 20 mans to equal 40 man gear. They did what they did and made both sides very happy. They made a fun game. Activation is the ones that started pandering to people.


Rofl, are you kidding? People complained about declining game content every expansion that was released. Vanilla was better than BC. BC was better than LK. LK was better than Cata. I am sure the same will be said about MoP. It has very little basis in reality; the LFD tool was not the decline of WoW. There are a great deal more threads applauding the recent addition of a raid edition of the feature than there are decrying it.


WoW users peaked in late Lich King and early Cata. Subscriptions were lost during cata only because the content had again been made LESS accessible in comparison with prior, during Lich King.


Follow the money; that's where the game companies are going.

Edited by Delekii
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WoW users peaked in late Lich King and early Cata. Subscriptions were lost during cata only because the content had again been made LESS accessible in comparison with prior, during Lich King.


Follow the money; that's where the game companies are going.


Do you know why People cancelled in Cata? I know why my guild as well as several guilds in the alliance I was in folded up and quit. Yea the game was Less accessible simply because players did not know their classes Ever come by a mage who didnt know what sheep was? Or a hunter how to kite? Or Tanks that could not tank? I have and thats because Warth made babies that didnt need to know how to play their class or even know their class. For the first 2 or 3 weeks I was running heroics players would run into a mob and start AoEing then complain that we wiped and Quit. (This is what happened when we used the LFD tool) Why because its simple. Laziness breads laziness. I do not want another WoW MMO. WoW has killed the MMO Genera with Laziness. That is why Cata Sucked. Why do you think its going to Pandas. Because people refuse to accept that they must be accountable for their actions, in game. Know your Character, Meet people, Make Friends. thats what MMOs are, Not FPSs like you want to play.

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Was it not EA that said they only need 500K subs to maintain the game?


Do you really think they want only 500k???


What do you really think they are going to do to keep subs? They are going to go with popular vote (even if your 50 people or whatever leave) Its a matter of ease for us, and should be a matter of choice wither you and your buddies use the tool. If you have a group of 50 people you should have no problems running what you want when you want.


I'm not a fan of running in circles while at a major hub in general chat or planet hopping just hoping that somebody will say yes. Some nights it is quick, and others its made me just move on and miss some content just because I don't feel like waiting when I can be leveling.


Look at the post count on this thread - how long do you really think something like this is not going to be put into the game?


Seriously lets get this game with the times. No LFD Tool, Bad Draw Distance (i.e. Taris grass growing while moving,) and low rez textures (unless you mess with your files) - I will say I just hit tatooine and wow the first part has me feeling the game look - but dang I'm level 26 now. Lets add some features like this and throw in a high graphic pack and options for those that can and want to enjoy the game as it could be.

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Do you know why People cancelled in Cata? I know why my guild as well as several guilds in the alliance I was in folded up and quit.
My guild and 10 million other players still play despite the situation you describe.


Yea the game was Less accessible simply because players did not know their classes Ever come by a mage who didnt know what sheep was? Or a hunter how to kite? Or Tanks that could not tank? I have and thats because Warth made babies that didnt need to know how to play their class or even know their class.
Yes; I don't play with them. They had nothing whatsoever to do with LFD; that didn't come out till 3.3.


For the first 2 or 3 weeks I was running heroics players would run into a mob and start AoEing then complain that we wiped and Quit. (This is what happened when we used the LFD tool) Why because its simple. Laziness breads laziness. I do not want another WoW MMO.
Someone whinged about LFD on the WoW forums one time after Troll heroics had been released. Across my characters I had run the dungeons ~120 times through LFD, and I could remember the number of times the group had had issues less than a handful. It only takes a couple of strong players to support some less able. All of which, again, has nothing to do with LFD - you will get ****house players in groups formed manually just as often as in LFD.


WoW has killed the MMO Genera with Laziness. That is why Cata Sucked. Why do you think its going to Pandas. Because people refuse to accept that they must be accountable for their actions, in game. Know your Character, Meet people, Make Friends. thats what MMOs are, Not FPSs like you want to play.
Laziness is used interchangeably to describe people who are actually lazy, and people who don't consider monotony or arbitrary timesinks as challenging. The two are not synonymous.


Challenge comes through acuity, not through chronology. Because it takes an hour to get a group together doesn't add depth to the game, it adds boredom. Running from one end of the Earth to the other does not give the experience of exploration, it gives the experience of monotony.


Challenge comes through acuity, not through chronology.

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If you and your friends think WoW and LFD worked so well, why are you here in SWTOR? Besides that its Star Wars.


Because I like the game and I think that with a few adjustments it will be fantastic, and because I can keep track of more than one game at a time. Why can't you?

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Because I like the game and I think that with a few adjustments it will be fantastic, and because I can keep track of more than one game at a time. Why can't you?


Simple. I have a kid on the way, I work full time as a Database Administrator, I am working on a Bachelors degree in CIS. O and I personally became tired of WoW because of 2 things. Wrath - Players lost a lot of skills that were key to being successful in BC, much like Hunters no longer knowing how to kite. (When I think of a Hunter I think of them being able to Kite the last boss in UBRS when it was 15 man.)

LFD - too many *** holes come out of the wood work with it, too many people cry when players in their group can not do simple task that their classes were known for. Too many people just using LFD as an easy way out for being responsible for their actions in game.


O yea and as busy as I am and will be. You do not hear me crying that I need a LFD tool because it will be hard for my to schedule stuff. Its simple for me, If I cant make it and play at Odd hours o well I need to find something else, or I need to plan for things on a Saturday or Sunday when other members are on and I have time. Its not a Big Deal that I need a LFD tool because real life comes first. If it comes to the day that I cant juggle it all I will move on and worry about real life. Not making sure I hurt the game with a LFD tool.

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Simple. I have a kid on the way, I work full time as a Database Administrator, I am working on a Bachelors degree in CIS. O and I personally became tired of WoW because of 2 things. Wrath - Players lost a lot of skills that were key to being successful in BC, much like Hunters no longer knowing how to kite. (When I think of a Hunter I think of them being able to Kite the last boss in UBRS when it was 15 man.)

LFD - too many *** holes come out of the wood work with it, too many people cry when players in their group can not do simple task that their classes were known for. Too many people just using LFD as an easy way out for being responsible for their actions in game.


O yea and as busy as I am and will be. You do not hear me crying that I need a LFD tool because it will be hard for my to schedule stuff. Its simple for me, If I cant make it and play at Odd hours o well I need to find something else, or I need to plan for things on a Saturday or Sunday when other members are on and I have time. Its not a Big Deal that I need a LFD tool because real life comes first. If it comes to the day that I cant juggle it all I will move on and worry about real life. Not making sure I hurt the game with a LFD tool.


O and 1 more Log on the Fire. I am studying for the MSCITP in SQL. So yea I know how to juggle things, how to schedule my time. I do not need a LFD tool because I dont want to not be social with my guild or try to find people in a LFG channel. Like I said I just work my grouping needs into another day and time. I dont need to push a button and wait for a queue to pop.

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At least for the foreseeable future anyway, which is just fine by me. Read and weep:




Stephen Reid:


We're aware of this desire, but we actually believe that finding others on the same planet as you encourages social interaction a bit more than a general 'group finder'. We're not saying it'll never, ever happen but again, not high priority right now.


Kudos to Bioware for not giving in. I won't be so crass as to tell players who want this to go back to WoW, but I will point out that you now have a clear choice.


I am totally with you on this one, I really wish this game had Tool such as LFG, Only reason I bought this for was FLASHPOINTS and group events. I hate to be sitting and spamming like u said. Its hard to find groups like that.

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I am totally with you on this one, I really wish this game had Tool such as LFG, Only reason I bought this for was FLASHPOINTS and group events. I hate to be sitting and spamming like u said. Its hard to find groups like that.


Question. Why do you need a tool to group you when you can get a guild and a list of friends that will run the content with you?

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Question. Why do you need a tool to group you when you can get a guild and a list of friends that will run the content with you?


did you read all of his/her post? also what is it with you and the need to be guilded to enjoy the game?

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