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Sentinel Mara - Guarded By the Force/Undying Rage idea


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What about granting UD and GBTF CC immunity like unstoppable while it is active and enabling it to be activate while CC'd? It makes sense because it's basically an OhS* button that you use when you're about to die but rarely ever works because most of the time you get cc for its short duration and die anyways. And since you can't heal while it's being used it basically gives Sent's/Mara's only 2 options, use your last breathe to attack and finish the enemy off or run away to fight another day. I would love love love to see this. Edited by chosonman
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I wish they would do something with it because there is no reason Sentinels/Marauders should lose 50% of their current health to gain such a short buff when you compare Defensive Cooldowns across other classes. I made a few suggestions in my Tank Suggestion thread (also has other class suggestions) that seem like they could be worked with to make things better.


First thing was removing Awe/Intimidating Roar and replacing it with Force Repulse/Force Maelstrom to use when you are being focused.


Second thing changes Guarded By The Force/Undying Rage to become a "Last Stand Momentum" cooldown instead of a "use when focused" cooldown.


If you have any ideas or suggestions of your own I encourage you to post there as well so that there is a more of a chance of the topic being discussed.

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I wont say maras doesnt deserve this or that but...what about ranged classes like mercs and mandos? With all the added cc immunites added we still didnt get anything to help us survive except stabilized armor wich is great but far from enough. Its looking extremly dark for us atm, we had great problems before 3.0 and in a few days when 3.0 arrives we will get extremly well aquainted with the respawn area. I didnt think we could end up worse but its sure looking that way. Now adding more cc immunity to a class that has always done pretty well feels like just one more kick to my nutsack. And that **** was already blue from the kicks during last season :(
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I wont say maras doesnt deserve this or that but...what about ranged classes like mercs and mandos? With all the added cc immunites added we still didnt get anything to help us survive except stabilized armor wich is great but far from enough. Its looking extremly dark for us atm, we had great problems before 3.0 and in a few days when 3.0 arrives we will get extremly well aquainted with the respawn area. I didnt think we could end up worse but its sure looking that way. Now adding more cc immunity to a class that has always done pretty well feels like just one more kick to my nutsack. And that **** was already blue from the kicks during last season :(


Mercs and Commando's already had Hold the Line/ Hydraulic Overide which makes them immune to stuns and knockback and movement slowing affects, and they have a utility point that makes it so when reactive shield is active they are immune to interupts. That is pretty good, considering they got a major boost to getting Reactive shield cool down time going down when ever they get damaged, plus when reactive shield is active, it does energy damage to nearby enemies that attack. So if you look at the utilities, the Mercs/Commando's got some excellent options that give them more survivability and chances to do more damage.

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Current changes for Marauders are losing a root, not gaining any CC immunity and only having a slow off of crippling slash unless you choose a Heroic Utility to make it root on the second use. You'll be fine against marauders. you should worry about shadows and guardians....
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I wish they would do something with it because there is no reason Sentinels/Marauders should lose 50% of their current health to gain such a short buff when you compare Defensive Cooldowns across other classes. I made a few suggestions in my Tank Suggestion thread (also has other class suggestions) that seem like they could be worked with to make things better.


First thing was removing Awe/Intimidating Roar and replacing it with Force Repulse/Force Maelstrom to use when you are being focused.


Second thing changes Guarded By The Force/Undying Rage to become a "Last Stand Momentum" cooldown instead of a "use when focused" cooldown.


If you have any ideas or suggestions of your own I encourage you to post there as well so that there is a more of a chance of the topic being discussed.


I made a previous suggestion to reduce the duration to 3 seconds and have it only usable under 35% health, but remove the health loss penalty entirely.


Whatever is done though something should be done to improve this cooldown as it's current state is the primary reason that mara/sent are struggling much more than their jug/guardian cousins.

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I wont say maras doesnt deserve this or that but...what about ranged classes like mercs and mandos? With all the added cc immunites added we still didnt get anything to help us survive except stabilized armor wich is great but far from enough. Its looking extremly dark for us atm, we had great problems before 3.0 and in a few days when 3.0 arrives we will get extremly well aquainted with the respawn area. I didnt think we could end up worse but its sure looking that way. Now adding more cc immunity to a class that has always done pretty well feels like just one more kick to my nutsack. And that **** was already blue from the kicks during last season :(


Not sure if you've seen this or not but...


The majority of the Merc/Mando utilities are all about defensives. Arsenal has the ability to slow people 90% of the time, Innovative Ordnance is so mobile that they can just kite/cast/run continuously, and the only time you will see problems from the CC IMMUNE classes are when they pop cooldowns that don't last long at all. I would be more worried about Assassin's Deflection immunity than anything... even if you root/snare them, if they specced for Emersion they can just speed out of it and that's 12s of destruction but you also have Electro Net for when Force Speed ends lol.


I don't think Merc/Mando looks dark at all considering everything we've seen so far. If anything Id say they are going to be in a pretty powerful state come 3.0. We'll just have to wait and see how things turn out on live.

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Mercs and Commando's already had Hold the Line/ Hydraulic Overide which makes them immune to stuns and knockback and movement slowing affects, and they have a utility point that makes it so when reactive shield is active they are immune to interupts. That is pretty good, considering they got a major boost to getting Reactive shield cool down time going down when ever they get damaged, plus when reactive shield is active, it does energy damage to nearby enemies that attack. So if you look at the utilities, the Mercs/Commando's got some excellent options that give them more survivability and chances to do more damage.


HtL/HO doesn't make you immune to stuns.

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Not sure if you've seen this or not but...


The majority of the Merc/Mando utilities are all about defensives. Arsenal has the ability to slow people 90% of the time, Innovative Ordnance is so mobile that they can just kite/cast/run continuously, and the only time you will see problems from the CC IMMUNE classes are when they pop cooldowns that don't last long at all. I would be more worried about Assassin's Deflection immunity than anything... even if you root/snare them, if they specced for Emersion they can just speed out of it and that's 12s of destruction but you also have Electro Net for when Force Speed ends lol.


I don't think Merc/Mando looks dark at all considering everything we've seen so far. If anything Id say they are going to be in a pretty powerful state come 3.0. We'll just have to wait and see how things turn out on live.


Yeah, i don't understand the people that are saying Mercs and Commandos are going to be horrible in 3.0. I think thye've got the best utilities of all the classes revelaed so far. I'm anxious to see how well the damage output is of Arsenal Mercs is when we can use unload/blazing bolts on the move + priming shot that makes it so you get another instant cast of tracer missle.

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Yeah, i don't understand the people that are saying Mercs and Commandos are going to be horrible in 3.0. I think thye've got the best utilities of all the classes revelaed so far. I'm anxious to see how well the damage output is of Arsenal Mercs is when we can use unload/blazing bolts on the move + priming shot that makes it so you get another instant cast of tracer missle.


Blazing Bolt while moving and also snaring the target at the same time, and it can be used very 8s. Sweet stuff.

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So you want stun immunity for Mercs too? That would be way too OP. And they are getting stun damage reduction anyway.


No, he is commenting on Trevors post that claimed stun immunity with HO/HTL in one of the utilities, and that is not the case.

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Im sorry but most if not all of the defensive utilities you mentioned is something arsenal already has right now and they are still super squishy and die so fast its ridonkulus...(made up word but i think you understand me).


HO does not grant stun/mez immunity wich means someone leaps to you, you use HO and get force choked/Stunned.


I think anyone who has invested some serious time into understanding this game have all learned how easy it is to kill mercs/commandos. Or die as one if they tried it themselves. The ability to shoot back in 3.0 (if you take that utility) does not help you survive in a ranked enviroment where the merc or sometimes the sniper always is the first target to get swarmed.


Group ranked is a bit different since a healer and tank will make up for some of your weaknesses as a merc but solo ranked is currently a no-go. And i doubt that will change in 3.0 with so much new defences and immunites while mercs have the same lackluster setup of defences. Energy Shield is good enough and can be made with utilites into what it is currently on live. However kolto overload has probably not saved very many. Powertechs version is very well done but mercs kolto overload is nothing short of a joke.

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Im sorry but most if not all of the defensive utilities you mentioned is something arsenal already has right now and they are still super squishy and die so fast its ridonkulus...(made up word but i think you understand me).


HO does not grant stun/mez immunity wich means someone leaps to you, you use HO and get force choked/Stunned.


I think anyone who has invested some serious time into understanding this game have all learned how easy it is to kill mercs/commandos. Or die as one if they tried it themselves. The ability to shoot back in 3.0 (if you take that utility) does not help you survive in a ranked enviroment where the merc or sometimes the sniper always is the first target to get swarmed.


Group ranked is a bit different since a healer and tank will make up for some of your weaknesses as a merc but solo ranked is currently a no-go. And i doubt that will change in 3.0 with so much new defences and immunites while mercs have the same lackluster setup of defences. Energy Shield is good enough and can be made with utilites into what it is currently on live. However kolto overload has probably not saved very many. Powertechs version is very well done but mercs kolto overload is nothing short of a joke.


If I understand correctly, your complain is about solo ranked. I don't think BW is ever going balance classes around solo ranked, and I don't think PvPers will want that either. I got a Gunnery Commando and he is more than fine in regular warzones.

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If I understand correctly, your complain is about solo ranked. I don't think BW is ever going balance classes around solo ranked, and I don't think PvPers will want that either. I got a Gunnery Commando and he is more than fine in regular warzones.
Why wouldnt pvpers want that? Balance is fine as long as one class is worse then all the others? "More then fine" in your oppinion is still the worst of the lot from a end game pvp perspective.
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I would love to see this.


My sentinel is just constantly stunned in pvp and i really cant do anything about it.


Expecially with sorcs, because sorcs are almost invincible because they have so many kiting options and literally stun you as soon as you jump on them. I play focus spec, and its good, but when im stunned by a sorc twice in a row and then perma-slowed by their force lighting and i die in 5 seconds and i didnt even have a chance, im confused on how thats balanced?


I mean, if a sorc has the survivability of a medium - heavy armored class... But i think adding some kind of cc immunity to this would be a great idea. Or they should just add a new ability that grants some. Most juggs and guardians play mid tree so they get 5 seconds of 20% dmg reduction and cc immunity, which allows them to jump and get off a full ravage/master strike without an issue. And its funny, because whenever i play my mid tree guardian, i cannot tell you how many times i jump to a sorc and they waste both of their stuns on me while i just faceroll them. I think they need to add something like that to sentinel/mara just because sent and mara are the most stunned class in the game. Its pretty stupid. Any other melee class i play is never stunned and slowed 100% of the time like my sentinel is.

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If I understand correctly, your complain is about solo ranked. I don't think BW is ever going balance classes around solo ranked, and I don't think PvPers will want that either. I got a Gunnery Commando and he is more than fine in regular warzones.


Well then, wouldn't the same argument be used for maras/sents since they are more than fine in regular WZs? Also there are more maras/sents in ranked than there are mercs/mandos so they must be fine there as well.

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What about granting UD and GBTF CC immunity like unstoppable while it is active and enabling it to be activate while CC'd? It makes sense because it's basically an OhS* button that you use when you're about to die but rarely ever works because most of the time you get cc for its short duration and die anyways. And since you can't heal while it's being used it basically gives Sent's/Mara's only 2 options, use your last breathe to attack and finish the enemy off or run away to fight another day. I would love love love to see this.


Removing the damage reduction and health loss? I've actually suggested that before, a while back. I thought it was a neat idea then. I think it's a good idea now.

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