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Commendations and Refund Timers in 3.0


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Hey folks,


As many of you know, there are changes coming to Commendations in 3.0. I talked about this a little bit previously, here, and one thing that came from that post were more questions. I thought I would make a one stop-shop post on Commendations in 3.0 and what would happen to them, so here we go!


  • All Basic, Classic, Planetary, Elite, and Ultimate Commendations that you have will become Basic Commendations. more on this below
  • The Commendation types "Classic" and "Planetary" are being removed from the game.
  • Warzone and Ranked Warzone Commendations are remaining exactly as they are now, and any Commendations you have will carry over to 3.0.
  • *Important* Any items that you have purchased prior to 3.0 that have a refund timer will become bound to you with the 3.0 update.

Quick note on all of the PvE Commendations collapsing into Basic. The conversion rate of each Commendation will vary, both above and below 1:1 most likely. We are still working out exactly what those conversion rates are but I will get you that info before 3.0. I know one of the concerns is what the Basic Commendation cap will become. The plan right now is that the cap will remain 1,000, however, when the conversions happen in 3.0 we will allow that number to go higher, temporarily.


Once we nail down those exact numbers I will let you know so you can plan accordingly. Thanks everyone.



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I would also like to know what armor sets are being removed from the game, assuming you are removing some because of what happened with the removal of the old level 50 stuff when ROTHC launched.




I'd like to know if I should quickly farm comms to get the looks I want before I'm surprised to see certain sets gone.


I was surprised by the previous removal and never got my hands on a War Hero Vindicator or War Leader belt, which is the only belt that seems to fit with my body type 3 juggy War Hero outfit. The *ahum* crotchflap on that set's chestpiece allows for very few other belts to be properly used, especially on body type 3, and I hate that.

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*Important* Any items that you have purchased prior to 3.0 that have a refund timer will become bound to you with the 3.0 update.





To clarify you mean they will become bound is in not refundable, not bound as in Bind on Equip items will now be bound to the character. For instance, the Mods/Enhancements you buy with planetary comms are Bind on Equip - will these automatically become bound to you in 3.0?




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Hey folks,


As many of you know, there are changes coming to Commendations in 3.0. I talked about this a little bit previously, here, and one thing that came from that post were more questions. I thought I would make a one stop-shop post on Commendations in 3.0 and what would happen to them, so here we go!


  • All Basic, Classic, Planetary, Elite, and Ultimate Commendations that you have will become Basic Commendations. more on this below
  • The Commendation types "Classic" and "Planetary" are being removed from the game.
  • Warzone and Ranked Warzone Commendations are remaining exactly as they are now, and any Commendations you have will carry over to 3.0.
  • *Important* Any items that you have purchased prior to 3.0 that have a refund timer will become bound to you with the 3.0 update.

Quick note on all of the PvE Commendations collapsing into Basic. The conversion rate of each Commendation will vary, both above and below 1:1 most likely. We are still working out exactly what those conversion rates are but I will get you that info before 3.0. I know one of the concerns is what the Basic Commendation cap will become. The plan right now is that the cap will remain 1,000, however, when the conversions happen in 3.0 we will allow that number to go higher, temporarily.


Once we nail down those exact numbers I will let you know so you can plan accordingly. Thanks everyone.




What about pending missions that you cash in and then pick up when 3.0 drops ?

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What about pending missions that you cash in and then pick up when 3.0 drops ?


You have a 25 quest limit, and the change in last weeks patch prevents you from having more than 2 pending while you accept/complete others, meaning you will have, at most, 27 quests to turn in after the launch.


I think that is sufficient to keep people from getting more than a one level jump, if that, at launch.

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[*]*Important* Any items that you have purchased prior to 3.0 that have a refund timer will become bound to you with the 3.0 update.


Another slap in the face for pvp players. Well, time to expliot the **** out of the system and transfer comms to alts as long as its possible.


Capping coms is the dumbst **** ever since there is legacy gear allowing you to stack unlimited comms. I allways saved comms on my alts before major updates, and allways was BiS day one on my main. I know i need a week this time cause i have to level them up first, but anyway, this is just some dumb ****. You cant keep people from having BiS so why even try? Let us collect as much comms as we want, i garantue that pvp wont be broken if people run around in best in slot gear.




If you want players to grind you have to give them a goal. For most its best in slot, thats the reason why on several servers there is (together with anounced rewards) an increased participation in ranked. People grind comms for 3.0.

You take away our goal, and give us nothing instead (please realise that EVERYTHING! you can buy for pvp comms is worthless ****). In other words, this is the most massive inflation of ranked comms every, and basically you took away my fortune i gathered over months. I will never forget this dickmove bioware.




You cant keep people from stacking comms via alts , so stop trying to make their life hard. Remove warzone cap.


Also, give people something nice to buy from ranked comms. Over my alts, i got like 100k ranked comms and i dont know what to buy with it now.

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I have around 400/600 basic comms, 960-ish Classic comms, about 50 planetary commendations, and around 200 elite comms, with 150-fish Ultimate comms. Will there be an overflow limit, or will it just be capped at 1000?




I think they will do what they did with planetary comms in 2.0 and have it to where it overflows, but you cannot gain anymore comms until you have spent enough to be below the cap.

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Another slap in the face for pvp players. Well, time to expliot the **** out of the system and transfer comms to alts as long as its possible.


Capping coms is the dumbst **** ever since there is legacy gear allowing you to stack unlimited comms. I allways saved comms on my alts before major updates, and allways was BiS day one on my main. I know i need a week this time cause i have to level them up first, but anyway, this is just some dumb ****. You cant keep people from having BiS so why even try? Let us collect as much comms as we want, i garantue that pvp wont be broken if people run around in best in slot gear.




If you want players to grind you have to give them a goal. For most its best in slot, thats the reason why on several servers there is (together with anounced rewards) an increased participation in ranked. People grind comms for 3.0.

You take away our goal, and give us nothing instead (please realise that EVERYTHING! you can buy for pvp comms is worthless ****). In other words, this is the most massive inflation of ranked comms every, and basically you took away my fortune i gathered over months. I will never forget this dickmove bioware.




You cant keep people from stacking comms via alts , so stop trying to make their life hard. Remove warzone cap.


Also, give people something nice to buy from ranked comms. Over my alts, i got like 100k ranked comms and i dont know what to buy with it now.

I think they're just trying to have people use Legacy gear and play multiple characters instead of abusing a loophole. PvErs can't use a loophole like that, can they?

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Another slap in the face for pvp players. Well, time to expliot the **** out of the system and transfer comms to alts as long as its possible.


I would love to hear how you plan on transferring comms across toons. Also legacy gear isn't really circumventing the system since it only allows one toon to be geared faster at the expense of the alts.

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I think they will do what they did with planetary comms in 2.0 and have it to where it overflows, but you cannot gain anymore comms until you have spent enough to be below the cap.


Hmph. Well, time to deck my companions out in 162 gear.


When 3.0 launches, I'll probably have enough comms to get a full set of the new gear.


I still wish it costed credits to buy gear along with comms. That way inflation would be less than it is now.

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I would also like to know what armor sets are being removed from the game, assuming you are removing some because of what happened with the removal of the old level 50 stuff when ROTHC launched.


Good question, let me check on this.


I have around 400/600 basic comms, 960-ish Classic comms, about 50 planetary commendations, and around 200 elite comms, with 150-fish Ultimate comms. Will there be an overflow limit, or will it just be capped at 1000?




The cap will remain 1,000, however there will be an overflow limit to compensate for the consolidation. I will have more exact numbers closer to launch!



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I would love to hear how you plan on transferring comms across toons. Also legacy gear isn't really circumventing the system since it only allows one toon to be geared faster at the expense of the alts.


That seems to be BW's intent. I grinded out over 2 sets of PvP gear and 4 relics without using the loophole, so its not a shot in the leg like people are acting like it is.

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I think they're just trying to have people use Legacy gear and play multiple characters instead of abusing a loophole. PvErs can't use a loophole like that, can they?


And whats the reason for that? I`d be spending less in-game-time for BiS on main, since im going to do get more comms from dailys and weeklys.


Again, capping is just the most cheapest way for inflating comms. Give us something to spend them on instead of just deleting them. Im allready maxed out on imperial and republic guards, got a full bank of pvp adrenals/medipacks and got another 100k ranked comms. Im sitting on 50 million credits, so i dont want to buy creditboxes. Give us casino tokens or whatever to spend comms on. Capping them is just the worst, and i wonder how that should encourage players to do more pvp now?


thats what angers me the most, past two weeks i was able to play ranked every day cause people collectet comms. Im sure this is going to stop now cause those comms are so wortless right now. How is that a system that encourages grinding? I dont know what else to say about except im super pissed how dumb they are at bioware. Im fine with catering regs in general but this is just over the top.


I would love to hear how you plan on transferring comms across toons. Also legacy gear isn't really circumventing the system since it only allows one toon to be geared faster at the expense of the alts.


I wont post exploits here, however its possible right now

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That seems to be BW's intent. I grinded out over 2 sets of PvP gear and 4 relics without using the loophole, so its not a shot in the leg like people are acting like it is.


the shoot in leg is, that at least on my server (german jar`kai) people started to play ranked again to collect comms for 3.0. The majority wont get the walker and theyre aware of it, so i know for sure theyre doing it for comms (i asked them).


As soon as they will find out that its worthless, they`ll stop, and i wont be able to play ranked anymore.

Also i got around 100k ranked comms which are completly worthless. If thats not a shot in the leg i dont know...

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  • Dev Post
I would also like to know what armor sets are being removed from the game, assuming you are removing some because of what happened with the removal of the old level 50 stuff when ROTHC launched.


Alright, here are the details:


  • The Obroan and Brutalizer sets will be removed from vendors and replaced by the new Unranked and Ranked sets respectively.
  • The existing PvE sets will all be moved to a different vendor than they are on currently.

Hope that helps!



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