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help with boss *SPOILERS*


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Took a few tries for me but I did this at level 34 (maybe 35) with Kira and Watchman Spec.


I used the mobs on the left and right to build up 30 centering before jumping in. Once in there, I grabbed aggo, and went into a defensive cooldown chain, Rebuke a few seconds later Blade Ward, a few after that, Pacify and Zen to bump up damage and get some healing. Used a health pack got low again and Camouflaged out to dump aggro to Kira. Just before she died I used our 20 min cooldown to reset blade ward and get some health back. Stasis just before Kira went down. Rebuke was back up, went back into the cooldown chain, got another Pacify in and that sealed it.


The most important thing to do is Interrupt one of his abilities. Don't remember which one, not the lightning. It had a yellow icon I believe. Before I was interrupting lightning and both Kira and I were getting nuked. Interrupting this other ability seemed to reduce the damage. Better yet, if you can time your leap to interrupt one ability and kick to catch the other, should reduce a lot of the damage.


It can be done solo but it took me 5 tries and is probably way easier with a tank or healer friend.

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Interrupts are key in the fight, as his abilities hit too hard. I would heed the advice of an earlier poster that said let Kira jump in, wait for him to begin casting, then jump in yourself to interrupt. From there it's all about surviving... Force Kick instead of finishing that Master Strike, Force Kick instead of adding an extra Slash, Stasis when you can't Kick, etc.


This was the only class quest in the game that I died on, and I died twice before I got it right. I blame it on having to use Kira, as I never used her before or after. Still, it's rough. Way tougher than the Harrowers were for me (I hear more people complaining about that series of fights, though).

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I'm not sure what you guys are doing wrong ..

I did him with Kira as companion as level 31 ..


I lost once, and decided to upgrade her equipment. So i bought some stuff for her on the market, and i killed him in my second shot ..


I blew every cooldown i have available.



Always try and interupt him from casting. Do kick as much as you can and use force stasis ..

Start out by tanking yourself. Use Camo when you're on 50% and he goes to Kira ..

Pop CoF early battle to get most use of the heals ..

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Kind of lame you have to get party members to finish the class quest. Not that I don't like grouping, its just hard to find someone willing to lend a hand with little payoff.


The guy is a little overpowered to begin with. I can't really see soloing him at 33 and I can't hope to overpower him anymore without doing FP quests for Exp and gear, which on my server groups are few and far between at lower/mid 30s.

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Interrupts.....Darth Angral tought me interrupts.


I tried him at lvl 31-33 and this was the first mob you realy need to use interrupts as much on as possible and you will probably also need to use call on the force to refresh your saber ward. It's a close fight, but very much doable.

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Lvl 32 Sent, took him down on my third try. My third try was when I really started to concentrate on interrupting everything I could.


Interrupts saved my life.


I'm having problems with the Harrowers, though. Ya'll reminded me of Pacify, I had completely forgotten about that one. Going to go give it a shot with that, we'll see what happens.

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Lvl 32 Sent, took him down on my third try. My third try was when I really started to concentrate on interrupting everything I could.


Interrupts saved my life.


I'm having problems with the Harrowers, though. Ya'll reminded me of Pacify, I had completely forgotten about that one. Going to go give it a shot with that, we'll see what happens.


Honestly I found force camoflauge the key to these jerks. Tank em yourself until you've taken significant damage, medpack back up and continue until you're not comfortable holding them, force camoflauge dump them onto Kira. Apespaz and damage race them to finish.

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This guy gave me no trouble, Ive heard people complain about him just demolishing them. But in my case I walked in there, same lvl as the quest can't remember anymore, and I walked up to him and 1 shot him. Gotta keep on the interrupts, keep a medpack on hand but I ended the fight half health without using mine.
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Yeah I one shot him. He was cake. I went in expecting a brutal fight but it was a snoozer. Valis was much tougher. Hell even Neferit(whatever his name is, the dude on Alderan)was harder(though he was easy too).


Then again I was level 34 and specced into the talent that put my Force Kick at 6 second CD. With a 4 second lockout as is, this allowed me to basically interupt every spell he cast with no issues. I think I killed him with Kira still at half health and she's still using terrible gear as I never use her.

Edited by FobManX
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I thought Angral was a much easier fights than many others :o

I just put up saberward jumped in put up my dots and used Zen and well kicked him when he tried to do his abilities. He got me to around half health before he died and then I had to do the "rest" on half health but that was easy as well. Think I was lv 35 when I did this.

Edited by Xzenthal
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I fought him last night at LVL 34 and dropped him first try. He actually was an easier fight then the freakin' Marauders when you go back to Tat. Used Kira as my companion, I did use Saber Ward and Rebuke, along with Force Camo to transfer aggro to Kira a little over half way through. The only extra buff I had was a Strength stim and did not even use a health pack, and did not have to use Call on the Force. With so many having problems with this guy, this really proved to me that Sent is not broke.....still needs some tweaking, but is not broke per say.


Here is my spec when I fought him:


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The main issue is there is 'forced' companions for Angrel, and the final boss of Chapter 3 (You have to use T7 then)


Sometimes they're just not geared, so bring a friend instead.



Yeah this is true. That is the one thing I did not mention is that I have spent some serious time upgrading both Kira and T7. Kira is a beast at least with my character.

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Am I at Angral too early because I'm just level 31 sentinel?? I have had few close calls with him(=nearly got him) but died 20+ times. I have tried with your suggestions, interupt whenever possible and had few time close but no success. I had him once one Master Strike away from death but no...


I have lost my credits, only a little over 2000 left...Can you please help me? Is there anyone who could company me with a high level character and help me get through?? I have done every side quest but not so many flashpoints or heroics because there haven't been many players willing to do them online.


BioWare made Angral too difficult and if I won't get help with him soon that will end my subsription! I play games for fun, and this is not fun! This makes me angry and willing to break things! Please help anyone???

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Watchman spec, lvl 34, using Kira, beat him first try


I gained focus and centering before entering fight, they weren't full but having 'some' helped. Put up Rebuke and Overload Sabre, force leaped in, place Cauterize for more DOTS, hit him with Master Strike, popped Zen, then I just spammed Slash as often as I could and he went down with me with half my health and Kira with about a quarter left

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Maybe i am just really good or every1 that plays this game sucks. I did it at lvl31 on my first try then beat kira. Seriously use the movea they give you. I did it as focus spec. Every 8 seconds u need to kick his casts. Start off with rebuke then pacify then saberward then use 20 min cooldown then rebuke again and when u get low use force camo. Between first and second kick u should use stasis.


So basically interrupt every 8 seconds and keep threat as long as possible then dump to kira and u shoukd be able to finish him off.

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I have seen videos of people doing it with no problem like in level 32 but how on earth can their sentinels take that much damage?? I have a combat oriented 31 level sentinel and a little below 6000 hp, Kira has a bit over 6000...I just can't beat him like the others do with rebuke, stasis, master strike and slash...he kills us too quickly. Saber Ward + Call Of The Force helps but not enough.


I have leaped Kira in first, then interupted Angrals first with my own leap, done master strike and then stasis to interupt again. At this point Kira is below half health already, Angral has 2/3. Then force kick to interupt again and some force sweep or slash. Kira drops around that point and Angral has around 1/3 of health, I have 2/5 - 1/2 max. If I happen to manage interupt him and have another Saber Ward left and a health pack I can take him just under 1/10, but never closer than that.


Please anyone, what do I do wrong?? Does anyone have a tank/healer who could accompany me and help me get through this?? I have done all side quests but not so many flashpoints or heroics. I fear I have to go and begin gardening levels and if I do I will end my subscription!! I have spent all my credits already trying to keep my armor fixed!

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He was actually a letdown for me after being challenged quite a bit by previous elites. I was level 32 or so (hard to remember). I obviously had to use defensive cooldowns, and fall back on Call on the Force to provide a little extra healing and reset the cooldown on Saber Ward, but I didn't ever feel like I would die.


I did however get low enough and use up enough of my cooldowns that I died to Kira immediately after. What a wench. Should be noted that I had been using her ever since she became available and always picked her upgrades from available quest rewards.


I feel like 99% of the HALP threads on these boards can be mostly boiled down to people who don't use all of their interrupts/disrupts well, people who are under-leveled for the content they are trying (I don't see how this is possible if you actually go through all the quests on planets, I'm overleveled and skipped most of Nar Shaddaa), and people who haven't kept up on their gear.


I'm enjoying that most elite mobs are a challenge to defeat, and require you to stay on your toes with interrupts and be aware of what's happening on your screen.

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The Gear is a fun thing! You should be able to buy new gear but at the same time you should be able to buy skill upgrades after every level up! The game is ridiculous! While playing between one level you are able to earn around 20 000 creds max. Some of it go to repairs and medpacks, then on higher levels almost 10 000 creds for one new power/upgrade and you should still by new gear! Ridiculous!


What I'm saying here there are so many flaws in this game that if it was not a Star Wars game with jedis, I would have stopped playing after one week after realizing all these stupid aspects in this game! The money and gear I told above and the boss battles which require exactly right order or power use and luck to get through are the biggest killers of this game. I had planned to play through the Jedi Knight story still but if I'm not able to finish Angral soon with my next tries I'm going to quit completely. I payed for this game and subsribed and this is what I got? BioWare just robbed me!

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