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why is my maurader so effing weak


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I am so sick of everyone telling me oh your in full 180 gear you should be able to solo oricon commanders oh your in 180 gear you should be able to solo kingpins. well I EFFING CANT and I am sick of it *** is the problem


A) You don,t know how to play your Mara.

B) You don,t know how to use you Mara's DCD (refer to A).

C) Your comp isn't geared.

D) Your gear isn't optimized (probably comms gear 'cause if you had token gear you would know all the 3 above).

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Are you using Rebuke, Saber Ward, and GbtF?

What about Pacify?

Are you stimmed, and are you using med packs?

What does your build look like?

What sort of gear are you using? (Are you stacking crit, for some unknown reason?)

What does your rotation look like? (Keeping Precision Strike/Gore on CD?)

Does Treek have the right gear?

How are you using Treek?

Are you interrupting everything you can and using Force Choke/Awe to buy yourself time to allow a heal from Treek to land if you're in trouble?

Are you slowing, then charging to interrupt a cast if you're out of other interrupt options?


Questions, we have. Answers, you must provide.

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I solo oricon commanders with my 158 PVP gear and a healing comp. Not very hard to do. I've used both watchman and combat specs and they work fine. Never have I had to use heroic moment or even a stim. If you're in 180 gear it should be a cake walk.


My 162 geared sentinel is the same thing. I am able to solo the oricon heroics. It's challenging sometimes as Doc isn't that well geared, but I can pull it off. In 180's it should be laughably easy if you are using interrupts even reasonably well.

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the commanders do more spells than I can stop Sorna for example nails me with this stupid stun spear that basically leaves me incapacitated forever I am using the carnage build direct from dulfy, no I dont stim myself when doing dailies I figure I shouldnt have to, Treek is in 4 set supercommando set bonus and the rest is verpine/supercommando pieces, treek is always in one of the two stances it really doesnt matter I stilld ie, I use saber ward if I get really hit hard and I use CoP on cooldown the damage I take though is large and in big chunks I am not sure why I am taking so much damage, I cannot do Ilum dailies they literally slaughter me as well.
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the commanders do more spells than I can stop Sorna for example nails me with this stupid stun spear that basically leaves me incapacitated forever I am using the carnage build direct from dulfy, no I dont stim myself when doing dailies I figure I shouldnt have to, Treek is in 4 set supercommando set bonus and the rest is verpine/supercommando pieces, treek is always in one of the two stances it really doesnt matter I stilld ie, I use saber ward if I get really hit hard and I use CoP on cooldown the damage I take though is large and in big chunks I am not sure why I am taking so much damage, I cannot do Ilum dailies they literally slaughter me as well.


My advice? Try another commander.

Some are easier than others, and you could be trying to tackle one of the harder ones.


Another option is to try Annihilation. On a mob that stuns you a lot, at least your DoTs will be ticking away doing *some* damage to it, unlike Carnage where a stunned Mara does 0 damage.

I find my survivability as Watchman Sentinel (Anni equivalent) is noticeably higher than when I'm Combat (Carnage) spec.

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the commanders do more spells than I can stop Sorna for example nails me with this stupid stun spear that basically leaves me incapacitated forever I am using the carnage build direct from dulfy, no I dont stim myself when doing dailies I figure I shouldnt have to, Treek is in 4 set supercommando set bonus and the rest is verpine/supercommando pieces, treek is always in one of the two stances it really doesnt matter I stilld ie, I use saber ward if I get really hit hard and I use CoP on cooldown the damage I take though is large and in big chunks I am not sure why I am taking so much damage, I cannot do Ilum dailies they literally slaughter me as well.


Treek should be in healing gear, imo.


My marauder has two 162 armoring and two 168 armorings for the set bonus. All the rest of her gear is fully optimized 180 mods and enhancements. She's got 39k-40k health.


I run Quinn, and anni (though rage and carnage are fine).


I can actually solo some champions on her better than I can on my merc who is in full Dread Forge with some 186 set stuff.


It's all about using the interrupts, stuns, and cooldowns on the marauder -the leap, force choke, interrupt, etc.


The marauder is a beast when mostly geared, but you have to play intelligently, and yes the Oricon champions hurt.


I will say that the marauder is probably the most well balanced and designed class in the game. It has a bit of everything - damage, raid utility, mini-stealth, interrupts, gap closer, several defensive cooldowns, limited tanking ability, and it destroys in PVP and PVE.


If you still can't manage Oricon dailies, let alone Illum, then the marauder probably isn't suited to your playstyle.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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the commanders do more spells than I can stop Sorna for example nails me with this stupid stun spear that basically leaves me incapacitated forever I am using the carnage build direct from dulfy, no I dont stim myself when doing dailies I figure I shouldnt have to, Treek is in 4 set supercommando set bonus and the rest is verpine/supercommando pieces, treek is always in one of the two stances it really doesnt matter I stilld ie, I use saber ward if I get really hit hard and I use CoP on cooldown the damage I take though is large and in big chunks I am not sure why I am taking so much damage, I cannot do Ilum dailies they literally slaughter me as well.


You can interrupt the first heavy hit she does. I have Doc set up so that I can micro manage his CC's and I use his carbon stream to interrupt the second heavy hitter. By the third she is dead.

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I have to admit Marauders are definitely very squishy, especially when coming up against the Dread Commanders on Oricon, even if you are using cooldowns etc regularly.


I think what makes a big difference is having a well geared healer companion. Before I geared up Quinn, I was wiping constantly on the Dread Commanders, but noticed a big difference once my healer had substantially better gear.

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I have to admit Marauders are definitely very squishy, especially when coming up against the Dread Commanders on Oricon, even if you are using cooldowns etc regularly.


I think what makes a big difference is having a well geared healer companion. Before I geared up Quinn, I was wiping constantly on the Dread Commanders, but noticed a big difference once my healer had substantially better gear.


30k mara with a 23k jaesa and I can down the heroic commanders just fine.

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I solo Oricon in my Makeb greens. Its all thanks to my MADSKILLZBABY! Woo! Look at me! My epeen is freaking HUGE! WOOOOO!


Now that the posturing is out of the way, yes, Sentinels/Maras can be rather squishy. As a few others have said, look for the easier commanders and watch those interrupts as if your life depended on it. It does. Or just get a partner. This is an mmo, and it all goes a helluva lot quicker with two.

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It's generally true that Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors get a lot of their defense from activated abilities, rather than passive armor. This is true of the tank specs as well, which is what sets them apart from Trooper/Bounty Hunter tanks; Jedi and Sith have unlimited resources once combat begins, but have to manage cooldowns to stay alive, while the ranged tanks have colossal passive defense, but have to be smart about budgeting their energy.


Having played Guardian and Juggernaut before, I had already gotten into the mindset of having to actively defend myself before trying Sentinel and Marauder, and I honestly haven't seen a major problem with squishiness in solo content with the medium armor classes. I use DPS companions instead of healers, and while I have to recover between fights, the only times when I die are when I either bit off a bigger number of Elites than I could chew, or when lag interfered with my ability to react.


Maybe the issue is one of playstyle? There are solid classes in the game that have more passive defense than the Marauder, if having to juggle cooldowns to stay up isn't fun.

Edited by Allegos
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On my sentinel I am watchmen spec with a 162 geared Doc. The key to oricon is interrupt, interrupt, interrupt. Force leap, force camo, force stasis, awe, and your basic interrupt ability all stop casts. I can kill one of the commanders on my 162 geared sent and end up with full health with just a little luck and correctly timed abilities It just takes some practice on learning what your abilities actually do. Edited by Machalle
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