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a cosmetic change that would revitalize the game


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It's time bioware, free up weapon restrictions, guns should be varied for the classes that use them. Lets see gunslingers using cannons and bounty hunters with sniper rifles. I want an imperial agent dual wielding pistols, and all the variety a galaxy far far away can have.


Now is the time, the game needs change, the class revamps are good, but since adding a new class is never going to happen, the ones that are available need to have as much variety as possible.


Make is a cartel item, adapted weapons training or something, you know it would sell.

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I fail to see how an Agent wielding two pistols instead of one sniper rifle is any different than it's Republic side equivalent which wields two pistols instead of a sniper rifle.


Next, if the Agent wasn't suppossed to wield blaster pistols (or even the trooper) why did they have them wield blaster pistols in the cutscenes?

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I fail to see how an Agent wielding two pistols instead of one sniper rifle is any different than it's Republic side equivalent which wields two pistols instead of a sniper rifle.


Do you realize how much effort it would be to change Operative animations to something appropriate for a shotgun or blaster, instead of a knife? And similarly for gunslingers and smugglers. I'd rather BW go introduce new bugs, uhmm, I mean features, somewhere with a little more impact.


The different weapons also make a big difference when you are sharing Bind-to-Legacy weapons, especially since once an end-game barrel is installed in a vibroknife, it is bound to "knife" and cannot be moved to a shotgun or blaster pistol. Similarly, an end-game barrel installed in a shotgun cannot later be moved to a vibroknife or blaster pistol, and an end-game barrel installed in a blaster cannot later be moved to a vibroknife or shotgun. Skill users are at a slight disadvantage compared to the other classes because of this.


And I am fine with that, BTW, even though I make extensive use of BtL weapons and armor. I have a lot of different end-game Skill barrels in a lot of different BtL weapons as a result. I do, however, miss having Bound-to-Legacy Techstaffs and Electrostaffs, for my companions.


Anyway, I am against this change, just as I would be against allowing Sorcs dual-wield blasters (it's not as if a Sorc ever actually hits anything with a lightsaber, they just wave them around, so in theory they could be waving around anything. I've had Sorcs wave swords and axes, for example. Perhaps someday BW will give them a wand instead. Or a giant foam finger like you see fans waving at sporting events. LOL)

Edited by BuriDogshin
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I'm still holding out hope for new classes and their accompanying stories. I think there should be a dual wielder class for the Imperials, and I would totally play it.


I wouldn't be entirely adverse to a skill being implemented that let agents use an equipped pistol for a few skills...some short range shooting, sort of thing.

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I'm still holding out hope for new classes and their accompanying stories. I think there should be a dual wielder class for the Imperials, and I would totally play it.


I wouldn't be entirely adverse to a skill being implemented that let agents use an equipped pistol for a few skills...some short range shooting, sort of thing.


Bounty Hunter, Mercenary.

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OP, have you ever played Dungeons & Dragons?


If so, I'm betting you were the guy that rolled a Half-Elf, Half-Dragon Fighter/Mage/Thief.




Fighter/mage/thief? Man, that takes me back, though I seem to recall the order used in the books was fighter/thief/mage.

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I agree that at this point weapons are just as cosmetic as anything else. I would like to see more variety, but perhaps there is no need to go as far as open up weapon restrictions completely.


After all, there are many weapons that do not look like they belong in the category they reside in.

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Bounty Hunter, Mercenary.


Dang, I forgot, and to think I have two of them lol Oops. Perhaps, what I should have said, is that I'd like one, that is more like an agent....someone more directly involved with Imperials, or Sith, than Mandalorians.

Edited by Lunafox
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Dang, I forgot, and to thing I have two of them lol Oops. Perhaps, what I should have said, is that I'd like one, that is more like an agent....someone more directly involved with Imperials, or Sith, than Mandalorians.


A dual-wielder more directly involved with the Sith is just a Marauder.

Edited by Khantalas
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Sorry, can't imagine Operative with two blaster rifles or Sniper with two sniper rifles.

Operative with two vibroknives? Sounds cool.


An operative with two blaster rifles would be like Mouse from The Matrix: good at the cerebral part of job, but hopelessly outmatched in actual combat.

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I don't see how this would revitalize the game. Break balance in a lot of places, sure, but far from revitalize it. People would come back try it out for maybe a couple of hours then go back to whatever they enjoyed. Now, adding different weapon types for classes to use besides the same old same old would be interesting, like how Jedi and Sith can use swords and staves as it were. Something for the blaster wielders to give them variety would probably help a lot.
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I would rather enjoy it if my Powertech could use a techblade in melee range instead of keeping shooting his blaster like an idiot.


If you want me to stay in melee range, give me a melee weapon, dammit.


((Although my smuggler just punches things at that range, which works out fine for him.))

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