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The Best View in SWTOR contest has returned! ×

As a Story Tourist who just came for the 12x XP class stories, so frustrated. :(


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Except SWTOR *is* for me, because they created a promotion *specifically aiming to attract people like me*. If they didn't want me, they wouldn't have put the promotion out there. Now they need to do a better job of catering to people like me, people who basically just want to play KOTOR 3 through 10.


How certain are you that the promotion is for new players like you? I would think that its a prmotion to get veteran players to sign on and pay more money upfront for an expansion. Many veteran players have been clamouring for ways to replay their class quests or level more quickly now that they have experienced the core content multiple times.


I do not think the promotion was for you, though Im sure bioware doesnt mind that you are giving them your money thanks to the promo anyway :)

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That doesn't mean it's not for new players, that just means they didn't think it through.


No they're not? They're painfully boring. Do 5 of this, gather 10 of that, kill 6 of that other thing. Why would I want to do that again? I've already done it in a half dozen other MMOs.


As soon as 12x XP disappears, I'm gone. But in case you haven't been paying attention, they've been discussing potential ways to make it permanent after December 1st.


You know I was very sympathetic to your plight when I read your post because you were knew and you had genuine questions. However as I go through the thread Im more and more convinced that you are just an entitled single player RPG player coming in here and trying to dictate your way around.


You are free to play what you like and play any way you want, but dont expect things always to be desgined for the way you want it to be. This is an MMO and while I hate grindy aspects too, you are asserting a lot of things that are simply not true, probably without even trying them.


This game is not for you. /thread

Edited by BaronV
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12X xp *is* super frustrating as far as gear because normally I'd be doing sidequests and killing more monsters to level up and in the meantime I'd be crafting armoring and mods and earning commendations to buy enhancements and barrels/hilts but you level up so fast you don't need to do the sidequests and your crafting has a really hard time keeping up! Plus you outlevel the upgrades so fast that it's not even worth it to switch to an alt to craft. My advice is to have a set of adaptive/moddable gear and use cybertech to just make green level upgrades (the fastest to make but weakest) as long as you're not dying all the time you don't need anything better since you're not going to be doing group or pvp stuff I assume (I don't). Joining a guild is a good idea, so is forming a permanent party to do your class quests with.
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How certain are you that the promotion is for new players like you? I would think that its a prmotion to get veteran players to sign on and pay more money upfront for an expansion. Many veteran players have been clamoring for ways to replay their class quests or level more quickly now that they have experienced the core content multiple times.


I do not think the promotion was for you, though Im sure bioware doesnt mind that you are giving them your money thanks to the promo anyway :)


Ya I assumed this promotion was for veteran plays like myself. I wanted to replay my Jedi Knight and Imperial Agent story and Finish my Bounty Hunter (as I was hating the story and it was my last class I needed to finish) and this was announced. I praised Revan, and finished my Bounty Hunter, a new Agent, a Knight, AND a Sith Warrior thankful the entire time I was able to do these events.



the x12 is PERFECT for EXACTLY what it wanted to do. I took steps to prepare for the gear (after so many planets I would do the planetary quest or flashpoints to help gear, and than go back through) and as such its been both fast and easy for me to accomplish my goals.

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I think its time we all just ignore the OP. Id say that he is trolling but unfortunately his statements reek of someone with special snowflake syndrome and a sense of entitlement the size of a death star.


OP you are going to be gone once 12x xp ends anyway so its really no loss if you go sooner since this game can;t cater to your special needs. Do whatever you want.

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Except SWTOR *is* for me, because they created a promotion *specifically aiming to attract people like me*. If they didn't want me, they wouldn't have put the promotion out there. Now they need to do a better job of catering to people like me, people who basically just want to play KOTOR 3 through 10.


You've been given A LOT of bad advice.


Don't bother with the GTN at all. Use the planetary commendation modifcation vendor for your appropriate level. Each planet has a vendor on the planet and then again in the Supply section on Fleet (I think Quesh's fleet vendor is missing their name but other than that no bugs).


This is how I've geared all my 1-55 power level toons.

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This is comedy gold, a player trying an MMO that hates MMOs!



....and said (s)he's played about a dozen MMOs and claims everything but the story in this one is worthless and (s)he hasn't even really experienced the true game and doesn't want to.


Well done, I tip my hat to you.

Edited by JazzyDevil
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The 12x xp is not meant for what you want. This is an MMO not a single player game. The game was never designed to allow easy power levelling like they are allowing right now. You are a first time player - of course you are going to have trouble getting appropriate level gear and speeders and what not. You are outlevelling the content much faster than it is designed for.


Except now I'm not having any trouble gearing, because I got the credits through cartel coins --> packs --> selling on GTN, and I'm playing SWTOR like a single player game -- which is far more fun than playing it like an MMO.


Do the planet story quests, do some PVP & GSF do all the levelling flashpoints.


This game's PvP is *amazingly* rudimentary. If someone shoots a projectile at me, I can't even physically dodge out of the way -- it's simply a dice roll! Asheron's Call had projectile physics in PvP figured out back in 1999, so to have dice-roll combat in a PvP MMO in 2014 is just absolutely primitive. So, no.


If you are not willing to do this then SWTOR *is not* the game for you. This game has plenty of solo aspects but it is not a solo RPG where you can only focus on the main storyline.


Looks like I just *made* it the game for me, and people like myself, and there's not much you can do to stop me.

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....and said (s)he's played about a dozen MMOs and claims everything but the story in this one is worthless and (s)he hasn't even really experienced the true game and doesn't want to.


Well done, I tip my hat to you.


I play MMOs that have all the features this one lacks -- advancement that doesn't require repetitive PvE, robust physics and movement engines for PvP that's based on twitch skill instead of dice-rolls, classes that don't adhere to the archaic roles of Tank/DPS/Healer.


Proper MMOs, like:


-Asheron's Call




-Pre-Trammel UO


There are other MMOs that I wouldn't *defend* necessarily as being great all-around, but had enough value for me to work through them at various points when, to be honest, my standards were lower:


-Champions Online

-City of Heroes


-A Tale In The Desert

-Puzzle Pirates

-Age of Conan


I do play MMOs -- you just have a sadly myopic vision of what sort of game mechanics an MMO must have. Luckily, some games out there do better.

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I think that from the very start of this thread you have proved this statement to not be true before you even made it.


The problems I'm highlighting don't cost any significant resources for BioWare to fix; they're only problems because of BioWare not thinking things through well enough prior to implementation.

Edited by Televangelist
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I just read this entire forum. Strictly for the laughs, mind you.


Does the OP realize how idiotic this whole post/rant comes off? Because it is terribly bad.


It only comes off badly to people who actually like SWTOR as an MMO and are invested in it in that light; if you look on other forums of people talking about this promotion, the consensus is all "SWTOR! It was a terrible MMO, but now for $35 it can be a pretty good single player game."

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I stopped reading at the point you discussed buying Cartel Coints to get money to get gear.


I have gone from 1 - 55 and have not had to spend any real money other than the sub and expansion. I have been stacking planetary comms and using those to buy gear when needed.


Not had a single issue, the 12x XP has been very well done IMO.

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I play MMOs that have all the features this one lacks -- advancement that doesn't require repetitive PvE, robust physics and movement engines for PvP that's based on twitch skill instead of dice-rolls, classes that don't adhere to the archaic roles of Tank/DPS/Healer.


Proper MMOs, like:


-Asheron's Call




-Pre-Trammel UO


There are other MMOs that I wouldn't *defend* necessarily as being great all-around, but had enough value for me to work through them at various points when, to be honest, my standards were lower:


-Champions Online

-City of Heroes


-A Tale In The Desert

-Puzzle Pirates

-Age of Conan


I do play MMOs -- you just have a sadly myopic vision of what sort of game mechanics an MMO must have. Luckily, some games out there do better.


I can see what you like and what you don't like but I don't think you can objectively consider that to be superior/inferior. For example, projectile physics doesn't automatically make a game better, often times it allows latency to play a much higher role in outcomes, many highly rated and quality games don't use projectile physics, even if they are twitch/precision based, think of games like DotA, CSGO, etc.


It seems like you've figured out what to do in SWTOR though, I didn't bother reading through all the pages, but as an MMO SWTOR is somewhat held back by the engine it's built on more than anything Bioware is intentionally doing to it, but in terms of the non-gameplay mechanics aspects of SWTOR this game is doing alright, there's a lot of good communities and a reasonable amount of activity for a game that has a large non-paying customer base.


I also came back for 12x EXP to cruise through the stories that I missed when I initially adopted the game with friends at launch but quit shortly after due to waning interest and limited endgame at the time.


If you have any actual questions still about gearing or mechanics of single player story play I'd be happy to assist, but you should probably ease up on the bashing of a game that other people actually do like on their forums while asking for help. We all have things we like and dislike about the games we choose to play.

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I play MMOs that have all the features this one lacks -- advancement that doesn't require repetitive PvE, robust physics and movement engines for PvP that's based on twitch skill instead of dice-rolls, classes that don't adhere to the archaic roles of Tank/DPS/Healer.


Proper MMOs, like:


-Asheron's Call




-Pre-Trammel UO


There are other MMOs that I wouldn't *defend* necessarily as being great all-around, but had enough value for me to work through them at various points when, to be honest, my standards were lower:


-Champions Online

-City of Heroes


-A Tale In The Desert

-Puzzle Pirates

-Age of Conan


I do play MMOs -- you just have a sadly myopic vision of what sort of game mechanics an MMO must have. Luckily, some games out there do better.


Proper MMO's like..


Asheron's call - Which is down to 10,000 subscribers and never made it higher than DAOC or EQ. Both of which don't have the features you're heralding. Decent for it's time but let's be real. It had no competition and as soon as competition appeared it dropped off the face of the earth. If you tell me it's still going I know.. but life support hardly counts.


Darkfall - A magic spamming fest in the original run that crashed and burned so hard they had to take it off the market to rebuild it. The second iteration not even doing as well as the first. Which is saying something.


Love - Never heard of it but doing some research it's called Quel Solaar. Love on Wikipedia has only a single paragraph discussing it. The epitome of success :rolleyes:


Pre Trammel UO - The only game you listed that actually "went somewhere." and is actually widely regarded as having been a great mmo.


All in all you can bash SWTOR all you want. I just got back into it and I wouldn't call it the greatest mmorpg of all time. It certainly has it's flaws but it's also doing better than all of those you've listed. You herald them of the examples SWTOR should have followed. Who are you trying to convince? You're essentially telling the devs "This mmo should have been like those mmo's that are doing way worse than your game!" Terrible argument. If anything you should be finding examples that are doing better than SWTOR but the problem with that is said examples tend to have a similar approach so you're out of luck there.

Edited by Rhyltran
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I stopped reading at the point you discussed buying Cartel Coints to get money to get gear.


I have gone from 1 - 55 and have not had to spend any real money other than the sub and expansion. I have been stacking planetary comms and using those to buy gear when needed.


Not had a single issue, the 12x XP has been very well done IMO.


Are you doing missions beyond the class missions? Because I'm getting maybe 2 or 3 planetary comms per planet as class mission rewards.

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For example, projectile physics doesn't automatically make a game better, often times it allows latency to play a much higher role in outcomes, many highly rated and quality games don't use projectile physics, even if they are twitch/precision based, think of games like DotA, CSGO, etc.


FWIW, CSGO does in fact use projectile physics -- and low latency is a requirement of nearly all online gaming, so that simply is what it is. DotA is a whole 'nother genre entirely.


If you have any actual questions still about gearing or mechanics of single player story play I'd be happy to assist, but you should probably ease up on the bashing of a game that other people actually do like on their forums while asking for help. We all have things we like and dislike about the games we choose to play.


It goes both ways -- if people don't want me to tell them I dislike the things they like, they should stop trying to tell me the game isn't 'for' me, when the game just put out a promotion that specifically answers the needs of people like me.


I think I'm pretty good on the gear/mechanics at this point from other replies in the thread, but thanks for the thought -- my one remaining question is, where in the UI would I find the option to enable the charge bar above enemies' heads so that I can see when they're doing one of their big attacks and interrupt it? I'm not seeing the option anywhere in the Preferences.

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FWIW, CSGO does in fact use projectile physics -- and low latency is a requirement of nearly all online gaming, so that simply is what it is. DotA is a whole 'nother genre entirely.




It goes both ways -- if people don't want me to tell them I dislike the things they like, they should stop trying to tell me the game isn't 'for' me, when the game just put out a promotion that specifically answers the needs of people like me.


I think I'm pretty good on the gear/mechanics at this point from other replies in the thread, but thanks for the thought -- my one remaining question is, where in the UI would I find the option to enable the charge bar above enemies' heads so that I can see when they're doing one of their big attacks and interrupt it? I'm not seeing the option anywhere in the Preferences.


It's in the Interface Editor, not Preferences.

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Asheron's call - Which is down to 10,000 subscribers and never made it higher than DAOC or EQ. Both of which don't have the features you're heralding. Decent for it's time but let's be real. It had no competition and as soon as competition appeared it dropped off the face of the earth. If you tell me it's still going I know.. but life support hardly counts.


More subscribers doesn't mean a superior game. That's like saying that the movie with the highest box office receipts is inherently the best movie, so why bother reading a Roger Ebert review when you can head over to BoxOfficeMojo?


The average MMO player does not have particularly good taste in MMOs.


Love - Never heard of it but doing some research it's called Quel Solaar. Love on Wikipedia has only a single paragraph discussing it. The epitome of success :rolleyes:


Quel Solaar is the name of the website, not the name of the MMO. And, again: the average MMO player does not have particularly good taste in MMOs.


All in all you can bash SWTOR all you want. I just got back into it and I wouldn't call it the greatest mmorpg of all time. It certainly has it's flaws but it's also doing better than all of those you've listed. You herald them of the examples SWTOR should have followed.


I'm not saying that SWTOR should have followed their example, no -- there's a lot of money in making bad MMOs, and not as much money in making good ones. The topic came up because people were shocked to hear that I liked MMOs while objecting to the game mechanics prevalent in bad MMOs of the EQ/WoW DIKU mold.

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