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As a Story Tourist who just came for the 12x XP class stories, so frustrated. :(


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You're just a lazy gamer who wants everything handed without effort.


Damn right -- because it's a *game*. Effort is for the *real world*. Pour dozens of hours into something that matters in the real world in exchange for a fun payoff? Sure. Pour dozens of hours into a video game hoping for a fun payoff down the road? Eff that. Your priorities are all wrong.

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Damn right -- because it's a *game*. Effort is for the *real world*. Pour dozens of hours into something that matters in the real world in exchange for a fun payoff? Sure. Pour dozens of hours into a video game hoping for a fun payoff down the road? Eff that. Your priorities are all wrong.


Wow, and you admit it...



There you go, a complete set of all the videos of the Trooper storyline, 30 videos worth in a playlist.


You can be nice and lazy, just click play and grab popcorn...



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Good-looking outfits do go for quite a lot, particularly if they're very new or very out-of-stock (case in point: Satele Shan's outfit used to go for millions per piece, but now it's a bit cheaper). Still, the way I understood your OP you should be swimming in credits after selling a hypercrate.


There are other moddable outfits in the game, but you're not going to get most them without crafting, running heroics, flashpoints, ops, or accumulating planet comms; in other words, all the content you want to avoid.


As an aside, you can't send most orange armour back and forth between your characters since they bind on equip. If you want to do that, you need Bind to Legacy armour like the free pilot sets you should receive in the mail on starting a new character. Most other Legacy gear, sadly, is tied to faction reputation (which requires a degree of grinding), and there's not that much of it to begin with.


Oh, I didn't sell a hypercrate, I just sold a couple of normal stronghold packs -- $3 worth, got me 300k in credits roughly.


The free pilot sets are only for people who were around when the space expansion came out, unfortunately.


Appreciate all the help, but one final question -- I can use two crystals on myself and two on my companion, right? Does it make sense for me to just put my hawkeye power crystal in twice, since it's a cartel item and I can create unlimited copies, or should I do 1 power 1 end?

Edited by Televangelist
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Wow, and you admit it...



There you go, a complete set of all the videos of the Trooper storyline, 30 videos worth in a playlist.


You can be nice and lazy, just click play and grab popcorn...




Much less fun if it's not the Trooper you personally made.

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Can I suggest something more like The Force Unleashed for the OP? That sounds more like his/her style of play. A complex MMO is perhaps more than they really want to have to learn to play a game.


I like complex MMOs, if they have gameplay worthy of the complexity -- ArcheAge offers far greater complexity and payoff as MMOs go, for example.


It's not that "I don't want to have to learn to play a game," it's "I don't want to ahve to learn to play *this* game," because this game isn't worth it, or I would have been here before the 12x XP started.

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Much less fun if it's not the Trooper you personally made.


How so? You enjoy pressing 1, 2 or 3? I mean you've already said the gameplay is garbage. If all you're here for is literally the stories, go watch a movie on youtube. Save some cash.

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Hmm, sounds like buying random green gear in GTN is a significantly better option than orange gear plus green vendor mods, thanks.


I take it that in terms of 'best stats' for me and my companion, the classes work the same at 55 as they do at 25, so just read up on what a given class's important stats are online and buy accordingly at my level?


Yes and no. At lower levels, you'll only have Endurance and your mainstat (depending on your base class, obviously). Then, Critical Rating and Power appear (you generally want to have a bit of crit and a lot of power, but while levelling you're unlikely to reach the soft cap for crit so it doesn't matter much). Then, tertiary stats pop out: alacrity, accuracy, surge, defense, shield and absorb. The latter three are for tanks, and there's detailed numbercrunched guidelines on how the classes should gear them depending on the boss etc. none of which should matter for you in the slightest. As a DPS, go for accuracy until you reach 100% melee / ranged accuracy, after that stack power, surge, and a bit of crit. Healers and Lightning / Telekinesis Sorcs / Sages can also go for alacrity.


Just saw your other post (man, you're going at it fast ...). Only tanks should ever use Endurance over Power.


Damn right -- because it's a *game*. Effort is for the *real world*. Pour dozens of hours into something that matters in the real world in exchange for a fun payoff? Sure. Pour dozens of hours into a video game hoping for a fun payoff down the road? Eff that. Your priorities are all wrong.


If you're not having fun playing this game, it may not be the game for you, as many others have said. There's a few good books I could recommend you if all you care about is story.

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How so? You enjoy pressing 1, 2 or 3? I mean you've already said the gameplay is garbage. If all you're here for is literally the stories, go watch a movie on youtube. Save some cash.


The story feels way less personally gripping when it's someone else's Trooper and someone else choosing the dialogue, yes.

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Much less fun if it's not the Trooper you personally made.


Play any way you like, it is your game... but you keep smashing your head into the wall here, you keep getting replies that don't match what you want to hear and you keep arguing...


You're playing the wrong game, that is the long and short of it, for the experience you claim you want...

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I am basically SWTOR's dream customer.

LOL, no, you're not. Their dream customers are the people who have been playing and subbing since launch (almost 3 years ago) and spending money on the cartel market.

Except SWTOR *is* for me, because they created a promotion *specifically aiming to attract people like me*. If they didn't want me, they wouldn't have put the promotion out there. Now they need to do a better job of catering to people like me, people who basically just want to play KOTOR 3 through 10.

Ummm, no, they didn't. You're confused. The 12X Class XP bonus is aimed at allowing subs to level alts up to max level before the SOR expansion level increase kicks in....so if someone hadn't played all 8 classes to max level yet, this gives them the opportunity to just go through the class stories on those other classes. The 12 XP bonus wasn't aimed at bringing in new players who only want class story as it's a limited time bonus for subs. It's gone once the expansion launches into early access.

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Yes and no. At lower levels, you'll only have Endurance and your mainstat (depending on your base class, obviously). Then, Critical Rating and Power appear (you generally want to have a bit of crit and a lot of power, but while levelling you're unlikely to reach the soft cap for crit so it doesn't matter much). Then, tertiary stats pop out: alacrity, accuracy, surge, defense, shield and absorb. The latter three are for tanks, and there's detailed numbercrunched guidelines on how the classes should gear them depending on the boss etc. none of which should matter for you in the slightest. As a DPS, go for accuracy until you reach 100% melee / ranged accuracy, after that stack power, surge, and a bit of crit. Healers and Lightning / Telekinesis Sorcs / Sages can also go for alacrity.




Just saw your other post (man, you're going at it fast ...). Only tanks should ever use Endurance over Power.






If you're not having fun playing this game, it may not be the game for you, as many others have said. There's a few good books I could recommend you if all you care about is story.


I'm having tons of fun so long as I don't have to worry about this 'meta' part of the game too much. Based on what you've told me, I basically have a checklist now that I'll execute without needing to think too much about it prior to the final boss fight on each planet, and then I can go back to spending my time on the part that I *do* enjoy. So, thank you for that -- you and I are almost certainly getting very, very different things out of SWTOR, but you've been a big help with me getting mine.

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Play any way you like, it is your game... but you keep smashing your head into the wall here, you keep getting replies that don't match what you want to hear and you keep arguing...


You're playing the wrong game, that is the long and short of it, for the experience you claim you want...


I've gotten replies that gave me all the information I needed; getting to annoy people like you is just an added bonus.

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I like complex MMOs, if they have gameplay worthy of the complexity -- ArcheAge offers far greater complexity and payoff as MMOs go, for example.


It's not that "I don't want to have to learn to play a game," it's "I don't want to ahve to learn to play *this* game," because this game isn't worth it, or I would have been here before the 12x XP started.


How do I put this...


You don't know what you're talking about... You don't have any toons far enough along to actually understand what the game offers, and by your own admission, you haven't done most of the content that IS at your level...


If you don't like the game, don't play it. No one is making you play it... but you're trying to play it without having to play it. It reminds me of my mother, who wants to use her computer to view her pictures from her digital camera and send them to family, but she doesn't want to understand anything about windows explorer, files, where they are, how to find them, etc. I've tried teaching her how to use a computer, but she just says, "I don't want to know all that techie computer stuff, I just want to send pictures to my family".


Yea, well, then you have to learn that techie stuff, like how to copy files or how to attach files to an e-mail, or how to move files from your memory stick to the computer's hard drive. It doesn't just happen for you.

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I take it that in terms of 'best stats' for me and my companion, the classes work the same at 55 as they do at 25, so just read up on what a given class's important stats are online and buy accordingly at my level?


Yes. The only companions that are all the same base stat are the trooper companions who are all Aim. All the others characters have companions with a different stats for each companion. For example, Kalio is Aim, Ashara is Strength and Nadia is Will Power.

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I'm having tons of fun so long as I don't have to worry about this 'meta' part of the game too much. Based on what you've told me, I basically have a checklist now that I'll execute prior to the final boss fight on each planet, and then I can go back to spending my time on the part that I *do* enjoy. So, thank you for that -- you and I are almost certainly getting very, very different things out of SWTOR, but you've been a big help with me getting mine.


On the contrary, actually. I've never played another MMO in the game, and I got here because of KOTOR (into which I got via Bioware, I'm not actually a Star Wars fan). Only reason I'm playing this are the stories. I just happen to enjoy the content itself, too.

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How so? You enjoy pressing 1, 2 or 3? I mean you've already said the gameplay is garbage. If all you're here for is literally the stories, go watch a movie on youtube. Save some cash.


^ This... What the OP has done is come to the game's forums, filled with people who like the game, and told them, "your game sucks, I don't want to play it, I just want to see the stories then I'm GONE. please help me"


Yea, big surprise there is no huge fan club for the OP.

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It reminds me of my mother, who wants to use her computer to view her pictures from her digital camera and send them to family, but she doesn't want to understand anything about windows explorer, files, where they are, how to find them, etc. I've tried teaching her how to use a computer, but she just says, "I don't want to know all that techie computer stuff, I just want to send pictures to my family".


Your mom's right.


Yea, well, then you have to learn that techie stuff, like how to copy files or how to attach files to an e-mail, or how to move files from your memory stick to the computer's hard drive. It doesn't just happen for you.


I got the information I needed from this thread and turned it into a checklist I can run through quickly prior to the big boss fight on each planet, so... guess it did 'just happen for me'? :p


You could do similarly with your mom, if you want to be helpful.

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I've gotten replies that gave me all the information I needed; getting to annoy people like you is just an added bonus.


I'm not annoyed... If I allowed random people on the Internet to annoy me, I'd go crazy.


I'm not even typing replies for you... they are more for the other people who will read this, some who will play the game, some who won't...


You're just a selfish jerk who doesn't care about anyone in the world but yourself. You have lots of company in the world, so I guess that's ok... My hope is that other people read what you type, see the endless replies that you're not listening to and arguing with, and perhaps they can have a self-aware moment and realize that they shouldn't repeat this behavior, because it really just makes you look like a fool.


Which you clearly don't get, but others, watching from the outside, just might...

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Damn right -- because it's a *game*. Effort is for the *real world*. Pour dozens of hours into something that matters in the real world in exchange for a fun payoff? Sure. Pour dozens of hours into a video game hoping for a fun payoff down the road? Eff that. Your priorities are all wrong.


Really? Nice of you to make an assumption about me. But that's ok. Anyway, entitement rears its head once more. So I will spill this out for you plainly. Yes games are meant to be fun, but MMO's are multi aplayer games that require joint effort to be fun.


Making a real life comparison is foolish because even in a most other games you can't get anything without effort. Oh and my priorities are wrong because I earn my way in an MMO? Who made you authority on what's fun ir what is a pay off?


MMO's are clearly not for you and by extension this game too. But with youe entitled attitude, go play a game you can use cheats on. We won't miss you.

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That would take an insane amount of time. Who the hell has time for the standard MMO leveling grind once they're out of high school? Most people value their time more highly than that.


Well, you see, there's this thing called entertainment that adults spend time and money on because everyone needs a hobby. Because, you see--most people who choose to play an MMO actually want to play it as a game and not as a weird pseudo-book where you expend no effort and a story appears before you.


Spoiler alert: The stories really aren't that exciting if you don't like the game, too. I would not play this game if I didn't enjoy it as a game. How pathetic of me. :eek:


You're doing literally everything wrong, so I'm going to assume you're an angsty highschool troll who thinks adults don't play video games--LOL. What is the average age of a gamer these days, like mid-30s? MMOs aren't for kids, considering you have to actually have an income to play them... bye.

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As an aside, could people please shut up about the "entitlement generation"? There's been entitled people in every generation, and every generation is the worst ever. Just say he's being entitled, no need to drag the rest of us into it.


Edit: all-caps are never justified. Except in youtube comments and political discussions, that is.

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As an aside, could people please SHUT UP about the "entitlement generation"? There's been entitled people in every generation, and every generation is the worst ever. Just say he's being entitled, no need to drag the rest of us into it.


Fair point. I'll edit my post.

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Well, you see, there's this thing called entertainment that adults spend time and money on because everyone needs a hobby. Because, you see--most people who choose to play an MMO actually want to play it as a game and not as a weird pseudo-book where you expend no effort and a story appears before you.

Well said :)


But the OP is clearly a troll...you're all just falling for it.

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