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Go back, and actually read the thread. Not what I've been saying at all. This isn't about tanking lowbies, or trying to trick carebears into flagging. I don't think the mechanic should be changed so that button mashers are protected at the expense of actual owpvp.


See that word I highlighted for you? That's all I need to read. Everything I need to know is addressed, right there.

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READ THIS: this has already been debated the heck out of so if you think im at fault or think its the person who attacked who is at fault it theres no need to say anything.


You should know better than to bring this up here. You're not going to get what you want.

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Got any videos? I've never had it happen, so I'm curious to see how it works.


Why would I waste the time to make videos of common gameplay? That makes even less sense than people demanding video to prove bugs, exploits or hacking in WZs. I expect you just haven't noticed it rather than not having seen it. I see it pretty regularly particularly with ranged DPS. It usually only happens to melee when they have a mezzed opponent within melee range.

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This game lost the "hardcore" PvPers a long time ago son. All we have now are casual PvPers.


That much was obvious, based on the vitriol being thrown at the non PvPers in this thread alone, then there's the "PvP is the most played part of the game, but we need a server merge" thread, that I notice you've posted in. All that's really left are the "if I get a chance to gank someone, I'll PvP, if not, I'm just gonna run around on the PvE server talking about how good I am at PvP" crowd.

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Why would I waste the time to make videos of common gameplay? That makes even less sense than people demanding video to prove bugs, exploits or hacking in WZs. I expect you just haven't noticed it rather than not having seen it. I see it pretty regularly particularly with ranged DPS. It usually only happens to melee when they have a mezzed opponent within melee range.


So it happens all the time against other players?

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That much was obvious, based on the vitriol being thrown at the non PvPers in this thread alone, then there's the "PvP is the most played part of the game, but we need a server merge" thread, that I notice you've posted in. All that's really left are the "if I get a chance to gank someone, I'll PvP, if not, I'm just gonna run around on the PvE server talking about how good I am at PvP" crowd.


Ah yes, vitriol, you mean like the 100s of times PvPers were called "Griefer" in this thread?


Or maybe it is your mini rant above, which has to purpose but to belittle people?


Or maybe you mean the voices silenced by the mods?

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That much was obvious, based on the vitriol being thrown at the non PvPers in this thread alone, then there's the "PvP is the most played part of the game, but we need a server merge" thread, that I notice you've posted in. All that's really left are the "if I get a chance to gank someone, I'll PvP, if not, I'm just gonna run around on the PvE server talking about how good I am at PvP" crowd.


Would you agree that auto-target should be disabled from targeting yellow enemies? Would that prevent the griefing described?


If the answer is yes, then this thread has already produced a reasonable compromise and you are being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative...

Edited by azudelphi
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So it happens all the time against other players?


Did you read the examples I gave? It was about auto targeting, queued abilities and cool downs. It doesn't matter if it's against other players or mobs. That part works just the same. The example had nothing to do with the specifics of players, it was an explanation of how the mechanic works within the game and why some people in this thread are wrong in their assertions.

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That much was obvious, based on the vitriol being thrown at the non PvPers in this thread alone, then there's the "PvP is the most played part of the game, but we need a server merge" thread, that I notice you've posted in. All that's really left are the "if I get a chance to gank someone, I'll PvP, if not, I'm just gonna run around on the PvE server talking about how good I am at PvP" crowd.

Vitriol? Such as? I have no problem at all with someone not PvPing - that doesn't bother me in the least. PvP isn't better, or worse, than PvE...it's simply a preference, like sugared or sugar free sodas.


I post in a lot of threads...and I play on a PvP server...do you find it funny that I have an opinion on PvP server merges? I'm pleased you're following me though...I hope you learn a thing or 2.

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PvP is fun, if there's no chance that you can lose. When the mains come out, those people are nowhere to be seen.

Maybe that's how you feel about PvP, but that's not how I feel. I have fun PvPing, even when I do lose...dying is expected in PvP, thankfully all it costs you in this game is a tiny amount of time.

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There is plenty of posturing on both sides.


PVP players are just as important as PVE players IMO. Yes, perhaps they represent a minority in the playerbase, and when a choice has to be made that will either benefit PVP or PVE, PVE naturally has to likely take precedence.


That said, however, PVP players are the ones that do the work, the theorycrafting, that the game needs to keep things fair and balanced.


So, though I support the idea of fixing this broken system (IMO) we have in place, there are concerns in the PVP community that should likely be addressed.

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That said, however, PVP players are the ones that do the work, the theorycrafting, that the game needs to keep things fair and balanced.


Not really, not as far as PVE is concerned at any rate. If anything it's a hindrance to PVE types when companies focus on balancing for PVP.

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I don't think anyone has an issue with PvP. Personally I don't like it and want nothing to do with it to the point when someone tries to trip me up to flag me then I have an issue. The problem is drawing a line for what is fair for PvE, PvP, and the community as a whole.
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Not really, not as far as PVE is concerned at any rate. If anything it's a hindrance to PVE types when companies focus on balancing for PVP.


I will concede that concentrating on PVP theory ONLY is detrimental. There is theorycrafting (BIS) that occurs on the PVE hardcore side of the coin as well.

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Not really, not as far as PVE is concerned at any rate. If anything it's a hindrance to PVE types when companies focus on balancing for PVP.


While PvP is the minority they still represent a significant portion of the player base. The constant balancing is necessary for them and will not go away.

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Maybe that's how you feel about PvP, but that's not how I feel. I have fun PvPing, even when I do lose...dying is expected in PvP, thankfully all it costs you in this game is a tiny amount of time.


That's not at all how I feel about PvP. I played, and still do, from time to time, Asmodian in Aion. There's a losing fight if there ever was one. That's just some experiences from around the gaming world that I have seen over the years, and, it's funny how similar the personalities are from game to game. I made this prediction about the PvP forums here months ago, w/out ever looking at them:


There are more threads about "nerf this, buff that" than anything else. It was right. Generally speaking, there are more tears on the PvP forums in games with PvP than in any other section, and most from people whom, in the General forum, will lay out how hardcore they are.

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While PvP is the minority they still represent a significant portion of the player base. The constant balancing is necessary for them and will not go away.


No, and I'm certainly not suggesting that it should. Just that whatever theorycrafting and strategies PVP types put together is pretty meaningless to PVE players - and indeed some dislike the changes that come because of the PVP game (I'm sure the reverse is true I just tend not to see the complaints there very often). PVE has it's own theorycrafting that is usually completely different.

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That's not at all how I feel about PvP. I played, and still do, from time to time, Asmodian in Aion. There's a losing fight if there ever was one. That's just some experiences from around the gaming world that I have seen over the years, and, it's funny how similar the personalities are from game to game. I made this prediction about the PvP forums here months ago, w/out ever looking at them:


There are more threads about "nerf this, buff that" than anything else. It was right. Generally speaking, there are more tears on the PvP forums in games with PvP than in any other section, and most from people whom, in the General forum, will lay out how hardcore they are.

I guess I'm missing your point then. These PvP forums are not unlike any others in the MMO universe...and really, if you consider the size of this games population vs something like Aion, it's an extremely minuscule % of the players who are like you say they are here.


It's natural for PvPers to talk about nerf this and that...what do you think they'll post...love letters?! It's a competitive activity...players want competitions to be equal. Does that seem unreasonable to you?


And who exactly is claiming to be a great (hardcore) PvPer here?

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So it happens all the time against other players?

Wouldn't know, but I was tanking a pug op last night that chain-pulled three groups of mobs in a row because one ranged DPS or another executed an attack on a died-too-soon mob and wound up auto-targeting a mob in a nearby group instead.

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